With the exposure of Shen Yuexuan, Li Wei in the deep palace also knew that Murong Zhan was in Wangducheng. When he wanted to send someone to invite him into the palace, he discovered that Murong Zhan and others had already left.

Ye Yiqing took the copy of Shen Yuexuan's home, including all his business and shops in Wangducheng, but filled the treasury of Dongqingguo. As for Shen Yuexuan's business in Jinguo, that is the thing of Jinguo.

The Liu family’s people are still holding on to this matter, especially Liu Wenzhi, who is a book of the Ministry of Military Affairs. He even told Ye Yiqing that he did not report, and concealed the truth of the ink-filled Zhan’s city in Wangdu, which was intended to be treason, and was in Cao Ying. The heart is in Han, and the emperor is to punish Ye Yiqing.

Li Wei ignored all the memorials.

Liu Wenzhi is the father of Liu Guizhen, who has been forcing the emperor to establish a prince. Everyone knows that he wants to support his grandson to become a prince. However, now Liu Guifei has been locked up in the cold palace, and the great emperor is forbidden to be in the emperor, his daughter. I couldn't see it with my grandson. I was so sullen, and now he has the opportunity to deal with Ye Yiqing, how can he miss it.

Originally, Ye Yiqing ignored this matter. As Liu Wenzhi became more and more obsessed with other censorships, he had to face up to this problem.

In the hall, the Liu Party began to attack Ye Yiqing's identity as a hidden ink.

"Liu Daren, what is the relationship between Jin Guo and our Dongqing country?" Silence for a few days, Ye Yiqing finally spoke.

"What relationship can it be? It was only recently that I had fought. What did Ye Daren think is the relationship?" Liu Wenzhi snorted.

Ye Yiqing smiled silently. "It seems that Liu Daren is not very concerned about the imperial court. Dongqingguo and Jinguo have become allies. The two countries have come to each other. The people of Jinguo can go to Dongqing if they have a customs clearance. Business, on the contrary, our Dongqing country is the same. Since the emperor of the other party came to the micro-service, it is natural to treat ordinary people. Otherwise, what should Liu Daren think? As an ally, shouldn’t the emperor be respected?”

Liu Wenzhi snorted, "Allies? It is only a treaty that has to be signed to ease the war. If Murong Zhan is in our hands, why are you afraid of fighting with Jin Guo? Ye Daren, you are afraid that Dongqing will grow up." Your home country."

"If you don't keep your promises and betray your faith, Yemou can't do it. Even if it's not the emperor of the kingdom of the country but the emperor of other countries, as long as it is an ally, you should keep your promise and respect the treaty, not just after signing the peace and trade treaty. Immediately repented and caught the other emperor." Ye Yiqing said quietly.

"The emperor, the minister thought that Ye Daren said that the reason is that the Jin Guoqiang is above the Dongqing State. If it was ruthlessly disrespectful to their emperor, I was afraid that the consequences would be endless." Other ministers stood up to echo Ye Yiqing.

Liu Wenzhi snorted coldly. "The emperor and the minister are not the same. They just think that it is suspicious that Ye Daren will hide the Emperor Kamko in the Prime Minister's Office. If Murong Zhan is treated as an ordinary citizen, he still needs to Does he please go to the house to serve? It is clearly another picture."

Ye Yiqing smiled and shook his head. "Liu Daren, Yemou entertained her future son-in-law to live at home. Is this worthy of your doubt?"

"What future son-in-law?" Liu Wenzhi asked without knowing.

Li Wei looked at Liu Wenzhi with a faint look. "Is Liu Aiqing still not knowing? Ye Xiexiang's daughter is the fiancee of the Emperor of the Republic of Korea, and Murong Cham is the son-in-law of Ye Yuxiang. This matter Ye Haoxiang said to you earlier, you Why bother to keep on hold?"

Liu Wenzhi's face changed. He didn't know that Ye Yiqing's daughter was actually the queen of Jin Guo's future. No one told him about it!

wrong! He is calculated!

"Emperor, Chen..." Liu Wenzhi hurriedly wanted to explain.

Li Wei waved his hand impatiently. "Liu Wenzhi, Sui Ben sees you as the official of the two dynasties. You should understand the facts. You are right and wrong in Ye Xiexiang's case. Turning black and white upside down, you know nothing about it. Is everyone like you?"

Liu Wenzhi hurried down, "Chen knows sin."

"Look, you are old confused, go home and reflect on it." Li Wei said quietly.

"Emperor!" Liu Wenzhi was shocked in his heart. What does the emperor mean? Is it necessary to cut his official position?

Li Wei said faintly. "Yang Bai, all the affairs of the Ministry of War are temporarily taken over by you. Liu Daren seems to be too tired to be confused."

The middle-aged man standing behind Liu Wenzhi stood up and bowed his life.

Ye Yiqing hangs his head, and his mouth bends a touch of imperceptible curvature.



"Why did you get Liu Wenzhi's official position?" Ye Hao listened to Ye Yannan telling her about the things in the hall, and was astonished and surprised. It was so simple to fight a military book.

"Do you think it's so simple?" Ye Xiaonan said with a smile. "It's been a matter of days. Liu Wenzhi's old man makes a memorial to the emperor every day. He wants the emperor to know how many minions he has in the court. He is threatening the emperor must touch us. Hey, do you think the emperor will make him threaten?"

Ye Xie thought that it was no wonder that Liu Guifei’s temperament was originally a source of family studies. “Is Liu Wenzhi not taking the brain?”

"People who are accustomed to arrogance and arrogance are not very brain-conscious, let alone there are people around him." Ye Xiaonan whispered, "This time, Murong Zhan’s thing is to deliberately let him know, the aides behind him give His idea was that he could suppress us by this matter, but unfortunately, they just can't afford to learn the lesson. Are we so easy to calculate?"

In this way, letting Murong Chong live at home is also deliberately tempting Liu Jia to make mistakes...

It’s really a thousand years old fox.

"The person who replaces the Liu Wenzhi Department of Military Affairs will not be a jealous person?" Ye Hao asked.

Ye Yinan looked at her with a smile.

"..." Ye Hao is silent, and it is a smashing victory.

"However, the most powerful person in Liu family is not Liu Wenzhi, and the person who makes the emperor most jealous is not him." Ye Xiaonan said with a frown.

"Who is that?" Ye Hao asked.

Ye Yinan whispered, "It is Liu Wenxue who has 100,000 soldiers in the north of Dongqing. He is the cousin of Liu Wenzhi."

Sure enough, it is a big worry! Ye Xie looked at Ye Xiaonan. "Liu's family is so supernatural, a general who suppresses the border, a military department Shangshu, is Li Wei wanting to give his Jiangshan to Liujia?"

"You know what!" Ye Yannan glanced at his sister. "At the beginning, the emperor used the Liu family to suppress Wanjia. It was less than two years. Is it necessary to cross the river to dismantle the bridge and cut the power of the Liu family? If the Liu family is going to die, the emperor is still looking for it. There is no way to deal with them."

"Be a self-satisfaction, deserve it!" Ye Hao said, but still worried that the Liu family is too powerful, and it is not easy to cope.

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