Even if there is a war to discuss all day, Murong Chan still feels that time is particularly long. When he is on the battlefield, he is always alert and alert, except Wu Chong reports to him about the little girl at night. Have not relaxed.

It was learned that she had a good life in the military camp. The high-handed medical skills made many soldiers admire her. He was both happy and a little depressed. She really didn't miss him at all. Ming knows that he is not far from her, she can still be indifferent.

"She didn't ask you about the embarrassing thing?" Murong Zhanxin was unwilling, he missed her like this night and night, but she seemed to forget him.

Wu Chong tried hard to think, as if... the county owner did not mention the emperor's business. "The emperor, the county owner, she is busy."

busy? ! That is, Titus has not mentioned him!

Murong Zhan took a deep breath and the idea of ​​teaching her was even stronger.

"Go back." He sent Wu Chong back.

The next day, the front line came to the news that there was a change in the North Ming Dynasty.

"Do you know how many troops have Wanziliang brought this time?" asked Murong Cham.

The town’s guardian general, Lou Lou, said, “There is no 50,000 and there are 50,000.”

Murong Chan's sorrow is slightly sinking. "How many troops does Ye Xiaonan have?"

"Liu Jiabing rebelled, although there were reinforcements, but ... I am afraid that it is less than 30,000."

"Wan Ziliang is planning to attack the two cities in one fell swoop, or is it going to attack only the quicksand city?" asked another middle-aged man in armor.

Murong Cum said softly, "No matter how he wants to fight, we must keep the city of Liusha with Ye Haonan."

"Emperor, do we want to join hands with Ye Weinan?"

"Not only must I join forces with Ye Weinan, but also the Wanjialiang's rear is completely broken." Murong Zhan's eyes flashed a touch of inscrutable smile.

Both the Lou Lou and Tang Yan were born and died with Murong Cham. They immediately understood the meaning of the ink-filled Zhan dialect. "What do you mean by dividing the soldiers into two?"

"You took the soldiers and joined Ye Hanan to guard the Liusha City, and took five thousand soldiers to break the rear of Wan Ziliang."

If it is possible to beat Xiazhou in their northern meditation, it would be difficult for Wan Ziliang to win.

"Yes, the emperor!"



Ye Xiaonan met with the soldiers, and the drums shook the hearts of the people. Even the Ye Hao who did not need to play, they all heard the blood.

"Counter, you don't think about going out to fight?" Xue Lin looked at Ye Hao with horror, and he was really afraid of the unscrupulous county owner.

"I am going to add chaos?" She said with no anger, she dared to guarantee that if she really followed, Murong Cham would immediately know that Xue Lin and Wu Chong would definitely tell him.

Xue Lin smiled happily. "The subordinate is worried about your safety."

Ye Hao worried about the back of the leaves of the leaves, "Can we resist the army of the North Ming State?"

"The county owner, isn't there a emperor?" Wu Chong said, "There is a royal emperor here, and the quicksand city will certainly be able to hold it."

"So, my brother is not comparable to the emperor?" Ye Hao looked at them with an eyebrow.

Xue Lin and Wu Chong looked at each other. "Counter, have you ever heard of the emperor's previous battle on the battlefield? And he has sent him a title with the people he has fought."

Ye Hao has never really heard of the title of Murong Cham, "What?"

"The battlefield is in full swing." Xue Lin said.

"..." Ye Hao blinked, there is no reason for Murong Zhan to be so young and invincible, but no one knows what he has experienced before he has such experience and skill.

"I ask you, is the emperor really not knowing that I am here?" Ye Hao stared at them and asked.

Wu Chong said with a blank expression, "The county owner, we can't guarantee that the emperor will doubt it. There is a **** doctor suddenly in the army. If the emperor thinks more, we can't do anything."

Ye snorted. "Go and look after the wounded, and prepare the medicinal soup. This battle is broken down. I don't know how many people will get hurt."

"Yes." Xue Lin and Wu Chong responded.

This battle did have been played for a long time. Ye Yinan personally led the troops and the towers, and their strength was not comparable to that of the North Ming Dynasty. However, Wan Ziliang did not think that Ye Haonan’s injury was so fast, he could still lead the troops. Going into battle.

However, after all, Wan Ziliang brought a army of 60,000. They only had half of their strength, and they barely could withstand the broken city of Wanziliang.

"It’s the dead girl!" Ye Xiaonan stared at the vice-president of the North Ming State. The figure was obviously slimmer than the others. He had a long beak in his hand and a mask on his face. Unclear her looks.

The tower raised his eyebrows and glanced at him. "General Ye’s recognition of Jin Shanshan in the North Ming Dynasty?"

"A hatred of hatred." Ye Xiaonan snorted, gold glitter! He really wanted to see how much she flashed.

"Oh." The tower nodded.

Ye Xiaonan looked at the woman wearing the mask and thought that it would not matter how many people killed today. He must arrest this woman.

Wan Ziliang was originally a general, and he did not see Ye Xiaonan in his eyes. The only thing he was jealous of was the ink and the tower.

I didn’t see Murong Chan today...

"Kill! The soldiers, I will drive out the thieves who want to take our land and homeland, and kill the traitor of Wan Ziliang!" Ye Xiaonan raised his sword and shouted loudly.

The two armies fought, the dust and smoke rolled, and Ye Yannan went out with a sword like an arrow, and fought the masked woman.

They have been playing for three days and have not been able to win the game.

Wan Ziliang frowned and looked at the tower and Ye Yinan. In any case, today he will attack the Liusha City!

"General! General Wan!" Someone was shouting at him.

"What?" asked Wan Ziliang.

"Not good! Jin Guo... The coach of Jin Guo took the troops to capture our Xiazhou!" the other party shouted loudly.

Wan Ziliang's look changed. "What are you talking about?"

"Mo Rong Zhan took 5,000 soldiers and took Xiazhou away." The people shouted loudly.

"Withdrawal!" Wan Ziliang was furious, and Liusha City lost Xiazhou before he grabbed it. How could he allow such a thing to happen?

The woman who was playing with Ye Haonan was not able to disengage the army. The long-handed man in the hand paused. How did he withdraw his army?

Ye Yinan grabbed the neutral gear and kicked her down with one foot. A sword was placed around her neck. "Don't move!"

The mask of the woman’s long thorns thorns to Ye Xiaonan.

"Don't dare to fight back!" Ye Xiaonan snorted, avoiding her long squat, reaching out for her acupuncture point, grabbing her and throwing it on the horse.

Because Wan Ziliang withdrew from the army, no one found that the mask woman was restrained by Ye Weinan.

Diaolou said to Ye Yinan, "General Ye, we are going to support the emperor!"

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