Is Jin Shanshan injured?

Ye Hao wondered for a while while he solved the **** cloth and asked Ge Kuan. "What happened? It didn't take two days. How did she hurt her? The general wouldn't beat her?"

Ge Kuan said, "How can the generals beat women, and Jin Shanshan is injured in somehow, and now he is still unconscious."

"Let's go and have a look." Ye Hao said with a frown, and came to the main account with Ge Kuan.

Ye Yinan was still standing on the bed and frowning at Jin Shanshan who was unconscious. When he saw Ye Hao coming in, he hurriedly said, "Hey, you are coming. She has wounds and leaves a lot of blood."

"Blood?" Ye Hao looked at Jin Shanshan with surprise. "When was she injured?"

"How do I know!" Ye Xiaonan said with a sigh of relief. "Let's show her, make me blood, I will change clothes."

Ye Hao nodded and drove Ge Kuan out.

It is necessary to take off the clothes of Jin Shanshan and check where the injuries are.

She walked over to unravel the goodness of Jin Shanshan and saw blood on the bed, but was it injured in her leg?

Ye Hao’s hand touched Jin Shanshan’s soft chest, and she suddenly remembered a possibility.

No way?

She grabbed Jin Shanshan's hand veins, looked at the blood under the clothes, and remembered the way her brother had just blood. She couldn't help but burst into laughter. Hey, if the brother knows what Jin Shanshan is going on, will he run away? what?

"Ge Kuan, go get some sugar." Ye Hao said to Ge Guang outside.

"Girl, is she really hurt?" Ge Kuan whispered. "The general will not really start?"

Ye took a look at him. "If you want so much, go find a set of clean clothes and hurry."

Ge Kuan responded and hurriedly turned to find what Ye Hao wanted.

This Jin Shanshan is definitely uncomfortable when the letter period arrives. Her blood is very empty. Ye Hao took out the silver needle and stabbed a few times in her acupuncture point. Jin Shanshan finally woke up.

She opened her eyes and sat down, but suddenly there was a hot stream coming out. She looked at Ye Wei with shame. "You...what are you here?"

"The general thought that you were injured, told me to come over and give you treatment." Ye Yan said with a smile, "You still don't move, I let people find new clothes for you. As for the monthly affairs, it can't help for a while." You, but I will find a way."

Jin Shanshan blushes her face and grabs her clothes tightly with her hands. She realizes that she may have been looked at by the stinky boy. She is so angry that she grabs her hand and licks Ye Hao’s clothes. "I want to kill you!"

Ye Hao was shocked by her almost crazy action. "I am helping you, do you want to kill me?"

"I don't need you to help." Jin Shanshan thought angrily, her strength has not recovered, and with the colic of the lower abdomen, there is no way to kill this stinky boy.

"Then you are so **** in the military camp?" Ye Hao asked, raising his eyebrows, "not uncomfortable?"

Kim Shanshan is furious, "I want to kill you!"

"Who do you want to kill?" Ye Yannan walked in from the outside and saw Jin Shanshan clutching his sister. He was cold and cold, and the sword in his hand was pulled out. "Let her go!"

"Don't think about it!" Jin Shanshan's five fingers grabbed Ye Hao's neck. Even if she didn't have the strength, she would still have martial arts, and the man who can deal with a hand without a chicken can still.

Ye Hao said to Ye Yinan, "Brother, she can't kill me."

Ye Lannan remembered that Jin Shanshan was now losing strength. He took the sword up and took the hand of Jin Shanshan with lightning speed and threw her away from the bed.

"If you don't look at your injury, I will throw you out!" Ye Yannan snarled, carefully checking Ye Xie's neck, except for a few nail marks, he was not injured. "Don't worry about her life, but a prisoner."

"Brother, she is not hurt." Ye Hao whispered.

Ye Xiaonan looked at Ye Hao sideways. "Isn't it hurt? Where did the blood come from? I was dyed with blood."

Jin Shanshan was full of anger. She had never been treated like this since she was young. When she was in the heart of Ye Haonan, when she heard his words, she was ashamed and angry, and she felt a sense of humiliation. She suddenly cried out.

"What are you crying? I haven't let you go to work yet, you dare to cry!" asked Ye Xiaonan.

Ye smirked. "Brother, she is not injured. It is the letter of credit."

"What?" Ye Xiaonan was confused and didn't know what Ye Hao said.

"Kwai Shui." Ye Yan said with a red voice.

"..." Ye Xiaonan didn't know it anymore, and now he knows what his sister is saying.

He looked up at Jin Shanshan who was crying, and looked at his hand again. The handsome face climbed up a little red.

Ye Haoqiang smiled. "I asked Ge Kuan to get clean clothes and put them on."

Ye Yinan stared down at her sister. "What are you talking about?"

"Do I still lie to you?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Take her away!" Ye Xiaonan yelled and screamed and turned away from his camp.

Ye Hao haha ​​laughed loudly, just as Ge Kuan sent new clothes.

"Take this drink, I will cook a bowl of medicine for you later, change the clothes first." Ye Hao said to Jin Shanshan, "What are you crying, the one who is crying is our general."

"It’s not that he is a shame. He cries a fart.” Jin Shanshan cried. "You stupid boy, I will not let you go."

Ye Hao put the clothes down and took a little bit of sugar water with hot water and gave it to her. "You can go back to the North Ming State and talk about it."

Jin Shanshan grievances and angrily screams at Ye Hao.

"I am going to find you with medicine." Ye Yan said with a smile.

Out of the camp, Ye Hao saw Ye Yannan who was violently walking outside, and did not hold back and laughed.

Ye Xiaonan heard her laughter and hurriedly came over. "Do you dare to laugh at me?"

"No." Ye Hao shook his head in a serious manner. "Brother, she must be uncomfortable these days. Don't worry about her. Anyway, she can't escape."

"Hey." Ye Xiaonan pinched his hand and felt uncomfortable.

Ye smirked and went to Jin Shanshan to find the herb. When she came back, Ye Xiaonan had not let her send her away, because Jin Shanshan was still crying, but the bowl of sugar had already been drunk.

"I haven't finished crying yet?" Ye Hao blinked, and the girl was too crying.

Ye Yannan said with a headache while walking outside, "You take her away."

"Golden, what are you crying? No one is going to take you, how are you a little female general?" Ye Hao asked with a funny smile.

"You... stinky boy, you have looked at me, and said that it is not for me?" Jin Shanshan yelled at Ye Hao, "I will kill you, I will kill you!"

Ye Hao suddenly remembered that in the eyes of Jin Shanshan, she was still a young man.

"Everyone is the same, how about watching?" Ye Hao said helplessly, handing the medicine to her, "Hurry to take medicine, don't sit on the ground, do you want to hurt even more?"

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