Ye Hao’s soreness in his body became more comfortable in his hands, at least not so stiff, and she would feel better if she continued to slap her from time to time without him.

"How long do you plan to live in the palace?" Ye Hao asked quietly.

Murong Zhan caressed her back. He had planned to live for two days. Now he wants to live for a few more days. "How long do you want to live?"

"Where is I want to live, it is clearly that you want to live here." Ye took a look at him. "Are you good early last night... I want to be like that."

Murong Zhan pretended to be incomprehensible. "Which is that? I don't understand."

Ye Hao grabbed his hand and bit it. "Let you mess up."

"You haven't bitten enough yet? Do you want to let you look at the shoulders? I don't know which little wild cat is giving the teeth." Murong Zhan is trying to untie the clothes. He did deliberately want to bring her to yesterday. As soon as she knew that she had come to the military camp, he had already had a anger in his heart. This little girl also knew that he would not come to see him in Baicheng City. If he had set up her office, she might not even Back to Dong Qingguo did not let him know.

"I didn't mean it." Ye Yan said with a red face. Yesterday she was too painful at first. She felt that her body was not her own. It felt so strange. He didn't remember how to scratch him.

Murong Chan kissed her pink lips. "I don't mind, you can grab more force."

Ye Hao slammed him, and suddenly she remembered one thing.

"Azhan." Ye took his neck and blew his breath in his ear. "I was scratching you last night. I have a look, do you want to take some medicine?"

"Yeah." Murong Zhan glared at her soft body, only to feel comfortable all over the body. He couldn't control part of his reasons last night, and her fierce reaction.

This little man is simply a fairy.

Ye Hao’s little hand touched his chest a few times and slowly came to his belt. “Is the emperor last night thinking that the courtiers are waiting?”

Where did she serve, but still let him be fascinated.

The deep eyelids of Murong Chan seemed to ignite two beams of fire. He looked at the nephrite that she was hiding in the quilt. His throat moved a few times. The memories of the ecstasy of the ecstasy last night came up again. He resisted thinking. The urge to press her back under her body.

Ye Hao looked at him with a sly eyes, untied his belt, opened his clothes, his eyes fell on his sturdy wheat-colored chest, his eyes slowly moving down, set in his lower abdomen... except the old She did not see any wounds.

"墨容湛!" Ye Hao sat on his lower abdomen, clutching his clothes with his hands. "What about your wounds? Isn't your lower abdomen injured? You can recover the wound quickly, last night. Indulgence has no effect, and it is automatically healed?"

Oops! Murong Zhan’s eyes flashed a trace of darkness. “Hey, it’s just a little injury, it’s already good.”

"Small injury?" Ye Hao sneered, "How small is the injury, rubbing the skin?"

Murong Zhan sat up and stared at her, and said to her mouth, "It will be faster to see you."

"It turns out that I still have this effect!" Ye Hao pushed him away. "Ink-Chan, you actually lied to me! You are not hurt at all. You deliberately want to lead me to see you. You already know me." In the military camp, Wu Chong and Xue Lin have already told you, aren't they?"

"Oh..." Murong Chan wants to bring her back to her arms.

Ye Hao took his hand off, "Don't touch me! I want to go back!"

Murong Chong immediately pulled her into her arms. "Hey, this can't be said."

"You control me how to say you actually lied to me!" Ye Zhen angry and wanted to hit him, "You did not even hurt you ...... you before you take me to a good calculation of the palace, the ink volume Cham I want to go back to Dongqing and don't return to the country with you."

"If you don't do this, would you like to see you?" Murong Chong grabbed her arms and slammed her on the wall, whispering, "Hey, just wanted to see you, last night. it can’t be controlled."

Ye Hao’s eyes glared at him. Last night, it was obvious that he deliberately took her to the palace, and led her to clear the pool. He was not good.

"I don't want to find you, I am not afraid of being blamed by you. You pretend to be injured and lie to me. If I didn't find out, would you still want to continue to glare at me?" Ye Hao looked at him and asked.

Murong Zhan had forgotten that she had lied to her for injury, otherwise she would not let her find it.

"No, I am thinking about telling you about it today." Murong Zhan whispered, "Don't be angry, it's not good."

Ye Hao tightened her lips and did not speak.

“Hey?” Murong Zhan leaned down and looked at her in a twilight.

At this time, the voice of Fu Gonggong came from outside. "The emperor, there is a young man named Ye who wants to see outside."

Last name? Ye Hao raised his eyes and who had already guessed who was coming.

Murong Zhanjun’s face sank, and Ye Haonan’s coming is not the time!

"Must be my brother is coming, you let me go, I want to see him." Ye Hao said, if the brother knows that she and Murong Cham have already... he will definitely kill Murong Cham.

"Hey, he will return to the country." Murong Zhan did not hold her in the move. He knew that if she returned to Dongqing, he would not be easy to let her return to the country.

Ye Hao was silent and did not speak.

Murong Zhan's heart is tight, and thin lips are stuck on her ear. "Hey, we all have skin kisses. Maybe you are pregnant with a child. If you go back to Dongqing, how can you feel relieved? If you are angry and kidding you, are you snoring?"

"My brother is still outside, you will go see him first." Ye Hao opened his face and said.

"Oh..." Murong Chan whispered her name.

Ye Hao was anxious. "You are going out, but you don't know what my brother is tempering. If he wants to break in?"

How can Ye Xiaonan come in! Murong Chong looked at her helplessly. "Hey, I will see him first."

When Murong Zhan left the dormitory, Ye Hao called the outside palace lady to comb her hair. She thought that this time she was calculated by his calculations. She was sighing with a sigh of relief, but she really wanted to pursue it. It seems that she is also because of her. He refused to see him, he lied to her.

In her heart...not specifically wanting to go back with her brother, Ye Hao had to admit that she wanted to be with Murong Cham.

"The county owner, the county owner, is not good, General Ye and the emperor fight." Fu Gonggong's voice was anxiously coming from outside.

Ye Hao, who had just combed his hair, was shocked. How did he fight?

"Where are they, take me over!"

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