Ye Yiqing rarely had such a tangled time, especially when he read the secret letter sent back from Beiming, he even felt that he did not know how to see Zhaoyang.

The girl is really... he still doesn’t believe it. He always feels unlikely. He looks at her when she grows up. Even her riding is taught by him. Although he is not her. Father, how can it be her elders?

Suddenly I heard her heart, he really did not know how to deal with it.

Zhaoyang had not come to the front yard to find him for two days. It seems that she was really angry that day.

Hey! Ye Yiqing sighed in his heart, he should still go to her first.

His injury has healed, there is a spiritual spring left to him, his wounds are so fast, and his body has become more energetic than before. He now feels like he is back in his 20s. It must be said that Lingquan is really a magical existence, too far off the sky.

Ye Yiqing came to the backyard. He was hesitating to go to Zhaoyang to make it clear. He just walked into the garden and saw her sly figure coming towards him. She didn’t see him, she was not looking down. Know what you are thinking.

This girl is no longer the little girl who ran behind him. She has grown into a swaying girl. If she doesn't keep her memory in the past, he may find her change longer.

"Zhaoyang County Lord." Ye Yiqing whispered her.

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Zhaoyang’s footsteps stopped and her shoulders were stiff. She slowly looked up and looked at the handsome man in a light-colored dress not far from the station. Her heart was inexplicably tightened, her eyes flashed nervously and Scared.

When she came back from the front yard that day, she already knew that her reaction was too strong. It would definitely make him discover something. She didn’t go to the front yard for two days. He didn’t ask the reason. It must have been that she had seen her thoughts. It is.

What will he do? Warn her not to be delusional and then drive her away? Zhao Yang’s face was a little white, and she didn’t even dare to go further to Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing is such a sharp-eyed person, how can he not see the weakness and fear in Zhaoyang's eyes, and there is a feeling of pity in his heart. How did he not find such a cold and proud girl to be so uneasy?

"Zhaoyang, is the body discomfort in these two days?" Ye Yiqing took the initiative to come to her and looked at her lowly.

"No." Zhaoyang's heartbeat speeded up, not even dare to look at his eyes.

Ye Yiqing thinks that she is more lovely than always cold. "Zhaoyang, you have taken care of me for so long, I have never had the opportunity to thank you. Now I have recovered, thank you for your care."

Zhaoyang whispered, "I am just being trusted."

"You... are you going to return to Jinguo?" Ye Yiqing asked softly.

"Why do you ask this?" Zhaoyang jerked his head up. He really didn't want her to stay here.

Ye Yiqing lightly coughed. "You have been wronged in the North Ming State. It should have been picked up by Jin Guo. You are still young. If you go home, you can find another parent..."

Zhaoyang’s face is paler. “How do you know that I was wronged in Beiming? What do you know?”

"In fact, there is nothing. You were sent to the emperor and the parents to be wronged. You can't help in the North Ming Dynasty. No one can discuss anything. However, if you are dead in the North Hall, you will be free. There is no need to guard a Wang Hao's name." Ye Yiqing said to the elders in the tone of the younger generation, he is worried that Zhaoyang can not tell what is the favorite, so I hope she can boldly find her own happiness.

"You let people go to the North Ming country to check my affairs." Zhao Yang listened to Ye Yiqing's words, what else does she have in her heart? "You can't wait to check my business, are you afraid that I will stay here? Or are you afraid that I will get caught up with you?"

Ye Yiqing snorted and gently nodded. He was very worried about her. However, he could not let Zhaoyang know that his daughter was born again. "If you ask, you must not say it, so let people go." Inquired."

Zhaoyang sneered, "I found it so clearly, I am afraid I am not asking about it, Ye Daren, are you so afraid that I will not rely on it here? Is it true that my widow status makes you very shameful? You can rest assured I will leave immediately, and I will not be able to catch up with you."

"I don't mean this!" Ye Yiqing said quickly. "Zhaoyang, how long do you want to live here? I don't mean to catch you."

"Ye Daren thought that I should stay with you for the same status?" Zhao Yang looked at his eyes and asked.

Ye Yiqing glanced at her and felt that her eyes were really aggressive.

"You know that I like you, so you came to tell me this, right?" Zhaoyang asked with a smile.

"..." Ye Yiqing did not expect that she would say so straightforwardly, "Zhaoyang, I am not too young, you may be just a moment of admiration for me, not really like, waiting for you to meet the man you really like, I will understand that what you feel about me today is just an illusion."

Zhaoyang looked at him straight. "Then tell me, what kind of illusion will last for ten years?"

Ye Yiqing looked at her in shock, ten years? Did you like him from Jin Guo?

"You don't have to be so surprised. I really like you for a long time. This time I went to Wangdu City. Besides trying to find out about Ye Hao, I want to see you. If you squat again, I will leave. If you are still alone. One person, I want to stay with you, do you want me?" Zhaoyang didn't have the courage to be like this moment in her life. She didn't want to wait any longer and guessed. This is the man she likes for ten years. He wants her. She stayed, he didn't want her, she went.

"Zhaoyang..." Ye Yiqing was scared. He didn't think about how to persuade her not to lose her heart. She could be worthy of a better man. She has decisively declared.

Ye Yiqing did not encounter a woman who was interesting to him before, but never that would make him feel overwhelmed.

"You don't have to say anything, I understand." Zhao Yang looked at his embarrassed expression and realized that he didn't like her at all. "I will leave here and will not bother you."

"I don't mean this, you can live, you should be back soon." Ye Yiqing said quickly.

Zhaoyang is faintly authentic, "I am not here for her."

Ye Yiqing asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"The world is big, can I have nowhere to go?" Zhaoyang smiled. "Ye Daren, there will be no future."

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