"Who is she?" Knowing that the war ahead is over, Ye Hao had thought about seeing whether Ye Chenan's wound had cracked, but found a masked person in his camp.

Ge Kuan is helping Ye Xiaonan take off his armor and see Ye Hao coming in. He just laughs, "Prisoners of War."

Ye Hao frowned at him. "Are you injured?"

"It's not an injury, it's just a pain in the wound." Ye Yinan said, "Hey, Wan Ziliang is going to be a funeral dog this time."

"What do you mean?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

The armor smashed into the body of Ye Yannan, and he painfully licked his teeth and did not answer Ye Hao.

Ge Kuan explained to him, "The king of the kingdom of the kingdom divided the two roads, let the tower and the generals join forces. He took the soldiers to take the Xiazhou of the North Ming State. The tower now carries troops to support him."

“Really?” Ye Hao looked at Ye Xiaonan in surprise.

Ye Xiaonan finally took off his armor. He breathed a sigh of relief and explained to Ye Hao. "The tower took my people, and Wan Ziliang lost Xiazhou. The grain in his army was completely broken. You Thought he can still take the soldiers here for a few days?"

"Do you think that we can win our North Ming? We will definitely get back from Xiazhou." The masked women looked at them with cold eyes and their eyes were full of anger.

"Girl?" Ye Hao heard her voice and screamed in surprise.

Ye Xiaonan snorted. "You can't steal Xiazhou. You won't know, but you seem to forget one thing. You are now a captive of this! Not a guest."


Ye Yinan reached out and lifted her mask when she was exporting. "It is as if the dangers of your northern monk are very bright and straight, and the round is despicable and shameless. No one is more qualified than you."

"You..." Jin Shanshan glared at Ye Yinan, because the mask fell, and there was a cramp in her eyes that she had not had time to hide.

Ye Yinan still wants to teach her, but when he sees the delicate and beautiful face, he can't say a word.

Because of this famous woman on the battlefield, she was wearing a mask because she was too ugly. She never thought she would grow up like this... beautiful? Too disliked?

"How did you catch a girl back?" Ye Hao was more surprised than Ye Yinan.

Ge Kuan said, "Lu Dafu, that is, she injured the general. She is the daughter of the National General of the North Mingguo Town and is the deputy of Wan Ziliang."

Can a woman actually become a general? Ye Hao rounded his eyes and made a joke!

"She hurt you?" Ye Hao looked at Ye Xiaonan.

Ye Lannan had already thought about how to deal with this Jin Shanshan in his mind for a hundred times. Now he is a little angry when he sees her. If it is a man, how can he teach it, a woman who looks like a delicate woman, how can he get it? ?

"The next time I have a chance, I will kill you." Jin Shanshan yelled at Ye Yannan.

Ye Xiaonan sneered, "You are in my prisoner of war now, do you not know how to be a prisoner?"

"You dare to hurt me, I will not let you go." Jin Shanshan said with Ye Yinan.

"This will be very scary! Hahaha!" Ye Xiaonan laughed and said to Ge Kuan, "Take her down, don't give her a meal, keep an eye on it, don't let her run."

Ge Kuan should be, grabbed Jin Shanshan’s shoulder and went out.

Ye Haodao, "Brother, she is the daughter of the general of the North Ming State, you don't want to kill her?"

"Isn't that cheaper? I want to send her back to Wangducheng. What to do is the emperor's business." Ye Yinan said.

"She is a girl's house..." Ye Hao could hardly imagine how the woman fought on the battlefield.

Ye Xiaonan looked at Ye Hao deeply. "There will be no more people than her, oh."

"..." Ye Hao remembered that the woman had also injured her brother.

"You don't think she is a girl's house and she thinks she is harmless. Don't let her hurt you." Ye Xiaonan looked at Ye Wei.

Ye Hao nodded. "I know, if you broke the wound, I will bandage you again."

"A little thing." Ye Xiaonan sighed, and was stopped by Ye Hao with a white eye.

"If you are here, you can barely try." Ye Hao said.

Ye Xiaonan smiled a bit. He did not say that he actually suffered a lot of injuries before, but he felt that there was no need to make his sister sad for the past. "Mu Rongzhan may not be able to keep Xiazhou."

"What do you mean?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked outside.

"Wan Ziliang's strength is too strong, coupled with the rebellious Liu Jiabing, he will be able to fight back to Xiazhou in order to be able to stand in the North Ming State." Ye Yinan said.

Ye Hao almost jumped up. "Then you are still sitting here, go help him."

"..." Ye Haonan suddenly gave birth to a strong girl's extroverted feeling. "Sister, I have to guard this side."

"I let people ask about the situation there." Ye Hao said with no anger.

Ye Xiaonan cried, "I am your brother!"

"Otherwise, do you think I will be here?" Ye Hao asked.

She asked Wu Chong to inquire about the news until Wu Chong came back at night.

"Wan Ziliang is still attacking the city. He was defeated by the tower and the emperor. However, I am afraid that I will continue to attack the city tomorrow." Wu Chong said.

Ye Xiaonan also received news that Wan Ziliang was arrested because of Jin Shanshan, and the military heart has been somewhat chaotic. Now, seeing that Murong Zhan can hold Xiazhou, if it is held, Wan Ziliang and the emperor of the North Ming Kingdom Certainly not easy to explain.

Ye Hao’s heart is inexplicably worried about Murong Chan. She knew that she had seen him a few days ago. At least she could know how he deployed it. Now I don’t know anything. I can only do it here.

In the city of Xiazhou, Murong Zhan is not nervous at all.

Xiazhou originally belonged to Jinguo. When it was first emperor, it was sold to Ye Mingguo by Ye Yisong. He is now taking back his own land. The people of Xiazhou were originally Jinzhou. They naturally hope to return to their own. country.

"The emperor, Wan Ziliang has retired." The tower came in and said to Murong Zhan.

Murong Chong hooked his lips and smiled. "At least for three days, Wan Ziliang won't have morale."

"Ye Yinan caught the daughter of General Jin Da, Wan Ziliang should not dare to rashly attack the city of Liusha."

"Well, you are tired today, go to rest first, and there will be a fierce battle tomorrow." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Xiaolou laughed. "You can recapture Xiazhou. You won't feel tired at the end."

Murong Chan smiled lightly.

That little girl must know that he is in Xiazhou again. She wants to continue to pretend that she doesn’t know, or will she come to see him? Murong Zhan was in a good mood and suddenly felt very anxious to see her after returning.

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