Ye Hao will of course be afraid of Murong Zhan. If he knows that she will bring Xue Lin to the battlefield, he will be very angry. She has seen him angry, it is terrible, she does not want to provoke him.

Ye Yinan also knows that it is impossible to drive her sister back at this time, and he has a lot of wounded soldiers here. My sister’s medical skills are so powerful. She is here, and she doesn’t have any help at all. Anyway, she has not sent anyone. Come, he should know nothing about leaving his sister.

He called Ge Kuan in, let him put a tent beside the coach's camp, not letting Ye Hao and the men in the army mix together. If he really let his sister live with a group of men, he promised that Murong Cham It will definitely not let him go, and he will definitely kill him.

Ye Hao was happy to go to rest.

In the dead of night, in addition to patrolling, in the main account of Jin Guo, which is less than ten miles away from the Dongqing National Battle Camp, black armor is hung on the side, and the light of the cold is shining under the yellow light. In a black single-clothed ink-filled Zhan, unlike the noble and elegant emperor in the palace, he seems to have a bit of murder in the battle camp.

Wu Chongxi was in front of him, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, he came to sin, failed to stop the county owner to the quicksand city.

"Get up." Murong Zhan faintly opened, he was very clear that once the little girl made a decision, even if he could not stop her.

"Xie Huang Shang." Wu Chong breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, stood up and looked down.

Murong Chong looked at him with a glance, "What about the county owner?"

Wu Chong replied, "Returning to the emperor, the county lord has met with General Ye Xiao, and General Ye Xiao arranged her in the camp next to him, not with others."

This is obviously necessary. If she dares to live in the same camp with other men, he will go to teach her now.

"Do you know when Ye Lannan intends to send the county owner back?" Murong Zhan asked, although he wanted her to stay with her, but she was not safe at this place, so he still wanted her to go back soon.

Wu Chong looked at Murong Zhan nervously. "The emperor, General Ye Xiao seems to be...not planning to send the county owner back."

Ink Murray sharply picked up, "What do you mean?"

"The county lord said that he wanted to stay and treat those wounded soldiers... Ye Xiaojun has already promised." Wu Chong did not dare to look at Murong Cham, he could already feel the cold anger from the emperor.

"The county owner said when he was going to find it?" Murong Chuang asked coldly.

Wu Chong shook his head. "The county owner thought you didn't know she was in the quicksand city."

Murong Zhan was laughed at, the little girl! I thought I was so good. "Since she wants to pretend that she doesn't know, don't poke it, let her play, when she wants to see her, bring her."

Maybe the county owner will not see the emperor until he returns.

Wu Chong whispered, "Yes, the emperor."

"Protect her well, if she has any mistakes, you are not used to see you." Murong Zhan said coldly.

"Subordinates lead." Wu Chong immediately responded.

Murong Zhan snorted, as long as he thought of the little girl who was disobedient, he was angry and funny, and if she wanted to see what she wanted to do, did she know that she was not far away, she could really hold back Come to see him.



Ye Hao actually didn't really want to go to Murong Zhan. I thought he was the same thing, but looking for him in this place, isn't it a self-investment to find a lesson?

She is better to stay with her older brother to treat those wounded soldiers.

In the military camp, only Ye Yinan and Ge Kuan knew the true identity of Ye Hao. Although others did not know, they could watch the generals and adjutants pay special attention to the doctor. Naturally, they looked at Ye Hao and guessed that this young doctor seemed to be a young man. There should be a backstage in the court, otherwise how can the Ye General who has always been unselfish to be treated differently.

The grain and medicinal materials sent by the court were sent. Ye Hao first burned the white cloth that had been wrapped with hot water, and told other doctors that she must use the soup she cooked to clean the wounds of the soldiers.

"Lu Dafu, if you say that, we have doubled the number of things we have to do. There are so many people in our military camp plus apprentices. How can you do so many things?" Hu Dafu from Jun Junjun listened. If you are a leafhopper, you will ask questions unpleasantly.

Hu Dafu had already had the final say in the military camp. Others dared not question how he healed the injured soldier. The newly born stinky boy with a long beard did not dare to point at them.

Ye Hao looked at him and said, "But this can save more people, so that more wounded soldiers do not have to lose their hands or legs, and there are more opportunities for them to pass."

"We have always treated wounded soldiers like this. They can't live. They are not lucky," Hu said.

"You are a doctor, but give their lives to luck?" Ye Hao's heart rushed into his anger and looked at the middle-aged doctor coldly. "As a doctor, you should do your duty to save every wound that may survive." Soldiers, they are fighting for your family for your country. How do you treat each injured soldier who is injured in the defending country?"

Hu Dafu was said to be a little angry and angry. "In short, I will not change my way of treating wounded soldiers. If you are so capable, I will see how many people you can save."

Ye Hao looked at him and said faintly, "I should have let you go to the battlefield instead of hiding behind these wounded soldiers."

"Hey!" Hu Dafu left his sleeve.

"You go to cook soup." Ye Hao said to the two apprentices who stayed.

The two apprentices followed Hu Dafu. They looked at each other and didn't know if they would listen to Ye Hao.

Ye Yannan walked in from the outside and saw that his sister's face was not very good-looking. He whispered, "What's wrong? Who is irritating to Lu, who is not happy?"

"You are coming, general, can you pull me a few people?" Ye Hao knew that she had come to see her. If she didn't have her brother to protect her, she would definitely not say a word here.

"This is no problem." Ye Xiaonan nodded. "Don't you leave me to heal those wounded soldiers? Not yet."

Ye snorted. "I am going to go, your injury is still not good, don't go everywhere."

"I am here to see you!" Ye Yinan screamed at her, and turned to Ge Kuan. "You follow her and let her pick a few people to fight."

"Yes, general." Ge Kuan immediately responded.

Ye Hao just laughed.

However, the military camp was calm for less than two days, and Wan Ziliang launched an attack. The North Ming State also strengthened its military strength. It seems that it intends to take a strong take on the Liusha City.

"What news is there in Jinguo?" Ye Yannan stood on the wall and looked at the distance. If he did not join forces with Murong Zhan, they could not keep the city of Liusha today.

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