Shen Yuexuan will be able to prove that Ye Yisong’s collusion between officials and officials and the collusion of officials and thieves are hidden in the basement of the ancestral hall. Under the spiritual card of Lin Zhanhong, these books have been obtained. Murong Cham has basically found all the evidence. He asked Shen Yixian to take Shen Yuexuan. Going back, I will bring back to the country together tomorrow.

As for Shen Jia’s family wealth in Dongqingguo, Mo Rongzhan could not be disposed of by the country, and he was handed over to Ye Yiqing.

Ye Xiaonan’s heart has been sighing with a sigh of relief. After Shen Yuxuan’s painful sigh, he finally got a bad breath.

"The emperor, has brought Shen Yuexuan back." Shen Xiao whispered to Murong Zhan.

"Go back." Murong Zhan handed over the books to Shen.

Ye Yinan came over with his fist and his face was still a little dissatisfied. "There is something to ask you."

Murong Zhan said that Shen Shen first walked away, and Jun looked at Ye Xiaonan with a faint smile. "What?"

"I remember that you didn't have martial arts in the past, at least not so much now. Who did you learn from?" Ye Haonan asked, this is what he always wanted to ask today. He used to see Murong Zhan in Kyoto. The emperor bullied, if his martial arts is so strong, how could it be like a soft buns?

"If at that time others knew the martial arts of 朕, ​​do you think you can stand here?" Before he had no absolute strength, he would rather show weakness than reluctance.

Ye Yinan was cold in his heart. Those who bullied Murong Zhan were really blind. It is no wonder that the house arrest under house arrest, the power to cut power, the weakest and most despising, but he is high and has become unreachable. emperor.

"Who did you learn with your martial arts?" Ye Yannan asked curiously, Kyoto seems to have no martial arts who can become his master.

Murong Zhan remembered his master. He didn't say anything, just a smile, "hidden world."

What is this ghost answer! Ye Yinan swears at him with conviction.

"It's not early, it's time to go back." Murong Zhan said that he will leave here tomorrow. Instead of wasting time with Ye Lannan here, it is better to go back and meet with Ye Hao for a while.

Ye Yinan cried behind him, "I want to be singled out with you!"

"You are not a sly opponent. If you accidentally hurt you, you will feel distressed." Murong Zhan whispered, Ye Xiaonan is his future nephew, how could he compare with him.

"墨容湛!" Ye Xiaonan yelled.

The two went out in tandem, and before they went outside the Shenjia Gate, they heard a fighting sound. The face of Murong Zhan changed slightly, and the figure moved instantly. He just saw the sinking of a man. Hit it out and snatched all the books.

"Emperor!" cried sullenly.

Murong Chong did not catch up, but a letter that fell to the ground.

The sinking and other wounded people are lying on the ground. "The emperor is incompetent and let the man steal the books."

"You are not his opponent." Murong Zhan looked at the familiar handwriting on the envelope, his face was quiet and indifferent, "Get up."

"Who grabbed the books?" Ye Yannan asked to catch up.

Murong Zhan is dark and heavy, "an old man."

"The old man still snatched your things?" Ye Xiaonan stunned and laughed. "There is no way to revisit the case."

"You go back first." Murong Zhan said to Shen Shen, "Come and go."

Ye Xiaonan was curious to keep up, and Murong Zhan looked back at him. "You should go back and look for Ye Daren and let him deal with the follow-up questions of Shen. Do you want Liujia people to copy the house?"

Ye Xiaonan blinked slightly and had to admit that Murong Zhan said it makes sense.

Murong Chong did not pay attention to him, but turned his back on the horse and went to the place written in the letter.

It was a tea house on the outskirts of the city. It was sparsely populated, the tea house was quiet and elegant, and there was no one. Murong Chong came directly to the second floor. On the terrace next to the window stood a long figure wearing a dark blue robes.

"It's coming very fast." The man turned and his handsome face had a shallow smile.

Murong’s face is as cold as ice, “Six Ye?”

"Polite." Murong snorted and pointed at the table next to him. "Sit down and talk."

"How come you are here?" Murong Zhan slowly walked over, his fingers pounding silently on the table.

On the round table, there is a book that has just been found from Shen.

Murong sat down and poured a cup of tea for the two. "It’s always in Wangdu, but there are some unexpected things that you have come."

"You have been here for so many years?" Murong Cum asked softly.

"Do you think I will live in a place for so many years?" Murong smiled and asked.

Murong Chan looked at him with faint eyes. "Six brothers, is Murong Yu you?"

Murong slammed his lips and smiled. "What do you say?"

"Oh, I have always been skeptical about you." Murong is the surname of their master. The six princes of the Tang Dynasty don’t even want their own royal family names. They directly crowned their master’s surname and walked the world, and only he could do it.

"Little teacher..." Murong smiled and looked at Murong Zhan. "You have been hiding deep in the past few years."

Murong Zhan’s face sank, “Don’t call it!”

"The Master of the Lost Master has always thought that you are honest and honest, and can be bullied." Murong said with a smile, Master knows that he missed the good seed of Murong Cham, and he estimated that he wanted to hit the wall with his heart.

"What do you want to do to grab these books?" Murong asked faintly.

Murong Yan raised his eyebrows. "Shen Yue Xuan and I are finally working together. You will stay with him."

"You will also cooperate with such a stupid person? Before he let the pirates go to kidnap, he may let him go." Murong Zhan's clear eyebrows are like a frost, and he is not going to let Shen Yuexuan.

Referring to Lu Yan, Murong Yu had a pain in his heart and silently bowed his head and took a sip of tea.

"I heard that you saved it on Bailongjiang, thank you." Murong Zhan whispered that he should have known that Murong Yu was Murong, but he did not know what his heart was.

Murong Yan looked at Murong Zhan and smiled. "I saved her, I don't need you to thank me."

"When did the six brothers return to the country?" Murong Zhan asked with a smile.

"You want me to go back?" Murong looked at him like a smile.

Murong Zhan lifted the teacup and his eyes were clear. "Don't the brothers want to have a cup of wine?"

The smile on Murong’s face gradually faded. “Are you sure you will have this cup of wine?”

"I have never done anything that I want to do. This is why I think the brothers are very clear." Murong Cum said softly.

"There are always exceptions in everything." Murong whispered that he did not want to become an opponent with Murong Cham, but why not move the heart.

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