Jin Shanshan did not hear from the Ye Hao sentence, and she cried for a while before she felt that as a prisoner of war, she cried like a face, even if she was to be killed, she would die with dignity.

Ye Hao originally wanted to tell Jin Shanshan that she was a woman. When she was about to say, Wu Chong had already returned. She remembered that Murong Zhan, who still had no knowledge of the situation, went to see Wu Chong and left Jin Shanshan to stay in the camp.

"What do you say? The emperor is injured?" Ye Hao screamed, how could Murong Chan hurt, her brother did not tell her.

Wu Chong lowered his head and said, "It was injured in Xiazhou. The emperor has already returned to the city to heal and he is hurt."

Ye Xie felt a panic in her heart. She remembered the wounded soldiers in the wounded battalion. She even knew that it was extremely difficult to have any good medicinal materials in the military camp. What if the injury of Murong Chan is too heavy to heal?

"Come, take me to see him!" Ye Hao said quickly, she now wants to see Murong Chan immediately.

Wu Chongxi rounded his eyes. "Soul, General Ye will let you leave the Liusha City?"

"He doesn't agree with me. I can't wait here, just in case..." She didn't dare to think about the consequences of Murong Zhan's injury.

"Ye General seems not to be in the military camp. It is okay for us to cover the county owner to leave here," Xue Lin said.

"Yes, I will take the medicine box and leave immediately." Ye Hao said, she regretted not going to find Murong Zhan earlier, and she did not know how he was hurt.

Wu Chong whispered, "Counter, don't you worry that the emperor knows you are in the quicksand city?"

Ye slammed his feet. "Do you still care about this now?"

"Yes." Wu Chong lightly coughed, thinking that he knew this before, the cover before it was in vain, not the same to be known by the emperor, no, the emperor had already known, but the county owner refused to go Look for him, so he can only come to a trick.

Wu Chong and Xue Lin cover Ye Hao to go to the city, but they have already arranged it. They will not let Ye Xiaonan discover it. They are afraid of being suspected by Ye Hao, so they still have to do it.

Liusha City is not far from the city, and it is only ten miles away. However, because of the identity of Murong Zhan, she is not able to see him as a small person who can easily become a doctor. If Wu Chong finds a difference, those deputies will not They are close to the coach's camp.

"The county owner, the emperor just took a medicine and just fell asleep, you go in." Shen Yi lowered his head and said to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao’s heart had already flown to the side of Murong Cham, and when he heard the sinking, he immediately took the curtain and went in.

I looked at Wu Chong with a look of sorrow and silently left the camp.

Murong Zhan is indeed lying on the bed, but in addition to him in the camp, there are other people here.

"Who are you? How come in?" A young woman dressed in a medical costume screamed at Ye Hao.

Ye Wei felt that her voice was very familiar. She looked up at her and looked at her with a flash of surprise. It was Gao Xueping!

She used to be a classmate with Gao Xueping. Later, they entered the palace together and became a medical girl. However, Gao Xueping could not understand her everywhere. She even directed her with Huang’s medical officer. Later, they were transferred to the local medical camp. I think... they actually came to the army.

Fortunately, Fu Gonggong recognized Ye Hao. When she had not spoken, she said to Gao Xueping, "The high medical woman, the emperor is no longer a problem, you should go ahead."

Gao Xueping looked at Ye Hao with a puzzled look and gently nodded. "Fu Gonggong, then I will go down first."

When Gao Xueping left, Ye Hao immediately came to the bed next door. "Fu Gonggong, is the emperor okay?"

Fu Gonggong looked at her with amazement. "Counter, you...what are you going to be here?" And it is still easy to look like, no wonder the high doctor did not recognize it.

Ye Hao bit his teeth and reached out to hold the palm of Murong Cham. "Fu Gonggong, go on, I am here to accompany the emperor."

"Yes." Fu Gonggong thought that he would have to go back early. The Emperor had been stunned for a few days, and he had to stay for a while.

There is only Ye Hao in the camp.

She looked down at his handsome face and gently touched his brow at his fingertips, "Azhan."

Murong Zhan originally wanted to continue to sleep. Her breath was her unique sweet scent. Her soft fingertips fell on his face. His heart twitched and couldn't help but open a pair of sharp black cockroaches. .

"Who?" He grabbed her wrist fiercely and pretended not to know her.

"Azhan, are you awake?" Ye Hao’s face was happy. "How are you, where is the injury, I will see."

Murong Chong looked at her slightly, "Hey?"

Ye Hao’s hands were trying to untie his clothes and heard him call his name. She remembered that these days she had been careful not to let him know that she was in the quicksand city. “I am...”

"How come you are here?" Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows, sat up, staring at her with a burning gaze.

"I...that..." Ye Hao couldn't find an excuse for a moment. His eyes fell on his slightly open chest and he immediately stretched out. "Are you not injured? Where is the injury, I will take a look."

Murong Chong immediately grabbed her hand. How can he let her know that she was not injured? "It’s just a little injury, it’s no big deal, but you, who sent you here?"

"Is it really okay?" Ye Hao said to him, he didn't want to answer his question. "Azhan, you scared me."

This little girl! Murong Zhan secretly laughed in her heart and held her into her arms. "Where there is no injury, why do you put something on your face and wash it?"

Ye Hao buried his face on his chest, and his heart was finally settled. "I am so convenient, if it is not easy, I will go out."

Murong Zhan held her face, her thin lips fell gently on her lips, her hands tightly locked her in her arms, and she kissed her so much that she let go of her, "in front of you." No tolerance."

"I will wash it off later." Ye Hao laughed and ate.

"Well, you came from Dongqingguo, is there nothing wrong with it?" Murong Zhanqiang endured the urge to crush her under the punishment and whispered her things in Dongqing.

Ye Hao shook his head. "It's okay, Liu Wenxue has been arrested. Right, how is Wan Ziliang? Is it no longer going to attack Liusha City?"

Ink Murray asked faintly, "How do you know Wan Ziliang? How do you know the city of Liusha? Hey, why did you come here?"

"..." Murong Zhan had several questions, and asked Ye Hao to play his own face. How could she not open the pot and let him give birth to doubts.


“Hmm?” Murong Chan looked at her faintly.

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