Ye Yaoyao is thinking about whether the emperor will agree to the Queen Mother to go to Chengde Villa, Dongmei hurriedly came in, "the goddess, the emperor came here."

"What?" Ye Yaoyao stunned and immediately sat up straight. "You are not mistaken?"

Dongmei’s face was hard to cover up. “The emperor came out from Cining Palace and went directly to Zhongcui Palace.”

Ye Yaoyao does not have the excitement of Dongmei. She knows the feelings of Murong Chong on Lu Hao. It is impossible to come to her at this time, either because the Queen Mother went to Chengde Villa or because of Jiangnan’s affairs. Suddenly I want to spoil her.

"Ready to pick up." Ye Yaoyao whispered, has stood up and sorted out clothes.

Dongmei said excitedly, "Mother, slaves give you the rouge on your face?"

Ye Yaoyao faintly shook his head and gathered the hair of the horns. "No, just like this."

Even if she becomes more beautiful, she is still not comparable to Lu Yan in the eyes of Murong Zhan.

However, she never believed in a long-lasting love. Even if Murong Chan is so obsessed with Lu Hao, she will be tired in the future. She is not in a hurry to compete with Lu Hao at this time.

Lu Yan has ink-like Zhan's like to rely on the mountain, can she not find a backing for herself?

Zhong Cui Gong is not only a noble person of Ye Yaoyao, but also An Zhen. She learned that the emperor is coming to Zhong Cui Palace and has dressed up and dressed outside the door.

This is the first time that Murong Chong stepped into the palace of the harem, and I am not surprised that these are excited.

Murong Zhan stepped in and stepped in. He didn't seem to find an ampoule at his feet. He went to Ye Yaoyao's partial hall.

"The maiden, the emperor... the emperor went to find the Yao nobles." The palace lady around An Zhen whispered.

Anzhen held the hand of the palace lady and stood up. The delicate face of the makeup looked sly and angry. She slammed the scorpion forcefully. "That little slut! It’s a fox, and it’s a good thing to turn the Queen’s back. Now even the emperor..."

"Anniling!" Her maidess hurriedly grabbed her hand, fearing that she would say something that would sin.

Anzhen snorted, "Go back!"

"Chen Chen greeted the emperor." Ye Yaoyao squatted on the ground, her younger brother and sister succumbed to the ear, did not get the consent of the ink, and did not even look up to see him.

"Flat." Murong Cum whispered, lifted his foot into the house, let Ye Yaoyao go in.

"The emperor." Ye Yaoyao stood next to him, slightly down his head.

Ink Murray glanced at her faintly. "The case in Jiangnan is almost the same. Your father did suffer from it in the past. Soon after, your father will be innocent. Is there anyone in your family who is in the wilderness?"

Ye Yaoyao raised his head in surprise, revealing a face like a hibiscus. "Back to the emperor, the courtier had a younger brother, but lost in the wasteland. I don't know where he is now, our family... no one else. It is."

Standing at the side of Murong Zhan, Fu Gonggong was also amazed at seeing her moment. I thought that this Ye Yaoyao is still getting better and better, and it is comparable to the county magistrate.

"The Queen Mother wants to go to Chengde Villa, is that what you mean?" Murong Zhan whispered, his look still indifferent, as if he did not find Ye Yaoyao look better than before.

Ye Yaoyao no longer showed the look of fear as easily as before. She said one thing, "Return to the emperor, the courtiers are seeing the Queen Mother's bad mood, and she advised her to relax her mood and dare not say what she should say."

Murong Zhan looked at her. Since Ye Yaoyao recovered his memory, it was indeed not the same as before. However, for him, no matter what she became, it was the same. "Ye Yaoyao, look at your father's share." Hey, give you the choice, do you want to go out of the palace to be free, or continue to stay in the palace alone and old?"

Die alone? Ye Yaoyao sneered in her heart, how can she be regarded as the national color of the city, in his view, stay in the palace can only be lonely and old, he is so determined that he can only love Lu Hao in his life?

"The emperor, the courtier left here, where can I go?" Ye Yaoyao whispered, she is already a sly identity, what else can there be in the future?

Murong Zhan said softly, "I will return you the house of Ye Family in Jiangnan and restore your original identity. As for the Yao people in the palace... nothing to do with you."

Ye Yaoyao knows that this is what Murong Zhan hopes to choose. He does not want her to stay in the palace. Why do she have to send her away? Is it afraid that Lu Yan will not be happy to see her in the future? It seems that Murong Zhan thinks that she is a threat to Lu Hao. "Chen Chen is willing to obey the arrangement of the emperor. It is only... The Queen Mother will accompany her old man to Chengde Villa. If it is possible, the courtier hopes to accompany him. Some days later, the Queen Mother repaid her old love for the courtiers."

"Good." Murong Zhan nodded. He believed that Ye Yaoyao could not do anything at Chengde Mountain Villa. He would definitely send someone to stare.

Ye Yaoyao’s heart was a joy, and he smiled and gave Murong Zhan a tribute. “Thank you for the emperor.”

Murong Zhan nodded indifferently and stood up to leave.

On the side of Dongmei, she was anxious to give Ye Yaoyao a look and let her find a way to leave the emperor.

Ye Yaoyao just draped his head slightly. The words of the emperor were already very obvious. He didn't want to bet her at all. She was in a state of arrogance, and she didn't take it for herself.

"The emperor, the slaves will change clothes for you." Chunmei, who is more anxious than anyone, did not find the meaning of Ye Yaoyao.

Ink and ink are cold and cold.

Fu Gonggong took a drink and said, "Let's go! Don't go down!"

Chunmei was scared and turned pale, and hurriedly slammed down. "The emperor... the emperor, the slave is only seeing the poor Yao people, she is really sincere to you."

Ye Yaoyao was simply mad by this idiot. "Stop! What nonsense?"

"Do you think that you are poor and noble?" Murong Chong's voice is cold, and people are shuddering.

Chunmei’s body is stunned and she can’t say a word.

Murong Chong just looked at her coldly and lifted her foot and left here.

Fu Gonggong pointed to Chunmei and ordered it a few times.

"Anniling..." Until Murong Cham left Zhong Cui Gong, Ye Yaoyao was relieved, and she looked down at Chunmei coldly.

Ye Yaoyao raised his hand and slap in the past. "Whoever makes your own claim! Tomorrow, I will go to the House of Internal Affairs to plead guilty."

"Slaves are all for the goddess." Chunmei cried, "Mother, you save the slaves."

"Winter plum, take her down." Ye Yaoyao stunned her eyebrows, she should have killed this idiot, it is simply tiring her!

"Yes, the goddess." Dongmei whispered, there is nothing to plead for Chunmei's incomprehension.

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