Dongqingguo, the House of Parliament.

With the poisoning of the Second Emperor, it was finally found that in addition to the Great Emperor, there is also a Second Emperor who can become a Prince. The Liu Party knows that the Great King is no longer in a position to pay attention to the Second Emperor. Anyway, Chen Xian’s life is not enough to fear, and he will be able to take it in his hands in the future.

Ye Yiqing has not yet got the news of her daughter. She can only bear the news that the Queen is pregnant. "The emperor and the minister still feel that there is no need to register the Prince at this time."

Li Wei has recently valued the second emperor. If there is no better candidate, he has already decided to establish the second emperor as the prince.

"The emperor, the second mother's mother was born humble, please the emperor think twice."

"Chen Xianyu was born humble, is the second emperor also humble?? Chen Fengxian is a noble man, do you still think she is humble?" Li Wei asked quietly.

Ye Yiqing was shocked. Is this the intention of the emperor to establish a second emperor? If the second emperor becomes a prince, Chen Xianyu’s maiden power will sooner or later be controlled by the Liu Party.

"The emperor, the second emperor is indeed an excellent candidate, but the courtier thought that the prince should be from the queen." Ye Yiqing whispered.

Someone sneered out, "Ye Daren said this, if the Queen has a prince, why should we argue here?"

Ye Yiqing said with both hands, faintly said, "The emperor and the empress are still young. After another year or two, there may be a prince."

Li Wei hopes that the Queen can give birth to a blind man. If he is not sick, he is willing to wait another two years, but he is afraid that he will have no time.

"Ye Aiqing, my heart has been decided." Li Wei looked at Ye Yiqing, "I hope you can become a Prince Taifu..."

"Emperor!" Ye Yiqing interrupted Li Wei's words, "wait another two days."

Someone stood up and yelled at Ye Yiqing. "Ye Daren, you are getting too much. The decision of the emperor is that you can intervene? Do you want to emulate the brother?"

If it wasn’t for their father and son who had fallen into the dynasty of Dongqing’s dynasty and had a hatred with the Liu Party, Ye Yiqing didn’t want to take care of it. Anyway, he didn’t plan to spend his life in Dongqing’s country. Everything he did now is also In order to be able to lay a flat road for a pair of children in the future.

"Before the emperor decided to set up the prince, the minister hoped that the emperor could wait for the news of Kunning Palace." Ye Yiqing whispered.

Li Yan frowned at Ye Yiqing. He knew Ye Yiqing and knew that he insisted on this for a reason.

The people of the Liu Party Department face each other and do not know what Ye Yiqing is delaying.

The atmosphere of the House of Representatives is tense, and the harem is also fearful.

"The Niangniang, Liu Daren said that the two emperors will be the Prince, you don't worry." Chen Xianyi's palace lady whispered quietly.

How can Chen Xianyu not worry! Nowadays, it is a critical juncture. The most favored big emperor is forbidden to be in the emperor's house. The three emperors are impossible to become princes because of the expensive people. Her son is the most likely candidate. If this time, the emperor can not make the emperor. For the prince, then... that will come out of the emperor in the future, maybe even more difficult.

"The Emperor personally taught the two emperors these days, and I can see that I like the two emperors."

Chen Xianyu rubbed her chest with her hands. In order to let the ministers notice the second emperor, she almost killed her son. Now it is possible to let the Liu family turn to support the second emperor. However, I don’t know why, she always feels inexplicably flustered today. It seems that something is going to happen.

"Is there any news from Kunning Palace?" Chen Xianyu asked.

The palace lady smiled. "What news can there be? If she has a prince, she must be unable to sit still, mother, don't worry."

Chen Xian’s eyebrows didn’t speak. Without the exact news, she still couldn’t feel at ease.

"Anniling..." A small **** rushed in from the outside and squatted directly in front of Chen Xianyu.

"Can there be news?" Chen Xianyu asked in a slight voice.

The little **** said with a low voice, "The emperor had already opened the import of the second emperor as a prince, but was stopped by Ye Daren, and is still arguing."

Chen Xianyu's face is heavy, Ye Yiqing! "Why should Ye Daren object?"

"Ye Daren thinks that the Prince should be... It should be the orthodox." The little **** said.

Pull out? Chen Xian’s soft face flashed a sigh of anger, “continue to inquire, and there is news to inform the palace immediately.”

"Anniling!" The palace lady looked at Chen Xianyu with some fear.

Chen Xian screamed, "Orthodox? What is the orthodoxy? The Queen can not give birth to her son, and she will not let other people's sons be princes."

"Ye Yiqing is no longer useful to block, the Queen can not live is not born, the goddess, the second emperor can certainly become a Prince." The palace girl whispered quietly.

It didn't take long before the little **** of the genius came running, and his face was completely white. "Yin Yin Niang, not good!"

Chen Xianyu’s heart jumped, “What?”

"Queen... Kunning Palace has just sent a message to the emperor, the queen is pregnant!"

Chen Xianyu’s eyes were dark and almost fell down. “What do you say? Impossible! Must be fake!”

How could the Queen suddenly become pregnant, and still at this juncture, she must have fabricated it in order not to let her son become a Prince. She does not believe that the Queen will have children!

"Come on, go to Kunning Palace to find out!" Chen Xianyu grabbed the hand of the palace lady hard, she did not believe that the queen can still be pregnant.

The same excited person is Li Wei. When he heard the news, he had already left all the ministers and quickly went to Kunning Palace.

In the House of the House, except Ye Yiqing, everyone was shocked to speak.

The queen is pregnant...

What does this mean? Explain that the matter of Li Taizi cannot be completed within at least five years.

"Teacher, have you known this for a long time?" Cao Yu, standing next to Ye Yiqing, whispered.

"Don't be sure." Ye Yiqing's mouth slightly tilted.

Cao Yu smiled and saw the opposite party of the Liu Party. "The teacher is a wonderful figure."

"The emperor estimates that it will not come again, let us go." Ye Yiqing said with a smile.

In the Kunning Palace, Li Wei was so excited that he didn't know what to do. He held the Queen's hand with both hands. "Hey, is it true?"

Fang Queen’s cheeks were bothering with two blushes. When she first heard the news, she was too excited to calm down. “I’m sure, she doesn’t say, the courtiers don’t know.”

"That...what did the doctor Wang did not find before?" Li Wei asked strangely.

"Chen Chen has not let Wang Yizheng come to the pulse for half a month." Fang Huang said, this is still awkward opinion, it seems that half a month ago, he has already noticed her happy heart.

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