Ever since Ye Hao went out of the palace, she had never seen Murong Yu. She thought that he had left the city of Wangdu. I couldn’t think of her temporary decision to buy some medicine to meet him!

"Hey, we really have a fate." Murong smirked at the person who had just come out of the drug shop, thinking that he was so good to go out, actually met her heart.

"Why are you still here?" Ye Hao frowned at him, disliked the unclear smile on his face and made her feel like he was his prey.

Murong Yan looked at Xue Lin behind her. "You are still here, how can I not be here?"

"Then you go slowly, I will go back first." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Oh..." Murong sang called her name. This is his first name called her. "This name is really special, peach 夭夭, its leaf 蓁蓁, good name."

Xue Linhan took a step forward and held Ye Hao behind him.

Murong looked at him with a smile and smiled. "You are not my opponent, let go."

"Anyone wants to hurt the county owner, unless he kills me." Xue Lin's voice is not high or low, calmly saying that today's weather is excellent.

"It's not the dark guard of Murong Cham." Murong looked at Xue Lin and easily guessed his identity.

Ye Hao knew that Murong’s martial arts were powerful. She signaled Xue Lin to retreat. “Mu Rong Gongzi, my guard is just worried about my safety.”

Murong looked at her lowly. "Do you think I will hurt you?"

"Do you know about Shen Yuexuan?" Ye Hao knew that he would not hurt himself. He had saved her several times, but because of his thoughts on her, she wanted to avoid him.

"Know." Murong sighed softly. "The famous merchants in Dongqing are being ransacked. It is difficult to know if you want to know this."

Ye took a look at him. "You don't want to save him?"

"Do you think I have the ability to save him?" Murong asked with a smile.

She didn't know if Murong had the ability to save Shen Yuexuan, but Ye Hao knew that he was definitely not an ordinary person. Shen Yuexuan could not be so respectful to an ordinary person. "Shen Yuexuan is deserving of sin, but he is innocent, you... Do you know where your nephew is?"

Murong looked at her with a sigh of relief. "I don't know, I am looking for her."

Ye Hao said, "If you find her, let people tell me."

"Good!" Murong nodded and promised.

"Then I will leave before you go." Ye Hao gathered a gift and turned to the carriage on the side of the road.

"Oh." Murong looked at her back and asked her to stop.

Ye Hao stopped to look back and looked at him brightly and purely. "Is there something else? Murong Gongzi."

Murong walked up to her step by step. The little girl in front of her was the first time in his life, but the fiancee of his younger brother. If he wanted to get her, he would lose a brother.

"Mo Rong Zhan is your enemy, why do you still like him?" Murong asked in a low voice.

Ye Hao laughed, and his eyes were fascinating. "I don't know what to do, I love it."

She couldn't tell why she was tempted by Murong Zhan, but because of him, she knew what it was like.

Murong Yu had no words for a long time, and his black scorpion seemed to be fading away. The deep eyes were so scared.

"Lu Yan." Murong Yu’s voice was as light as the feather on his apex. "I let you go this time. If you forget it, you forget it. You can’t forget it... Don’t let me see it again in this life. I am coming to you, or I will get you even if I ruin the mountains of Murong Cham."

Ye Hao has never seen such a Murong Yu, and he was shocked by his strong hegemony.

"I am leaving." Murong gave a slight smile, did not look at Ye Hao more, turned and left.

Looking at his long and slender back, Ye Hao has a complex taste that can't be said.

"Counter, the man looked very familiar." Xue Lin whispered behind Ye Xie.

Ye Hao asked, "Have you seen it before?"

"The subordinate thinks... he seems to be the one who had stolen the ledger before." At that time he stood next to the sinking, and he didn't have time to take the shot. The man had already stolen the ledger.

"He?" Ye Hao surprised to look back at Murong, but he did not have him.

Murong Yu and Murong Zhan are aware? Just listening to him talking about the tone of Murong Cham, it seems to be a long-awaited look.

"Let's go back." Ye Hao gently shook his head in his heart, wanting to forget what Mr. Murong had said, she and of course he would not meet again, and there are so many fate.

Returning to the Prime Minister's Office, Ye Hao got off the bus and found a carriage stopped at the door. She was wondering who was coming, and she saw a familiar figure inside the car.

"Master?" Ye Hao looked at the wisdom figure with amazement. He ran over and smiled at Huangfu. "Master, are you back?"

Huangfu smiled at the sound of Ye Hao and smiled. "Just arrived."

"Master, you don't know that I am waiting for you every day, go into the house." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Waiting for him every day? Huangfu’s apex was shocked, and she randomly smiled. She certainly didn’t know that this would make people misunderstand. How she is looking forward to him every day, waiting for him to bring medicine back.

Ye Hao did not find the helplessness on Huangfu’s face. She was still telling him about the recent events in Wangducheng. “...Master, if you come back a few days ago, you might still meet Azhan.”

The emperor took a moment, "Azhan came to the capital city?"

"He came for the case of Jiangnan nine years ago. It turned out that Ye Yaoyao was the daughter of Ye Rongquan, but somehow lost his memory. Now he has restored his memory. He asked Azhan to retreat. The Shen Yuexuan is the son of Lin Zhanhong, who changed their names. I changed my family name to Dongqingguo." Ye Hao simply said things to Huangfu.

"I have heard of the case in Jiangnan that year, but I didn't expect that there were so many twists and turns." Huangfu said, "Has that Azhan has gone back?"

"Yeah, I heard that I have sent people to Jiangnan to review the case." Ye Hao said, "Yes, Master, have you found that medicine?"

Huangfu thought that Azhan personally came to Wangducheng, half of which was for the case of the year, and half for her. "The medicine has already been found, and it will be available to Li Wei tomorrow."

Ye Hao smiled. "That would be great. Just tomorrow I will enter the palace to give him acupuncture. Li Wei’s illness has recovered well. I don’t know if I can cure it. It has not happened again for a long time."

"Go first to see Ye Daren, and then enter the palace tomorrow." Huangfu said with a smile.

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