Dongqingguo, Wangducheng, Yuxiangfuli.

Since Liu Wenzhi was called to go home and reflect, Ye Yiqing’s days have finally calmed down, and finally he has thoughts and talks about Ye Zi’s things about him.

"Hey, Jiangnan is already reviewing the case of the year. Will Cao Yu be discovered?" Ye Hao, while cooking the herbal tea, asked Ye Yiqing who was sitting opposite, she knew that she was very concerned about Cao Yu, so some Worried for him.

"No one knows that Cao Lei has a son in Dongqingguo." Ye Yiqing said with a smile, "This is Murong Zhan promised me."

Ye Hao Xiumei picked up, "When you let him live at home, is it for Cao Yu and Liujia?"

"Women, he wants to marry my daughter. If there is no use, what good is it?" Ye Yiqing took the tea from her daughter and smelled it. "What kind of tea is this, it tastes very unique."

"I am doing it myself, I can keep fit, I can drink more on weekdays, and I can raise my spirits. Hey, I will prepare a can for you, and I will send you to the study room for a while." Ye Hao smiled.

Ye Yiqing thought that the prostitute was really intimate, and that the boy couldn’t be so considerate of him. "Hey, why did you remember that Murong Chong would like to revisit the case?"

"It is because of Ye Rongquan's daughter." Ye Hao said, "Hey, do you remember Ye Yaoyao I told you? It is Lu Yuzhi who came to replace me near Murong Cham. She turned out to be the daughter of Ye Rongquan. Lu Shide brought back from the wilderness, somehow lost his memory, and recovered his memory not long ago, and he went with Murong Cham."

“Lost memory?” Ye Yiqing frowned. “No one used to treat her before?”

When it comes to Ye Yaoyao’s amnesia, it is also the place where Ye Hao feels most confused. “I and Qi doctor originally wanted to treat her, but her amnesia was not caused by injuries. We have failed to treat her with many methods. Ok, I didn't expect her to recover her memory at once."

Ye Yiqing indulged for a moment, "To make a person do not remember the previous things, in addition to injury or illness, there is another way, hypnosis!"

Ye Haoyi, "Hey, what is hypnosis?"

“In short, hypnosis makes a person's consciousness a state of substitution. It is a highly suggestive state. In short, hypnosis masters can induce one to reshape personality and transform the mind to become another person.” Ye Yiqing said.

“Become another person?” Ye Hao rounded his eyes. “How did this happen?”

Ye Yiqing carefully pondered, thinking about how to explain to her daughter what is hypnosis, "hypnotism is to let the subject enter hypnosis, induced by humans, this ... I can not explain now, that Ye Yaoyao as you said, I I think it is very likely to be hypnotized."

"Hey, this hypnotism is unheard of. It shouldn't be Lu Yuzhi's hypnosis." Ye Hao said, if Lu Yizhi would hypnotize, I believe she had already used this trick for her.

"I have not seen Ye Yaoyao. Now I can't say how she is hypnotized. However, the highest level of hypnotism is self-hypnosis..." Ye Yiqing whispered.

Ye Hao suddenly shocked. "If Ye Yaoyao is self-hypnotic, will she hypnotize Murong Chan?"

"It is possible!" Ye Yiqing nodded gently, and anyway, Murong Chong was hypnotized and did not shut him down.

"I want to go back!" Ye Hao cried, she remembered the last time Ye Yaoyao asked her to give her the ink to Zhan Zhan. If Ye Yaoyao gave him hypnosis, then...what is the ink-filled Zhan Zhan Zhan? Is she a baby? Thinking of this, Ye Hao can't wait to go back to Jinguo to find Murong Cham.

Ye Yiqing heard a word, "Sit down! Go back and do it?"

"I can't let Ye Yaoyao to hypnotize Murong Zhan." Ye Hao said.

"If Murong Zhan can make Ye Yaoyao hypnotized, then he is not worthy of going back. Do you think that hypnosis is just a few words in front of him?" Ye Yiqing said with no anger, but everything about Murong Cham, The daughter will lose her sense of proportion. Do not know if his daughter will be jealous?

"Hey, I am worried that Ye Yaoyao does not know what means to use it." Ye Hao said helplessly.

Ye Yiqing snorted. "Let the individual go back and tell him. If he is smart, he will not leave Ye Yaoyao in the palace."

It seems that it is impossible to return to the country. Ye Hao said with some disappointment, "Hey, then let me explain it first, let Xue Lin quickly send a message to him."

"Oh..." Ye Yiqing had no time to stop her, she could not see her figure.

Murong Zhan left the two secret guards with protection. Naturally, it was also for the communication of cheap people. Xue Lin got the letter from Ye Hao and looked at her incredibly. "Soul, you don't let your subordinates in the morning." Send a letter to the emperor?"

No matter how much you love, you don’t need two letters a day.

Ye Hao’s cheeks are reddish. “This morning’s letter is not important. This is important. I am worried that someone will harm the emperor. You will quickly send this letter back to Jinguo as soon as possible.”

"Counter, who will harm the emperor?" Xue Lin hurriedly asked.

"Don't ask so much, think of ways to send the letter back to Jinguo." Ye Hao said quietly.

Xue Lin didn't dare to ask more questions, and immediately left with a letter.



"Six Ye, you seem to stay in Wangdu City for a long time." Yingquan gave Murong to a cup of tea, he said with a smile.

Murong Yu held a secret letter in his hand, which was sent from Jiangnan. He just smiled after reading it and burned it.

"Do you live here or not?" Murong asked faintly.

Yingquan hurriedly said, "Where the slaves feel that they don't like it, are sitting here here, it's really rare."

"Well, you are right, this king should go out and go." Murong squinted and smiled and stood up and played the sleeves. "Go to the street and go."

"Six Ye, do you really want to save Shen Yue Xuan?" Ying Quan asked to catch up.

Murong whispered, "He himself is self-defeating, how can the king save him?"

Yingquan knows that Liuye is angry and Shen Yuexuan is going to kidnap Lu girl. "Six Ye, what about Shen Yuexuan's daughter?"

Sinking? Murong slammed his footsteps. "What about her?"

"In addition to Shen Yuer, there are Shen's old lady and Miss Zhang who are placed in the Zhuangzi outside the city." Yingquan whispered.

Murong Yu nodded gently. "Shen Yuexuan has already pleaded guilty. Azhan will not let him go. As for his daughter... I will raise it first."

Yingquan should have a cry, "Hey, Liu Ye."

"I am going out, don't follow," Murong said.

"Six Ye..." Ying Quan grievously looked at his back, why didn't he follow him?

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