Ye Hao heard that the key account book that was easily obtained from Shen’s family was stolen by a mysterious person. He was worried and worried. Who else in Wangducheng was hiding behind him, actually took away those books.

"Brother, you didn't see what the person looked like?" asked Ye Hao, wrapped around Ye Weinan.

Ye Xiaonan was about to go out and heard the younger sister ask him. He said, "If you don't see it, you will see a back view. Murong Chong has already caught up. He is talking about the Shen family with the emperor. I have to go to the palace. , what are you waiting for me to come back and say."

"Brother..." Ye Hao had no time to say anything else, only to see Ye Xiaonan striding away.

When Ye slammed his feet and was about to turn back into the room, he heard the voice of Murong Cham.

"What's wrong?" Murong Chong turned over and took a few steps to Ye Hao.

"You are back." Ye Hao saw a smile on his face. "Is those books all back? Who is stealing?"

Murong Zhan smiled in her eyes and took her hand and walked back slowly. "It has been taken back, don't worry."

Ye Xie felt relieved and looked at his handsome face. He found that he didn't look too good. "You're fine? Who grabbed those books?"

The martial arts are certainly not weak when they can steal things from their hands.

"A needless person." Murong Zhan said faintly, and did not want to let Ye Hao know the identity of Murong Yu at this time.

"That... when did you leave Wangducheng?" Ye Hao put his hand on his palm, thinking that he wouldn't know how long it would take to meet, and he felt a bit sad.

Murong Chan pinched her little hand. "When you come to see you, you will leave."

"So urgent?" Ye Hao frowned and looked at him reluctantly. "Isn't it going to be two more days?"

"Leaving here is a long night dream, I don't want to let Li Wei in the palace know." Murong Zhan whispered that his identity is placed there, letting people know that he is lurking in Wangdu City is a trouble.

"How could he know?" Ye Hao clutched his hand.

Murong Zhan whispered a smile, glaring at her into the wisteria flower stand next to her, and half-baked her on the stone table. "Hey, can't bear it?"

Ye Hao rubbed his hands over his shoulders, his long legs wrapped around his waist. "I can't bear you, then you will give me up?"

How can he be willing to her! Murong Zhan sighed in her heart and bowed her lips with her lips.

"Azhan..." Ye Hao's tongue pointed to his name, and his soft heart was melted in his arms.

Murong Zhan left her lips with difficulty, and her cheeks were attached. "Hey, when will you return to the country?"

"I don't know." Ye Hao's cheeks floated up two groups of blushing. "You are getting up."

"You are not by my side... What should I do?" Murong Zhan gently put her on her face. "How long have you been forbearing, you know."

Ye said in his ear, "The emperor's harem is three thousand, whoever grievances you endured."

Murong Zhan pinched her chin and said evilly, "Who are you talking about? Little girl."

"Really grievances, the emperor." Ye Hao's mouth curled up with a sweet smile, grabbing his finger and taking a bite.

"I used to get more and more delicate! I dare to bite." Murong Chong hit a little on her little **** and slammed on her lips. "I have something to say to you, listen, don't talk back." ""

Ye squatted at him with a small mouth.

"Dongqingguo seems to be peaceful, but it is not calm. The Liu family is too powerful. The Wanjia family is deeply ingrained. It is the same as the Ye family in the past. However, Li Wei is not a beggar. He has not been able to remove the roots of the family. If Liu Jiahe Wanjia teamed up, he must have no stability, and your father is a prime minister. If Li Wei does not have your father, Dong Qingguo is not his master, but because of this, your father is more dangerous in Dongqing. Only your father and brother, naturally no one can start with him, but now you are here..."

"Hey, you are the soft underbelly of your father. You know that your heart is soft, you can't stand others asking you, protect yourself, don't let others have a chance to hurt you." Murong Zhan whispered.

"How do you know so clearly?" Ye Hao looked at him in surprise. "Wan... Isn't the family already broken?"

Murong Zhan said with a smile, "Which family is a broken family, only 10,000 people know."

Ye Hao Xiumei picks, "Emperor, you are the emperor of Jinguo, how do you know this in detail to Dongqing?"

"Silly." Murong Zhan chuckled, he is determined to be in the world, and he is naturally familiar with the situation in various countries. "Do you understand what you just said?"

"I know, you don't believe that I can protect myself?" Ye Hao asked.

Murong Zhan pinched her cheek. "Then a dozen pirates, can you cope with it?"

Ye Hao said, "I can handle it. Didn't you send me this sleeve arrow? I have smeared the medicine on every arrow. Even if they can't shoot them, they will be unconscious. Azhan, you believe. I, I can protect myself."

"What you want is not that you can protect yourself. I hope that you will never have the opportunity to use this sleeve arrow." Murong Zhan whispered, "Don't worry about it."

Ye said to his neck. "I will only be at home in the future. I will calculate the door and I will not do anything about it. I will not let myself be dangerous, okay?"

"Let Xue Lin and Wu Chong stay with you and bring them with them when they go out," said Murong Cham.

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded and promised, anyway, he would be relieved.

Murong Zhan kissed her mouth and said, "That's going back."

Ye Hao looked at him with a sneak peek, "I will send you."

"No, don't invite people to see it." Murong Zhan held her shoulder. "If you write a letter to Yu in the future, you will hand it over to Xue Lin."

"Who wants to write to you." Ye took a look at him.

Murong Zhan smiled and asked, "Don't write to you, who will write to whom?"

"Give me a mother and a mother, and the Queen Mother." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Hmm?" Murong Zhan smiled at her.

Ye Hao hooked his finger, "Azhan..."

Murong Zhan hugged her in her arms and smashed her, decisively loosened her, and took her out of the wisteria flower stand. "You are here, you are gone."

"Then take care of yourself." Ye Hao grabbed his hand and was reluctant to let go.

"Good!" Murong Zhan said with a smile, regardless of the two shackles that had been anxious to turn around, and bowed down to kiss Ye Hao, "I will pick you up."

Ye Hao loosened his hand and nodded blushingly. "Good!"

Murong Zhan turned and strode away, fearing that he would not leave, he couldn’t help but force her to go with him.

"Girl!" Hong Ling called the leafhopper who wanted to keep up. "The emperor is gone."

Ye Hao sighed. "I know, let's go back."

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