Wan Ziliang insisted that he could not persist until the third day. The lack of food and grass was one thing. The morale of the army was completely gone. He was completely unwilling to fight. Even the generals of General Jin’s generals were arrested because Jin Shanshan was arrested and complained about Wan Ziliang. He has lost the majesty in the army.

"The emperor, the North Ming country retired." Lou Lou laughed and walked in, said to the ink-handed ceremony.

Murong Zhan nodded faintly, and the result was obviously in his expectation.

Diaolou said, "Would you like to pass this good news to General Ye?"

Murong Zhan, who was about to beheaded, suddenly raised his hand and held the tower. "Wait."

"The emperor?" The tower looked at him strangely.

Murong Zhan said faintly, "Hey, go back, you are here, let Wu Chong take the news back and say that he is hurt."

"..." Is this what I want to do? The tower looked at Murong Zhan in a foggy way.

"Let's do it according to what you said." Murong said with a blank expression that after so many days passed, the little girl still didn't care about him. He was arrogant and didn't go to Liusha City to marry her. Come over, now he can only set up a bureau to let her come to him.

Looking at the ink floor, Murong Zhan seems to be a little unhappy. Although he is wondering, he still retired and did what Murong Zhan told him.

In the military camp of Liusha City, Ye Hao has been busy with his feet.

There are too many wounded soldiers. In addition to boiled medicine, she still wants to wrap the wounds. She was still thinking about Murong Zhan. Now she is too busy to think about him. Anyway, according to my brother’s statement, it is impossible for Murong Chong to lose. Wan Ziliang's, otherwise it is not the battlefield Shura that was so frightening.

Since she learned that Jin Shanshan’s intention to escape, Ye Yinan took her to her own camp.

"Ye Yinan, do you want to kill you, what do you want to do with me?" Jin Shanshan was tied to the corner of the column. She stared at the man who was sitting behind the table and read the secret letter. She regretted how she would not He killed it, no, her arrow is clearly the key to shooting him, he can still survive, where is the luck.

Ye Yinan only did not hear her calling, but just saw the news that Wan Ziliang retired. Haha laughed. "Golden, Wan Ziliang has retired. Do you guess General Jin will save you?"

Jin Shanshan’s face changed slightly. “Wan Ziliang retired? Impossible!”

"Why not?" Ye Xiaonan asked with a smile. "Wan Ziliang is a traitor to Dongqing. He can betray Dongqing. Can't he betray your North Ming Dynasty?"

"He dare not betray Bei Ming!" Jin Shanshan said, Wan Ziliang can only rely on them in the North Ming State, he dare to betray it? There must be other reasons. She frowned and looked at Ye Nannan. "How do you want to let me go?"

Ye Xiaonan looked at her with a smile, "Don't let go! Take you back to the ring, this is already very good for the prisoners, you don't have to be too grateful to me."

"Hey!" Jin Shanshan glanced at him and tried to struggle to open the rope.

"You will not know that you are infinitely motivated by this?" Ye Yinan looked at her with a leisurely look at the ropes. "The female general of the North Ming State is endless, and the martial arts is strong. It is the most important heir of General Jin Da, but unfortunately. It’s okay, it’s not so good.”

Jin Shanshan knows that the medicine in her body has to pass, so she can't afford a bit of strength. She is angrily screaming at Ye Lannan. "You don't have a good brain. Do you have a brain? Have a brain shot by me!" ”

Ye Xiaonan was so dark, stood up and walked slowly to her. "Do you forget that you are a prisoner?"

"If you have the ability to kill me, or I will leave in the future, I will not let you go." Jin Shanshan called.

"Thank you for reminding me of this, this will definitely bring you back, let you be a cow." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile, he will not forget the hatred.

"You..." Jin Shanshan couldn't wait to kill Ye Nanan. She struggled hard, and suddenly her face turned white. If she wanted to pull it out, she would lie in her throat.

Ye Yinan looked down at her whitish face. "Why, you are scared? You are so courageous, but dare to learn from others on the battlefield?"

His face was in front of her eyes, her pale cheeks faint blush, her eyes were red, "roll!"

"Cry?" Ye Xiaonan said, "I don't want to give me any tricks. When I was arrested by others, I cried. Then you killed the innocent people of Dongqing, did you have nothing?"

Jin Shanshan was humiliated and even his nose was red. "I have not killed innocent people!"

"Lie!" Ye Xiaonan was cold and found that this woman seems to be really wrong. "Get up, how can you have a prisoner of war to eat and drink here, to work!"

"You unlock my rope." Jin Shanshan bit her lip, she now wants to go out quickly, not wanting to face this man.

Oh, it hurts! Her stomach hurts! Jin Shanshan’s eyes are full of tears. Now she wants to lie down and move, and let this stinky man shut up.

It’s really noisy!

"What do you do, you can't get it up? Can you pretend to die?" Ye Xiaonan looked at Jin Shanshan, who was still sitting on the ground, and his tone was not very good.

Jin Shanshan really wants to stand up, but she has not had a good rest in the past few days. Now her hands and feet are cold and soft, and the pain from her lower abdomen makes her even more uncomfortable. She has no strength to stand up.

"Get up!" Ye Xiaonan grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

"Let me go..." Jin Shanshan screamed, and the whole body fell softly in the arms of Ye Xiaonan.

Ye Yinan thought she wanted to attack herself, and a backhand fell her.

Jin Shanshan was black in front of him, and he felt nothing after he fell to the ground.

"You..." Ye Yinan thought she was deliberately pretending to be dead. She looked down at the place where she had just been sitting. He snorted. "When were you injured?"

"Come on!" Ye Xiaonan frowned and hugged her, stood on the camp and looked at her and placed her on her bed.

Ge Kuan came in from the outside. "General, what happened?"

Seeing that Ye Xiaonan was holding Jin Shanshan on the bed, Ge Kuan’s face suddenly became wonderful. “General...you have to do something, she, she is the daughter of Jin Xiong.”

"She was injured and went to scream." Ye Xiaonan frowned and said, then waited for Ge Kuan, "Throw out the dirty pictures in your head and think about it!"

Ge Kuanqi smiled, can't blame him for thinking about it, "I will go to Dr. Lu."

Ye Xiaonan looked back at Jin Shanshan, and his eyes were full of suspiciousness. How did she not hear that she was injured before?

How can there be blood? He looked at the blood on his palm. Did he really get hurt?

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