Murong Zhan returned to Jin Guo at the fastest speed. When he had no time to go to the Cining Palace to ask the Queen Mother, he would call the cabinet minister into the palace.

He wants to review the case of Jiangnan that year, he must send someone he believes to go to Jiangnan.

After all, it has been so many years. Although some people have obtained evidence, it is not easy to reverse the case. In the royal study room, they negotiated with the cabinet minister for a long time before deciding to let the criminal department Shang Shugong personally review the case.

Murong Zhan also saw Gong Peitian and Tang Yuzhao in the palace, told Jiangnan's case to him again, and handed the evidence to him, let him and Tang Yu go to Jiangnan on the same day, and must re-establish Jiangnan, which has become a loose sand. Clean dishes.

This time, he will take a case of Ye Rongquan’s case and put Jiangnan firmly in his hands.

Gong Peitian and Tang Yan went to death.

Murong Zhan is not easy to idle, the outside is almost dark, he simply went to the Cining Palace to give peace to the Queen Mother.

Cining Palace, the Queen Mother heard that the emperor came back, and he was overjoyed, but he was angry and the emperor once again said nothing, and deliberately saw him.

"After the mother, I came back." Murong Cham gave the Queen a privilege, and smiled at the face of the Empress Dowager. "Before the palace, let your mother worry about it."

"Do you still know that the mourning family will worry about you?" The Queen Mother glanced at Murong Zhan. "You have been going for almost a month. There is no news at all. Is the mourner still worried?"

Murong Zhan laughed. "After the mother, I went out of the palace for the case of the year. Isn’t this already back?"

The Queen Mother snorted. "Is that all the things are busy? Do you want to go out of the palace?"

"Almost, I will not leave for the time being." Murong Cum whispered, did not mention where he went to do something.

"The emperor, since you are back to the palace, is it the time to prepare for the draft?" The Queen Mother looked at him with a smile. "There is no other wish now, but I want to hug my grandson. You are not too small. It is time to have Little prince."

The face of Mo Rong Zhan Junmei has a gentle smile. "After the mother, this matter is not urgent. After the marriage, there will naturally be a prince."

The Queen Mother likes to be embarrassed, but thinks that she is the girl of Ye Family after all, and let the emperor eat so much bitterness. Some of them feel awkward. "The emperor, you still remember the embarrassment, but if Ye Yiqing does not Send her back, are you not married for a day?"

"After the mother, I will come back." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "Don't listen to other people's nonsense."

The Queen Mother knows what his son is. He said that too much is useless. "Since you don't want to listen to the mourner, then the mourner will be the master for your draft."

"After the mother, the draft is for the silver..." Murong Chan reluctantly sighed, "The treasury has no money."

"How come?" The Queen Mother looked at Murong Cham in surprise.

Murong Chong deliberately showed a dilemma. "The mother has forgotten it and forgave the tax for two years."

The Queen Mother was really stunned. "This... what should I do?"

"Don't worry, you will find a way." Murong Zhan said, did not mention that the treasury was empty at the beginning, but when he was enthroned, he copied a lot of corrupt officials' property, and the national treasury was still full. Time has been paid, of course, these are not necessary for the Queen Mother to know.

"The emperor, the mourners screamed at Ye Yaoyao's memory, but it was like a good show. Every move seemed to be dignified and generous. It was much better than the previous twists and turns. She was your nephew. You used to think she was Lu Yuzhi. Chess pieces, now she understands the world, what do you care about." The Queen Mother strongly advised.

The ink-filled scorpion of Murong Chong flashed a ray of light. It seems that Ye Yaoyao’s recovery of memory is really smart. He can also let the Queen Mother speak for her. “After the mother, this thing has its own opinions. It’s not too early, don’t bother you. Take a break and wait until tomorrow to see you again."

The words of the Queen Mother have not been finished yet. "The emperor, there are still many flaws in the palace that you have not been fortunate. You have more time to take a look."

"Good." Murong Zhan smiled and promised, "After the mother, I will go back first."

Although there are still many words to say, the Queen Mother sees that Murong Zhan looks tired and unbearable in his heart, and he will not stay with him.



It took two days for the harem to know that the emperor was coming back. They finally saw the hope of life, and they began to live a life of reinvigoration.

The most anticipated is Ye Yaoyao.

"The niece, the emperor is back." Dongmei whispered to Ye Yaoyao, who was lying on the soft couch.

The sun is warm in spring, and Ye Yaoyao is only wearing a single coat, revealing a large white skin like a snow on the neck and shoulders. The delicate and delicate face rises slightly, revealing a magnificent gesture. Even as a woman, Dongmei can’t help but heartbeat. accelerate.

Since Ye Yaoyao has restored his memory, he has become more and more aware of himself. He has grown to be very beautiful. Under her elaborate dressing, she can still be a little more beautiful. Looking at the whole palace, she really can’t find it. Which woman can compete with her.

If the emperor sees such a Yaoyao again, can it really be heartless?

Ye Yaoyao opened her eyes slightly, and the emperor came back. Isn’t her family’s defamation going to see the sky again?

"When did you come back?" Ye Yaoyao sat up straight and clothed with a piece of clothes.

"I heard that I came back two days ago and sent the imperial minister to Jiangnan." Dongmei whispered.

Ye Yaoyao’s movements on his hand, the lips smacked a smile, “dressing and dressing for me, please go to the Queen Mother.”

Dongmei's hands and feet combed his hair for Ye Yaoyao. "The maiden, the emperor is willing to make a fuss for you. It is not completely ruthless for you. Now you are not the old Amon, perhaps you should win the favor of the emperor."

"Do you think that my emperor loves me, I have a way to get Lu Yizhi back from the wilderness?" Ye Yaoyao looked at Dongmei faintly. "Dongmei, Lu Yizhi can't come back, don't say there is a wasteland, He is already a waste man, and he once killed Ye Hao. Do you think he can be like me, will someone save him?"

"Anniling?" Dongmei’s action was a meal.

Ye Yaoyao chuckled. "You are a smart person. If you should listen to which master, you should be the clearest."

Dongmei had a cold sweat on her forehead. She used to lead Ye Yaoyao. She thought she would be so smart when she recovered her memory. She was indeed sent by Ye Yaoyao to Ye Yaoyao. However, she has not heard of the master for a long time, even It is the method of restoring Ye Yaoyao's memory. It was written in the kit that the master had handed over to her for a long time. It was for her to open when Ye Yaoyao had nowhere to go.

Is it true that Lu Yan really can’t come back?

"Mother, slave is your maid, naturally listen to you." Dongmei quickly made a choice for himself.

Ye Yaoyao smiled with satisfaction. "Go, go to Cining Palace."

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