Ye Yiqing glanced at her daughter. If Liu Wenxue wanted to take the troops to attack Wangdu City, how could he go to the official road to let others know his whereabouts? There is no satellite tracking here, and they can easily find their figure, even if someone finds it, think It is not easy to send the news back to Wangdu.

"Whether Liu Weng will not let North Ming attack Dongqingguo, we must do a good job here, you should not go out these days." Ye Yiqing whispered.

"Oh, I know." Ye Hao gently nodded.

Ye Yiqing is actually worried about the son who has already gone to Liusha City. If Liu Wenxue rebelled, he would only rely on his son, but he was not the opponent of the North Ming State. However, he did not want his daughter to worry, so he did not say this.

“Hey, what happened to Zhaoyang County?” Ye Yiqing asked. “I have already asked people to go to Beiming to inquire about her. It will take some days to know her.”

Ye Hao said, "She has seen Hong Ling today. She knows nothing about my business. I really don't know what happened to her in North Ming. I am worried about her."

"Then accompany her more." Ye Yiqing said.

"I should go and change her medicine." Ye Hao glanced at the floor clock in the study and hurried out with a skirt. "Hey, I am leaving."

Looking at her daughter's figure, Ye Yiqing shook her head and laughed.

Ye Hao is actually a little scared to see Zhaoyang. She thought about telling her the truth, but she really didn't know if Zhaoyang would believe it. She even feared that her life experience would cause fear after she was known.

"Zhaoyang County Lord, I am going to give you a dressing change." Ye Hao entered the room and smiled at Zhaoyang.

"Fang Zhen, you change medicine for me." Zhaoyang whispered his own ring.

"Counter, slaves... slaves will hurt you." Fang Zhen looked at Ye Hao and whispered.

Ye Xiao smiled. "The county owner, I will be able to change it soon. Don't worry, I will be careful."

Zhaoyang closed her eyes and stopped talking to Ye Hao. Even after changing her medicine, she was silent and did not speak.

"Whether the wound does not touch the water, I will go back first, and come see you tomorrow." Ye Hao knows why Zhaoyang hates himself, probably because... she and Murong Cham.

She is arrogant for the Qin Wang, and she feels wronged for her.

Ye Xin’s heart seems to have passed through a warm current, and he feels that he wants to laugh. Zhaoyang is still like this. The surface looks cold and arrogant. In fact, his heart is very warm.

After two days, Zhaoyang was able to walk down the ground. Ye Hao used her to apply medicine to Lingquan every day. Her wounds would naturally be better.

"The county owner, Lu girl came." Fang Zhen came over and said to the owner of Zhaoyang County.

Zhaoyang saw that the weather outside was very good. The sun was shining brightly. She spent a few days in the house and finally got out and walked. She just sat in the yard for a while and then learned that Ye Hao came to her.

Ye Hao saw Zhaoyang in the yard, his face showing a smile, "County."

The ambiguity on Zhaoyang's face faded, and she looked at Ye Hao in front of her indifferently. "Lu girl, is it going to change medicine early in the morning?"

"No, today I want to ask you to come out and go, but it seems that you don't have to ask." Ye Xiao smiled and turned a blind eye to Zhaoyang's indifference.

Ye Hao sat down on the opposite side of Zhaoyang. "Today, it looks a lot better."

Zhaoyang looked at her faintly. "You don't need to change the medicine for me every day. You call the ring is the same."

"You are injured just to save me. I have to personally cure you to be at ease." Ye Hao said.

"I said that I didn't want to save your father. It was just that I was badly cut a knife. Do you think I would be so stupid to die?" Zhaoyang asked faintly.

Ye Hao smiled helplessly. "No matter what, you saved me. It is a fact."

Zhaoyang looked up at her. "You are filial to Ye Daren."

"He is my jealous..." Ye Hao whispered.

"The person who raised you is Lu Shiming and his wife. Don't you not filial to them?" Zhao Yang asked sharply. "Because the Lu family is broken, Ye Daren is the prime minister of Dongqing, so you came here."

This Zhaoyang, speaking as unsettled as before!

"How do you know that I will not filial to Lu's mother-in-law? Zhaoyang County Lord, are you so hostile to me because Ye Hao?" Ye Yan asked with a smile.

Zhaoyang looked at her with cold eyes. "What do you think?"

"Because the ink-filled Zhan book sealed me, so you are holding the Qin Wang 妃 ??" Ye Hao knows where Zhaoyang's hostility came from, but she could not explain.

"Don't it be?" Zhao Yang looked straight at Ye Hao. "Do you know how Ye Hao died? Do you know what price she paid for marrying Murong Zhan? You don't have to avenge her. But you can really be a queen of Murong Cham, and enjoy the glory she did not have the chance to get, you don't feel sad at all?"

Ye Hao bowed his head, afraid that Zhaoyang saw the emotions and sorrows in her eyes. Perhaps no one can still know that there is still someone in a corner who will be angry and sad for herself. How can she tell Zhaoyang? She is Ye Hao?

"Oh, in fact, you don't have to be sad. You are not a sister of Ye Hao. Except for the same mother, you don't even have a meeting. You can marry Murong Zhan and get what she can't get for a lifetime. Something, she may still be happy for you." Zhaoyang said faintly, holding Fang Zhen's hand stood up, "I have no position to blame you, I am nosy."

"You are right." Ye Hao whispered.

Zhaoyang looked back at the cold and looked at Ye Hao, and went straight into the house.

Ye Hao looked at her back and shook her head and smiled. She followed the medicine box and went in. "Soul, you care about Ye Hao so much, how can you know her news, she has been dead for so long, are you before? Don't know?"

"You are not qualified to ask me this." Zhao Yang's face changed.

Ye Hao looked at her and wondered more about Zhaoyang’s days in the North.

"I will give you the pulse again." Ye Hao said, simply ignore Zhaoyang's indifference.

"Do you not know how to look at people's eyes? I don't need you to heal me. Is the doctor in Wangdu City dead?" Zhaoyang asked.

Ye Hao said, "Nobody's medical skills are better than me. I can make your back without leaving traces."

Zhaoyang sneered, "I am still afraid of leaving a scar?"

"You are not afraid..." Ye Hao gently nodded. "Counter, why are you a widow?"

"Lu Yan, what is your identity to ask me this?" Zhao Yang sneered.

Ye Hao looked at her and said, "Even if you don't save me, look at the friendship between you and Ye Hao, I can't help but care about you."

"My friendship with Ye Hao?" Zhaoyang chuckled. "I have no friendship with her."

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