After Ye Hao’s tearing pain, she only felt that she was thrown into the sea, and she was rushed to the highest point by the waves. When she was slow and slow, she could only hold his shoulder tightly. Let him take her to the world she has never been to.

Murong Zhan knew the little man in his arms for the first time. He would definitely feel pain and discomfort. She was so small and so soft. He wanted to be softly possessed.

He is overestimating himself.

I used to be able to control and not be impulsive. It was because he had not tasted her goodness. When she accepted him obediently and made him feel soft and beautiful like never before, his reason was empty.

He just wants to break her into her body and let her be one with him.

"Oh..." Murong was panting, and her eyes looked at her flushed cheeks.

Ye Hao's nails are embedded in his flesh and want to suppress himself from shouting. This feeling is too strange. She never knew that between men and women... it could be like this.

Murong Chan's movements are slow, even faster, she turns into water in his arms, and his lips overflow and whimper.

"Azhan... Don't..." Ye Hao wanted to ask for mercy. She couldn't take it anymore. She wanted to speak, and she felt something was coming out of her body. She heard his low-pitched laughter.

"Hey, you are so good." Murong Zhan kissed her.

Ye Hao has been speechless.

She didn't know when he stopped, and she stumbled, she seemed to be washed in the water, and then he was once again immersed in the pool with the feeling of being blank in his mind.

He doesn't seem to be tired at all.

Murong Zhan had the wish to completely become his woman's Ye Hao in his arms. He looked at the blood of the peony in the jade bed, and looked down at the people who fell asleep in his arms. The ground floated a smile.

She is finally his.

He never knew that the situation between men and women was so beautiful, no, only she could make him so addicted to madness, which he should have known.

"The Emperor..." Fu Gonggong, who was sleeping outside for a long time, saw that Murong Zhan came out and hurriedly stood up. His eyes did not dare to look at the county owner who was held in his arms by the emperor.

Just now, the voice that was faintly passed out, everyone knows what happened.

He almost burst into tears, and the emperor is really not easy. After two years of suffocation, the nosebleeds don’t know how much they flow, and today they finally get what they want.

Murong Zhan glanced at him faintly, holding Ye Hao back to the dormitory.

Fu Gonggong felt that although the eyes of the emperor were as indifferent as before, but the indifference tonight was somewhat unusual, as if with a touch of spring breeze?

Back to the dormitory, Fu Gonggong retired with interest.

Murong Zhan put down Ye Hao, watching her pink and smooth cheeks, his mouth rising, could not help but bow down and kissed a few times.

Ye Hao’s little hand gently scratched a few times and turned over to continue to sleep.

Her soft body clung to him, and Murong Zhan sighed in her heart, watching her for the first time... he let her go first.



When Ye Hao woke up, Murong Chong was not by her side. She moved and her soreness came from her limbs. The memory of the Liuqing pool last night suddenly poured into her mind. She buried her face in her face. Inside the quilt, she actually and Murong Cham...

"Wake up?" Murong Zhan did not know when he came back, sitting on the bed and looking down at her with a smile.

Hearing his low magnetic sound, Ye Hao pulled down the quilt, and a pair of stars screamed at him.

“What's wrong?” Murong Chan reached out and pointed at her nose. “Is there any uncomfortable?”

Ye Hao's small mouth picked up and his cheeks rose red. "You dare to ask! Last night... last night..."

Murong Zhan bowed her head and kissed her. The big palm slipped into the quilt and found his favorite nephrite accurately. "What happened last night?"

"Bastard!" Ye Hao whispered. "Are you deliberately taking me to the palace? Anything to go back to the concert will come back too late, you are calculating."

"Isn't you told me, don't want to endure it?" Murong Chong bit her ear and smiled. "Hey, you are so good."

Ye Yanhong glared at him.

“I don’t like it like this?” Murong Chan felt that she was addicted to her, but she didn’t know what she felt.

"What, I don't understand." Ye Hao's cheeks are getting more and more red, remembering the scream that she was out of control in his arms last night. It was very painful at the beginning last night, and she wanted to open him. Later, somehow it became more and more strange, and her body never felt that way.

Murong was amazed and laughed. "I don't understand it so quickly. It seems that I didn't work hard enough last night."

Ye Hao had not had time to stop it. He had already pressed her down and pulled off the quilt on her body.

"I like it!" Ye Hao hurried out, and his eyes almost dared to look at him. "Like."

"Oh, too." Murong Chong kissed her neck and wanted to relive her beauty with last night.

Ye licked his shoulder and whispered for mercy. "I hurt all over the body, don't press me."

Murong Zhan is ready to go, I heard her words and remembered that she was the first time to bear the joy last night, and now it is impossible to bear it again.

"Is there still pain? I will give you medicine again." Murong Zhan whispered, picking up the medicine bottle on the side of the bed and opening her legs when Ye Hao was stunned.

"..." Ye Hao looked at him stiffly.

Murong Zhan lowly checked her softness. "Well, it’s not so red and swollen in the morning, and then take some medicine, it will be fine at night."

"Let go!" Ye Hao lifted his foot to kick him. "I don't hurt there!"

"That was the morning medicine for you." When he woke up, he noticed that she was in his arms. He was obsessed with her good night last night. When she couldn’t help herself, she found that she was so swollen and even There is also bloodshot, he found that she was too aggressive last night to make her hurt. If she didn't take medicine, she didn't have to go to the ground today.

Ye Hao is about to cry. "You don't want to watch. I am sore."

When Murong Chan gave her medicine, she held her in her arms again. "Hey, I will restrain myself next time, and I won't hurt you any more."

"You still think about it next time." Ye Hao scorned.

"I don't just think about it next time, but next time... night and night." Murong Chan whispered.

Ye said, "You really want to become a faint lord."

"You are the embarrassed queen, you love yourself, how is it faint?" Murong Zhan said, "What's more, there is no child under the knees, and I work hard, who dares to say more?"

"Strong words take care of." Ye Hao's mouth curled up.

Murong Zhan put her shoulders on her shoulders. "Where is it sore, I am jealous for you."

His experience is not just awkward.

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