"Do you think you should go to Shenjia today?" Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao snorted and said, "Even if I shouldn't go, you should tell me that it is, how big is it?"

Murong Zhan glanced softly and looked at Ye Hao. He sighed in his heart and reached out and patted her head. "I am not angry with you. At the latest, I will leave tomorrow night. You will stay in Wangdu City." If you don't have to be careful, what should you do if you are in danger in the future? You are not around you..."

Ye Xin’s heart was soft, and he turned his face and looked at him with grievances. “Shen’s daughter is only ten years old. We have a acquaintance. I also promised that she would cure her illness.”

"This time, even if you promised her before, you shouldn't go alone to Shen." Murong Zhan said quietly.

"You still fierce me!" Ye Hao rounded his eyes and stared at him.

The anger of the ink chest was stunned by her trembled eyes, and he nodded her nose. "Don't you be angry? You almost got caught by Shen Yuexuan, you thought those seas." Will the thief be kind to you?"

"I know you are worried about me!" Ye Hao hugged his arm. "But you can't yell at me."

Why is it so delicate, where does he marry her? "Don't rush to see someone you shouldn't see alone."

Ye Hao squinted at him. "You are also a person I shouldn't have seen, then I haven't seen you before."

Murong Zhan laughed, lifted her up and sat on his lap, and bit her ear and asked, "Why are you not supposed to see?"

"Who just said that you have to talk well? Can you talk so well?" Ye Hao pushed his shoulder and shouted.

"I didn't let you talk." Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye took a look at him, pushed him away and sat opposite him. She knew him too much. If she sat on him, she would definitely not say a few words. "Shen Yuexuan looked for me today, he said to be with me* ***The silver is so clear that it seems to be the same as the treasure house."

"**** points?" Murong Zhan snorted, "He dare to speak."

"When Lin Zhanhong did something with my uncle, Shen Yuexuan didn't even dare to take the initiative to sin?" asked Ye Hao.

Mo Rongzhan said, "Lin Zhanhong and your uncle colluded with Ye Rongquan, and made false accounts to deceive the court. The family kidnapped by Lin Maoping threatened him to close the case. No matter which crime, Lin Zhanhong would die."

No wonder Shen Yuexuan does not dare to sin on his own initiative! What Lin Zhanhong has done is already a big crime to confiscate the family. If he asks a crime, he will definitely be involved in other people in the family.

"Since Shen Yuexuan decided to let people come to arrest me today, he is definitely ready, he will have already ran." Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

Murong Zhan is cold and cold, "He can't run far."

"That... what would you do with other people in Shen?" Ye Hao remembered Shen Yuer, the little girl was pitiful and should not be implicated.

"Lin Zhanhong is already dead. As long as Shen Yuexuan tells everything he knows, he will not want his life. As for others in Shenjia, if they are innocent, they will not be guilty." Murong Zhan said faintly, "You want to Want to ask for the daughter of Shen Yuexuan?"

Ye Hao said, "The little girl knows nothing after all."

Murong Chong looked at her deeply. I don't know what kind of person she encountered on her way to Wangducheng. What happened to him, just like this indulge, is it related to that Murong? He had wanted to know who the person who saved her on the ship that day, but it had already passed so many days. He still didn't find out the details of that person. It seems that he had never seen Ye Hao in these days.

"Oh, that..." Ink Murray's eyebrows are slightly embarrassing. Regarding Murong's affairs, he is somewhat unwilling to mention it in front of her.

Ye Hao’s bright eyes like Chen Xing’s eyes looked at him doubtfully. “What?”

Ink Murray's thin lips evoke a faint smile. "Nothing, I should go, or your brother should kill."

"My brother?" Yes, my brother was obviously coming back with a piece of it, and actually let Murong Chan come to her, which is very strange.

"It should be coming soon, I just let him temporarily move." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Ye Hao rounded his eyes and stood up and went outside. "You...you ordered his acupuncture point? Brother must be crazy."

Murong Chong grabbed her waist from behind, pressed her to the window, bowed her lips, and tied her arms tightly around her waist.

"Oh..." Ye Hao’s lips were hurt by him, and his hands were pushed on his chest.

He grabbed her hand and pressed it on the top of her head. The kiss was more intense and deeper. Her bulging chest was attached to him. His breathing was a little short, and the thin lips kissed her along her delicate neck. The collarbone, he squeezed against her body, and the voice whispered, "Hey, go back, think about it?"

Ye Hao only felt that the place he had kissed was like a fire. The whole body was soft and lost strength. She leaned softly on him, and her heart trembled. "Think."

Murong smiled and kissed her lips again. The big palm was kneading her little white rabbit through the clothes. The feeling of full hands made his heart sway. "Grow up, hehe."

"What to say!" Ye Hao blushes and screams at him.

"I won't be wrapped in cloth again in the future. This is awkward." Murong Chong bit her ear and warned.

Ye squinted at his shoulder. "Don't say more, you don't say anything."

Murong Chan sighed her in her arms. "Hey, I want to hide you and take a piece."

“Where do I hide it?” Ye Hao said with a smile, picking up his toes and kissing his chin. “I have something for you.”

"What?" Murong Zhan asked an eyebrow.

Ye Hao pushed him away. He took out a dark blue purse in the guise of the dressing table, embroidered with an ink on it. The embroidered pattern on the purse is also very simple. It’s just a few clouds. In fact, this purse is really taken. Do not shoot.

"I... I am not good at women's red, you don't want to give up." Ye Hao whispered.

"The same as the one you used to give me?" Murong Zhan was happy.

Ye Hao said, "I am exactly the same, anyway, my female red has not grown like this, if you can't see it, give it back to me."

Murong Chan put the purse tightly in his hand, and when he saw it, he found two lines on the back.

Peach 夭夭, its leaf 蓁蓁, IKEA room,

"This is what you wanted to tell me at the time?" Murong Zhan looked down at her and asked.

Ye Hao put the purse on his belt. "At that time, I still didn't understand it. I just wanted you to know my name. Later, I thought about if I had a chance in the future, I would like to embroider more words on the purse."

"What?" Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao glanced at him and whispered, "I want to be single-minded, and the white head is not separated."

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