I hope to be single-minded, and the white head is not separated.

In the heart of Murong Zhan’s heart, he reached out and held her tightly in his arms. When he looked down and wanted to kiss her again, Ye Haonan’s voice was heard outside.

"Ink-Chan, you give me out!"

Ye Haohong squinted to avoid his kiss. "My brother is coming, you still can't go out."

"It’s not the time to come." Murong Chong snorted and hurriedly kissed her on her lips. "Hey, go out first."

"Come on!" cried Ye.

When Murong Zhan pulled up the curtain and was about to go out, Ye Xiaonan had already strode. When he saw him, "Do you dare to enter my sister's boudoir?"

"Hey, he went in, what happened?" Murong Chong looked at him and asked faintly.

Ye Haonan gas knot, today he realized that the gap between the two of them has already annoyed him. Then he saw that Murong was in a high-spirited manner, and he was even more angry. "Ink Murong, come out, I want to talk to you." Singled out."

"Brother, have you beaten him?" Ye Hao cried in a sigh of relief. "Whatever you want, don't make trouble."

"Hey, how do you help him to talk." Ye Xiaonan heard his sister's partiality, and he was even more annoyed.

Ye Yan said with a red face, "I am helping him, I am helping you."

"Hey!" The girl's extroversion is really right!

Ink dark and dark scorpion gently looked at Ye Hao, "Go into the house, I will go out with your brother."

Ye Hao was seen by his cheeks and he nodded gently. "You are careful."

"Why should I go out with you?" Ye Yannan asked in a hurry, standing in the same place and refused to move.

"You don't want to see Shen Yuexuan?" Murong Cham asked faintly.

Ye Yinan’s palms are itchy, and he really wants to go to Shen Yuexuan.

"Hey, you have nothing to say to me?" Ye Xiaonan asked loudly.

"What do you say to you?" Ye Hao raised an eyebrow. "Brother, don't always bicker with him, he is letting you, you are getting more and more."

"Ye Ye!" Ye Xiaonan yelled, "You are still not my sister!"

"Of course I am your sister." Ye Yan said with a smile, "You are also careful, let's go!"

Ye Yannan glanced at her and said, "No conscience!"

Ink Murd's thin lips and a slight smile, said to Ye Yinan, "Go."

"I am not your courtier, why do you order me!" Ye Xiaonan snarled, or followed Murong Zhan.

Hong Ling, who has been standing next to him, came up. "Girl, are you okay?"

Ye Hao smiled. "It's okay."

Hung Hom’s face is a bit stiff, she just seems to hear the young master shouting the girl is... Ye Hao? It’s the young master who is wrong.



"Do you think Shen Yuexuan will wait for you to catch him?" Ye Xiaonan squinted at Murong Zhan. He thought that Shen Yuexuan had already made such reckless things, then he must have prepared the way, and could not wait. They are going to catch him.

Ink Murray said softly, "He is ready to escape."

"Where are you going to find him?" Ye Yannan asked.

"When you go, you know." Murong Zhan said that he has strode out of the gate and has prepared two horses outside the door.

Xue Lin regained his original appearance and took Ma Jing waiting.

Ye Xiaonan frowned and looked at Murong Zhan. He turned over with him on horseback and ran to the direction of Shen’s family.

Shen Yuexuan did prepare to leave after making up his mind, but he did not expect someone to stare at him.

Shen Yuer and Mrs. Shen have been sent away, but he can't go.

"When did you follow me?" Shen Yuexuan looked at the two strange men in front of him, that is, the two men arrested him when he was about to pretend to leave.

These two people are the dark guards of Murong Cham. When he began to suspect Shen Yuexuan, he had already sent someone to stare at him in Shen.

"It seems that I still looked down on the emperor of Jinguo." Shen Yuexuan said with self-deprecation, now that the help of Murong is still too late? If he is willing to tell the truth of the year to Murong Cham, will Murong Chong let go of his family size?

Since he has been stared, they must not be far away. They only hope that these people will not hurt them. They are innocent.

Shen Yuexuan asked a few more questions, but the two people who looked at him did not say a word, as if they did not hear him talking.

I don't know how long it took, Shen Yuexuan was able to calm down. He always thought that someone would come to see him soon, but no one came. Only two men like the wood man were watching him.

He is almost losing his calm.

The closed door was suddenly pushed open, and a tall, tall man stood tall outside the door.

When Shen Yuexuan saw this man's moment, he knew that all his luck and decisions were wrong.

He never knew that the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty he was facing was so young, calm, and domineering that he could not be alive. He underestimated this young emperor.

“Lin Yuexuan?” Murong Zhan lived down to Shen Shenxuan, and Shen Sheng said his real name.

Ye Yinan stood behind Murong Zhan and looked at Shen Yuexuan coldly.

Shen Yuexuan laughed at himself. "You are the emperor of Jinguo? It seems that Liu Ye is right. I should not provoke you, and I should not be lucky."

"Ye Yisong and your father, Cao Lei collusion with the book of greed in your hands?" Murong Zhan did not have extra nonsense, just asked what he wanted to know.

"Do you even know everything in my hand?" Shen Yuexuan looked at him in surprise. What else does this man still know?

Murong Zhan was low and cold and glared at him. "Do you think there is anything you don't know?"

Shen Yuexuan bowed his head and slowly squatted down. "I sinned and handed over all the books to you. I only hope that you can let the family of the grass people."

"Since you want to let go of your family, do you dare to let those pirates go to kidnap Lu Hao?" Murong Chong asked coldly.

"It is the crime of the grass people to die!" Shen Yuexuan has been hard to say regret.

Ye Yannan stepped on his head. "Did you forget who Lu Yan is?"

Shen Yuexuan had a pain in his head for a while, and he did not dare to struggle. "I didn't think about hurting her! I just wanted her to hand over the map and the map."

"Even if you don't want to hurt her, you should die!" Ye Haonan said with anger. "My sister is not threatening if you want to threaten. Shen Yuexuan, our Ye family is not as kind as my sister, you dare to threaten her, I You can take your daughter to make atonement for you."

"You dare!" Shen Yuexuan was furious.

Ye Yinan kicked him off. "You can try it and see if I dare to do this."

"You dare to hurt my daughter, don't think I will hand over the books." Shen Yuexuan yelled.

"Hey, who cares about your broken account book." Ye Xiaonan sneered at it, it was Murong Zhan who wanted to solve the case, and he did not want to solve the case.

Ink Murray said faintly, "Look at your share, you will let your daughter go."

Ye Yinan yelled at him angrily.

"If you have opinions, you can go find them." Murong Zhan smiled and said to Ye Yinan.

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