However, it was a few days, and Dongqing was not calm again.

The leader of the Liu Party took the lead, and the minister of the DPRK was forced to set up Li, and there was no such thing as a long-term leader. The great emperor was already ten years old and could be a prince.

Ye Yiqing was strongly opposed by one party. He believed that the great emperor was devoid of morality, and his mother was shackled and smashed into a cold palace. It was not worthy of being a prince. Moreover, the emperor and the empress were still young, and there was no future in the future.

The two parties argued very fiercely. At this time, news of the poisoning of the two emperors was also heard.

"Hey, how can the second emperor be poisoned?" Because Wang Duocheng was not very calm recently, Ye Hao did not go to the palace to visit the Queen for two days. Today, she heard that the second emperor was poisoned, and she could not help but ask Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing snorted coldly. "It is not poisoned. It is just food, and it is wrong. Some people deliberately let the two emperors eat what they should not eat."

"How did you involve the second emperor?" Isn't the big prince who has been pushed to the wave recently? What is the relationship with the second emperor?

"I don't want to be small and transparent, naturally I have to take some methods." Ye Yiqing said faintly, "Hey, is the illness of the emperor really not a problem?"

Ye Hao said, "With Master's medicine, I don't think it will happen for at least five years."

Ye Yiqing nodded heavily and said, "At least five years can choose a Prince."

"Oh, then... If the Queen gave birth to the emperor?" Ye Hao asked quietly.

"There must be no suspense." Ye Yiqing snorted and jerked back to Ye Hao. "Hey, what do you mean by this? Queen she..."

Ye Hao said, "I am not sure now. Hey, I will go to the palace tomorrow and give the Queen a consultation. It has been so long, the pulse should be clear."

Ye Yiqing nodded. "Good!" Then he frowned and said, "Since you have already seen it, then Wang doctor is giving the Queen a peace pulse every day, why don't he know?"

"I asked the emperor not to look for the royal doctor in the palace for a while ten days ago. I am afraid that if someone knows it will be bad for her, the queen will not know that she is pregnant." Ye Hao whispered.

"Are you going to the palace every day to give the queen a baby?" Ye Yiqing was surprised to see her daughter. He didn't even know that his daughter was still carrying such an important thing.

Ye Xiao smiled. "Hey, the Queen's body is not easy to conceive at all. It's hard to have it. I hope to raise it for a few days. I don't want to mention it for a while, so as not to attract the attention of some people. Now I am sure that their mother and child are healthy. I told you."

"You grew up, and even dare to swear." Ye Yiqing glanced at Ye Hao.

"Hey, tell you now is not the same?" Ye Yan said with a smile.

"Tomorrow into the palace to the Queen to confirm the diagnosis, as long as the Queen is pregnant, Liu Wenxue wants to force the emperor to rise to the Prince's plan will not work." Ye Yiqing whispered, "Dongqing country can calm down for some time."

Ye Hao whispered, "I will enter the palace tomorrow morning."



"The Queen Mother, this is the plum wine brewed by the courtiers. The courtier knows a recipe for beauty, and adds some herbs to the plum wine, which can nourish the yin and make up the face." Ye Yaoyao smiles and delivers a bottle of plum wine to Cheng. Aunt, eyes staring at the Queen Mother.

"You have a heart, the mourner recently likes to drink a glass of wine, which is also very beneficial to the body." The Queen Mother said with a smile, telling Ye Yaoyao to sit next to her, "The mourner is drinking a small wine before going to sleep at night, otherwise it is a little No sleep."

People with a heart will not sleep well, and Ye Yaoyao smiled and asked, "The Queen Mother, you are relaxed, and you can sleep at night."

The Queen Mother sighed, "How can a mourner not want to sleep well? Just think... Hey, did the Emperor summon you in these days?"

How can she sleep well now, the emperor still has no sons, the clan people are staring at him, and she originally wanted to let her family come to Kyoto, but because the emperor suddenly went out for a month, this piece This is not the case. I don't know when there is a time. The draft can't be done. She doesn't know when she can see her own child.

Ye Yaoyao squinted and shook his head. "No."

Since Murong Cham has returned to the palace, he has not been to other people's palaces except Cinin Palace, let alone summoned him.

In his heart, I am afraid that only Lu Yi is alone, actually for her not to touch other women? Such a man... If he can fall in love with himself, it must be the luckiest thing in the world.

The Queen Mother sighed again. "The Emperor is not coming to you, you can always go find him."

"The niece, the emperor does not like the harem of the harem to go to the Qing Palace, and the courtiers dare not go to him." Ye Yaoyao said softly, "As long as the emperor is good, the courtiers... the minister can always hope that he will summon."

"You are a very sensible child." The Queen sighed a sigh. If he could have half of Ye Yaoyao’s sincerity to the emperor, he would not let the emperor work so hard for her. Finally, the emperor fell in love with a woman. The torture, which can be comfortable when the mother saw it.

Ye Yaoyao smiled shyly. "After the Queen Mother, if you feel that you are not sleeping in the palace, you will accompany you to Chengde Mountain Villa for some time and accompany you to distract yourself. Maybe you have nothing to worry about."

The Queen Mother chuckled, "Where is such an easy thing."

"You will believe in it once." Ye Yaoyao shook his hand and shook his hand. "Chen Chen is not a doctor, but he can still accompany you."

"Well, the mourners originally thought about seeing the eyes as the net. How about the emperor's love? Let's go to Chengde Mountain Villa." The Queen Mother nodded. "When the emperor comes to the mourning home, he will talk to him." ”

Ye Yaoyao should be laughing.

In the afternoon, Murong Chong came over to the Queen Mother, and the Queen told him about it.

"Is the mother to take Ye Yaoyao to Chengde Mountain Villa?" Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows. What is this Yao Yaoyao's ability, and he was able to win the Queen Mother's attention.

The Queen Mother said, "Yes, you are not willing to give the mourner a small grandson, and the mourner will not want to see you."

"After the mother..." Murong Chong reluctantly sighed. "That swears to **** you to Chengde Villa."

"You!" The Empress Dowager, "Do you really want to be guarded by Lu Yi for the rest of your life?"

Murong Zhan said with a smile, "He only likes her."

"You are mad at home!" The Queen Mother did not sigh.

"Don't dare, after the mother, you want a grandson, wait until you marry him, let her have a few for you to play." Murong Zhan laughed.

The Queen Mother glanced at him. "Let's go, the mourner doesn't want to see you now."

Murong Chong had to smile and retire.

When he arrived outside the Cining Palace, the smile on his face was gradually taken away. "Go to Zhongcui Palace."

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