On the following day, Ye Hao went into the palace with Huangfu.

Li Wei’s illness was much better than before. Ye Hao gave him acupuncture once in a few days, and then used Lingquan to cook him medicine, which would stabilize his head.

The imperial concubine brought the kind of medicine that was always lacking. It was mentioned in the medical case, but it did not say that it could break the roots. However, it is indeed a good medicine to cure this disease. Ye Hao feels that if he adds some spiritual springs, he might be able to Radical.

Su Gonggong led them into the Ganlong Palace, on the main hall, in addition to Li Wei, and Fang Huang and Chen Xianyu.

Li Wei’s arms still carry a child of seven or eight years old. The child looks round and white, and he is listening innocently to Li Wei talking to him.

Ye Hao looked at Fang Fang and Chen Xianyu, who were sitting side by side.

Although Fang Fang’s face has a dignified and gentle smile, it can be seen that her eyes have deep sorrow, watching her beloved man holding other women for his children, no matter who is in his heart, it is impossible. Don't mind.

She looked at Chen Xianyu again and saw that she was just looking at the child in Li Wei's arms with a gentle look, which was totally different from that of Liu Guifei.

I don't know why, Ye Hao feels a little bit sad for the Queen.

"The grass people have seen the emperor." Huangfu took a ceremony and did not seem to feel the strange atmosphere on the hall.

Ye Hao bowed his knees and looked up at the Queen.

Li Wei saw that they were in a good mood and let go of the children in their arms. "Chen Xianyu, take the second emperor and go back and let him study hard."

Chen Xianyu looked up at Ye Wei and slightly complained that their arrival interrupted the emperor to teach her son to read the words. "Chen Chen will definitely let the two emperors study well, the emperor, the empress, and the courtiers will retire."

Fang Fang nodded in a faint spot.

"When did Mr. Huangfu come back?" Li asked with a smile.

"The grass people just arrived at Wangdu City yesterday." Huangfu whispered. "The emperor looks very good. It seems that Lu girl is the right medicine."

Li Xiaoxiao smiled. "I really feel that my body is much better than before. I don't know how Mr. Huang Wei won this time?"

Huangfu said with a smile, "The drug has been found in the next, but it is only whether the emperor's disease can be cured. I can't guarantee it."

"I am still able to sit here alive now. It is already the merits of both your mentor and the disciples. If you can cure it, you will never force it, and you will not blame you for the two." Li Wei said.

"I want to check the pulse again for the emperor." Huangfu said.

Li Wei should be well at the moment, let Su Gonggong go to the dormitory to change clothes for him, and Huangfu and Ye Hao for his diagnosis.

The Queen Empress was nervously watching. In fact, she felt that the Emperor’s body was even stronger than it was two years ago. She was deeply impressed with the Emperor day and night, and she was afraid of accidents.

Huangfu is very surprised.

Before he left Wangdu City, he gave Li Wei a pulse. At that time, he did not think that Li Wei still had a rescue. But now, according to the pulse, Li Wei’s illness is already good, and it is no longer a short-lived image.

"Mr. Huangfu, how is the emperor's body?" The Queen said that the emperor was silent and did not speak. He paused and thought that there was something wrong with the emperor's body.

Ye Hao also looked suspiciously at him.

"The Queen please rest assured that the emperor's body is already very good." Huangfu whispered, he looked at Ye Hao and thought that Li Wei's illness could be so fast, he couldn't get away with it, and he couldn't think of awkward medical skills. It has been such a shock to heaven.

"Master, plus the medicine you brought, maybe the emperor's disease can be cured." Ye Hao said with a smile to Huangfu.

Huangfu nodded gently. "I am going to decoct."

"Master, let me go!" Ye Hao said immediately. "I brought all the medicines you brought in the medicine box. I went to the decocting medicine, and I also explained how to cook the medicine every day after cooking the medicine."

Li Xiao smiled and let Su Gonggong put on his clothes for him. "I heard that Mr. Huang Wei’s chess is exquisite, I don’t know if I am willing to come and fight."



Ye Hao went back to cook the medicine, Li Wei and Huangfu were still playing, she handed the medicine to Su Gonggong, let him look at the emperor, and then went to the Queen of Kunning Palace.

"Queen Empress." Ye Hao smiled and took a gift.

The Queen’s hand held her hand and did not let her salute. “Hey, you haven’t entered the palace for a few days. You shouldn’t be so arrogant in front of the palace. It’s because you want to hide your identity. Now it’s not necessary. ""

To be honest, Lu Hao is also a queen in the future, and their status is basically equal.

Lu Hao sat down next to the Queen, "Im, my body is good?"

The emperor sighed and sighed, and his face looked sad. "The emperor's body is getting stronger and stronger, but this palace... Still like that, the royal doctor was only yesterday, but there is no news."

No one wants to have a pregnancy message than the Queen.

"I will give you a pulse." Ye Hao whispered, she looked at the Queen's temperament, the disease roots left before should be much better.

Fang Huang extended his hand and whispered with Ye Hao. "The emperor is now disappointed. Every day, the second emperor teaches himself to the Ganlong Palace and puts all hopes on the second emperor."

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a bit of a surprise. “Mother, have you recently felt uncomfortable?”

"No, what's wrong?" Fang Queen asked in surprise.

"That's good." Ye Hao's mouth floated with a smile. "You are very good, and the maiden will soon be able to think about it. I will go to the palace tomorrow and give you some tea I made myself." ”

The Queen Queen smiled. "What can you do, can you make your own tea?"

"Unlike ordinary tea, it is made by me." Her teas are all soaked in Lingquan. She has just touched the Queen's heart, but the month is too little. She is not sure. It will take a while to confirm.

"Well, this palace is not allowed to enter the palace every day." Fang Queen said with a smile. "Right, this palace heard that the emperor of Jinguo came a few days ago. Is this true?"

This incident of Murong Chong’s coming over Wang Ducheng also caused the cricket to be attacked for a few days, but the last injury was that Liu Jia believed that the Queen would be happy to see such a result. “It’s been here, but it’s for Jin Guo. Jiangnan’s defamation case, because he didn’t want to disturb the palace, he came over and served. If I happened to meet him, he would even yell at me.”

Listening to the Emperor of the King of the Kingdom in the mouth of the mouth, the empress of the emperor showed a smile, "You and the emperor of the country are very good."

Otherwise, when he is mentioned, not all eyes will shine.

"The feelings of the Queen and the Emperor are also very good." Ye Hao smiled playfully.

Fang Huang glanced at her. "If it can... then there is no regret."

The child is the pain of her heart forever.

"Mother, you will think about it." Ye Hao said with a smile, and will soon be able to achieve it.

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