"You are called Jinshuang?" Ye Hao took a bowl of food and came to Jin Shanshan. She had never heard of the North Ming State. This time she went to Liusha City to know that there was a female general who would fight on the battlefield.

Jin Shanshan looked at Ye Hao coldly. "You are shining, you are all shining."

Ye Hao smiled. "It seems that the temper is not very good. You really don't have a captive look. Give it to you. If you haven't eaten all day, you should be hungry."

"Roll!" Jin Shanshan called.

"It seems not to be hungry." Ye Hao nodded and took the bowl of food and left.

Jin Shanshan shouted in a sigh of relief. "You are tied to me, how can I eat?"

If she doesn't eat, how can she escape from here!

"I will feed you." Ye Hao said.

Jin Shanshan stared at her angrily. "You can't think about it."

"Then you are eating or not eating?" Ye Hao asked, if she didn't see that she was a girl's house, she would not give dinner.

"Don't eat!" Jin Shanshan doesn't open her face, she won't be humiliated by them.

Ye Hao looked at her like a smile. "Sparkling, have you not yet recognized what situation you are facing now? You are already being captured. Who cares if you love to eat? Who is the general here? When Missy is not good."

"I will save you, I will kill you all the time!" Jin Shanshan said coldly and looked at Ye Wei.

"Can you still live until you come to save you?" Ye Hao said with a chuckle. "I don't know if you have heard a word, and you know the current situation is Junjie."

Ye Xin thought that this golden glitter almost had her brother's life. She hadn't settled her account yet. She still thought about calculating her. She promised that she would threaten her if she loosened the sparkle.

Oh, she also has a sleeve arrow to protect herself, certainly not that kind of skill to deal with a female general.

Jin Shanshan probably did not expect that Ye Hao would really ignore her and suffocate her strength.

After another day, there was still no news from Xiazhou. Ye Hao had begun to worry.

"Brother, is there anything in Xiazhou?" Ye Hao couldn't help but ask Ye Haonan.

Ye Yinan looks good, he laughs. "Nothing, Wan Ziliang has not yet attacked the city. Murong Chan is delaying his time."

No news is good news! She decided to wait for Murong Chong to come back and see him after he came back. As for how to explain to him that she would be in Liusha City... I will think again later.

"Brother, what are you going to do with that bling?" asked Ye Hao.

Ye Yinan apparently did not concentrate on listening to Ye Hao, "What is glittering."

"It is the gold that is caught by you, she is not willing to eat, you will not want to starve her?" asked Ye Hao.

"She won't want to die. When she is hungry, she will naturally eat it." Ye Xiaonan smiled and looked up. "After two days, the famous general of the town of North Ming Dynasty was looking for me to redeem his daughter. What conditions should I mention when I think of it?"

Ye Hao glanced at him and went to give Jin Shanshan a meal. It is not good to starve the girl.

Jin Shanshan, who had been hungry for two days, didn’t look very good. When she saw Ye Hao coming in, she looked at her coldly. “Why, don’t you starve me?”

"So you still don't want to eat?" Ye Hao said with a smile, seeing that she didn't even have the strength to speak, she poured a cup of tea and sent it to her mouth.

Jin Shanshan resisted anger and did not reject the water that the young man had brought.

"When you are hungry like this, you should have no strength to escape. I will untie it for you." Ye Hao said with a smile. "But I will warn you a few words. Wan Ziliang has not yet captured Xiazhou. You have won. The hope is very small, you still cherish your life, don't even have the chance to go back."

"Impossible!" Jin Shanshan does not believe that Wan Ziliang brings the strongest strength of their North Ming country, how could it not get back to Xiazhou.

Ye Hao smiled and said, "Come and eat!"

Jin Shanshan looked at Ye Hao coldly and buried her first stomach. She was hungry for two days. She already knew that these people did not understand the pity and cherish the jade. If Wan Ziliang really could not recapture Xiazhou, it would be even more impossible. Save her back, she has to find a way to leave here.

"Ye Yannan?" Jin Shanshan asked.

"What are you looking for in our general?" Ye Yan smiled and asked.

Jin Shanshan glanced at her. "Who are you?"

She didn’t see anyone in these two days. Only this sissy, who looks like a soldier, is who is in the army?

"I am the doctor in the army." Ye Hao said, seeing that she had eaten all the food, smiled and put away the dishes, and planned to go outside and call Ge Kuanjin to reattach people.

Jin Shanshan laughed and taunted and looked at Ye Hao. "Are you a doctor?"

"Yeah, it doesn't look like it? Indeed, there aren't many handsome military doctors like me in this world." Ye Xiao said with a smile, as if he didn't see the ridicule in the eyes of Jin Shanshan.

"Sure enough, it is shameless." Jin Shanshan snorted. She did not believe that this person was only a doctor. On that day, he could see the way he talked with Ye Yinan. As long as she caught him, she might let Ye Yinan let her go. .

Ye Hao looked at her. "Since you are full, I will go first."

"Do you want to go?" Jin Shanshan’s good-looking eyes rose and he reached out to catch Ye Hao.

"Gold glitter, you want to catch me?" Ye Hao felt her shoulders caught by her, and looked back at her with a funny look.

Jin Shanshan’s face changed dramatically, why didn’t she make up her strength? How can you even grab this person and have no strength? She tried not to eat for three days, and it was impossible to be weak in two days without eating!

Ye Hao grabbed her wrist and picked up the rope and tied her up again. "Don't waste effort. If you become a prisoner, you will have a prisoner. It's normal to have no strength. It's good if the medicine is too effective."

"You gave me medicine?" Jin Shanshan glared at Ye Hao angrily.

"Since you want to loosen your tie, of course, you must guard against it." Ye Yan said with a smile.

At this moment, Ye Yinan came in from the outside. "What happened, she wants to escape?"

"Brother... General, how come you?" asked Ye Hao.

Jin Shanshan looked at Ye Xiaonan hatefully, just a man! If he did not guard the quicksand city, they would have already captured the city of Liusha. There will be many things behind.

Ye Xiaonan snorted and glanced at Jin Shanshan. "If you have something to ask her."

"Then you be careful, she is not because of the efficacy of the drug, don't let her hurt you again." Ye Hao he.

"If she dares to hurt me again, then I don't want to go back to the North Ming Dynasty for the rest of my life, stay in our house and be a ring!" Ye Xiaonan said with a smile.

Ye took a look at him. "Then I went to the wounded battalion first."

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