Zhaoyang has been recuperating for a day, and the spirit seems to be much better, but his face is still pale.

Hong Ling stood nervously in front of the bed, whether it was before or now, the momentum of the Zhaoyang County Lord is still so easy.

"How did Ye Hao marry after Murong Chan?" Zhaoyang looked at Hong Ling and asked softly.

"The county owner, Wang Hao, she... very good." Hongling said with a low head.

Zhaoyang’s eyes have become even colder. “Do you think that I will be deceiving me in Jinguo for many years? When Ye Haogang became a relative, he would write to me. Why didn’t he write it later? I wrote to her many times, she is also a Didn't return to me!"

Hong Ling looked up in surprise. "The county owner, Wang Hao has never received your letter."

"Unexpectedly." Zhaoyang snorted and did not receive a letter from Ye Hao. She guessed that the letter could be intercepted.

"County, is it..." Hong Lingxin wants to be sure that the girl knows this thing is angry.

Zhaoyang waved his hand. "This matter doesn't have to be pursued now. Anyway, it has already passed. I just want to know how Ye Hao died. You said that she lived very well. Why did Murong Zhan later chase her? Queen? Didn't she say that she had saved Murong Cham? Hong Ling, tell me what you know, all of them."

Hong Ling originally wanted to say that the emperor was very good to Wang Hao, but now she feels that as long as she said a lie, the Zhaoyang County owner must be able to hear it. She took a deep breath and the girl said that she should not conceal Zhaoyang. I also know the power of the Zhaoyang County Lord.

She just has to hide the news that the girl is still alive.

"The Emperor misunderstood Wang Hao at that time..." Hong Ling told Zhaoyang all the things. "Lu Yuzhi used the trust of Wang Hao and took away the jade of Wang Hao to Lu Shuanger. Wang Hao was also poisoned by Lu Wei. died……"

Zhaoyang looked quietly and listened to Hong Ling’s life when she said that Ye Hao was married to Qin Wangfu. Her heart was filled with anger and hateful grief. If Ye Hao didn’t fall in love with Murong Zhan, why did she let herself fall? That kind of end.

"What happened to Lu Hao?" Zhao Yang asked.

Hong Ling feels suspicious in the heart, how the Zhaoyang County Lord seems to know nothing about everything, even if... even if she married the North Ming State, it is impossible to know nothing about Jin Guo.

"The girl today is the twin sister of Wang Hao, because at the time of birth, there are high people who figured out that their sisters could not be together in the same room, so the little girl was sent away. The road was almost stolen by the kidnappers. Fortunately, I met the land. The three masters and the three ladies of the family." Hong Ling simply said, "When the girl is young, she will follow the doctor's medical skills."

"Ye Ye hoped that he couldn't get the heart of ink-filled Zhan for so long. Lu Yan is the empress of the ink-filled Zhan Zhan?" Zhao Yang showed a mocking sneer.

Hong Ling really doesn't know how to answer this question. "The emperor is very good for today's girl."

Zhaoyang is cold, "How is it? Because Ye Hao did not grow up with her, she can not care how Ye Hao died, a little bit of mustard married to Murong Cham?"

"Counter, this is not a slave to ask." Hong Ling whispered.

"I know, you go on." Zhaoyang said faintly, she finally left the North Ming Kingdom, originally thought of going back to the country to find Ye Hao, inquired to know that she has been dead for so long.

When the old man passed away, she did not know it. There was even a complaint in her heart. Is there anything more sad than this?

Hong Ling bowed his head and silently retired.

After a while, Fang Zhen came in from the outside. "The county owner, Lu said that you have to lie down and rest."

"When I hurt, I will leave here." Lu Hao, although he looks like Ye Hao, is not her.

Fang Zhen glanced at her. "Counter, where can we go? There are good people here..."

"What about that? Ye Daren is just the father of Ye Hao." Zhaoyang said coldly.

"The county lord, if we go back to Jinguo, we are caught back? We managed to escape."

Zhaoyang helped Fang Zhen’s hand to lie down. She looked at it. “The world is so big, we don’t have to go back to Jin...”

Fang Zhen looked at her master with pity, and there was only a word of pity in her heart.



"You said it to Zhaoyang?" When Ye Hao saw Hong Ling come back, she asked her about the situation in Zhaoyang.

Hong Ling whispered, "The Zhaoyang County Lord seems to know nothing, except that you are still alive, tell her all."

"She knows nothing about it?" Ye Hao looked at Hong Ling, Zhaoyang is still a king in the North Ming State, how can the news of Jin Guo be so occluded? When Ye Jia and her things were not known to the world, Zhaoyang could not have known it.

"Yes, girl, slaves think how the Zhaoyang County Lord is not the same as before." Hong Ling whispered.

Ye Hao also felt the change of Zhaoyang. "Is she going to Dongqing to know what I am doing?"

"Yes, she doesn't seem to believe that the girl is already..." Red Ling paused. "Girl, there is one more thing. The Zhaoyang County owner said that he wrote a lot of letters to you before, but you have never responded."

letter? She did not receive it! How could it... Ye Hao understood it immediately, and it must have been intercepted by the people of Murong Cham!

At that time, she was like a house under the house of Qin Wang. She must have been a person of Mo Rong Zhan. He didn't want her to receive a letter from Zhaoyang. Naturally, it would make people stop. Ye Hao was so angry that he didn't know that the **** was still holding her. How many bad things have been done.

"I know, if she still wants you to ask questions, you have to be smarter." Ye Hao whispered.

Hong Ling nodded, "Yes, girl."

Ye Hao would like to know what happened to Zhaoyang in the North Ming State, and now he can only wait for someone to inquire.

"Girl, lord, please go to the study." Hung Hom came in and talked.

"Hey, come back?" These days, because of the news of the assassination of the shackles on the street, Wangducheng was in a state of martial law, and he was not aware of anything in the palace and Li Wei all day.

Ye Hao came to the study room, Ye Yiqing's face was a little dignified. "There was news from the Liusha City. The North Ming Kingdom has already sent troops to Dongqing State. Liu Wenxue has transferred 20,000 soldiers. Wangdu City is afraid that there will be danger."

"Hey, what do you mean... is Liu Wenxue wanting to bring troops to attack Wangducheng?" Ye Hao asked in surprise. "Can his 20,000 soldiers come here?"

Ye Yiqing shook his head. "Nobody knows when he transferred 20,000 soldiers. No one knows where Liu Wenxue went. Maybe the next moment will appear near Wangdu City."

"He is so powerful?" Ye Hao's face changed. "Is the city defense of Dongqing State all false?"

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