Although Ye Hao is willing to return to Jin Guo with Murong Zhan, but it is not really forgiving him. After all, it is too bad to lie to her, and she worried about it for so long. He also stepped down and led her to fall into the game. In his trap, she gave her a little white rabbit and gave it a sip.

"Since you all know that you are injured, I see you continue to be injured, or let your courtiers know that you are deceiving a deputy, it will affect your prestige, so from now on, you will continue to be the injured. I can't be overworked anymore." Ye Xiao said with a smile on the ink.

Murong Cham is the beauty of the woman, only to press her under the body to relive the good night before, listening to her words, his heart is filled with a not too good premonition, "Hey, this is What do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple." Ye Hao looked at him with a sly look. He saw his heartbeat speeding up and his body tightened. She smiled and said, "From today, you can’t stay with me until we get married. You can't do anything to me that night."

"Impossible!" Murong Zhan's face changed. He had not tasted this kind of ultimate enjoyment before. He can only bear it. Now he just opened his mouth and wants to taste a big meal. He was told that he can only watch. Can't move, how could he endure it.

Ye took a look at him. "How is it impossible? There are still two months left in our marriage. It will be two months. You can't help it?"

Murong Chan smiled and pressed her under her body. "Don't say two months, that is, two days will be ruined."

"You... If you really let me not get married, you will be pregnant. When will I be told by others that I lost my marriage?" Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief. "You can't stand it anyway, you can't bear it." I have to live with it, who told you to lie to me."

"Hey, you have to punish what you can't do, but you have to use this method?" Murong Zhan took her hand and went under him. "Do you think you can hold back?"

Ye Hao was so scared by the burning and hardness in his palm that he rushed out his hand. "You can hold back before, and now you can."

Murong Zhan asked with a grin, "Who taught you to torture like this?"

"Well, you taught me." Ye Hao smiled sweetly and rolled over in his arms. "I am going to sleep."

"Hey!" Murong Zhan was crying and laughing, and she kissed her in her arms. "Just once, huh?"

Ye Hao is too aware of how much he is now. She does not look at him with her eyes closed, no matter how he kisses, she does not respond.

In this case, Murong Chong knows that she is arbitrarily punishing him. She can't help but swindle her with some regrets. "I will return to the country immediately tomorrow, and we will go back to the family."

"That won't work!" Ye Hao opened his eyes and looked at him. "I still have some peace of mind. Anyway, there are still two months. I want to go to Wangducheng."

"The road to Wangdu City is not easy to go here. When we pass through the city of Jinkou, we will walk along the waterway and accompany you." Murong Zhan said.

Ye Hao looked at him differently. "Will you accompany me?"

It will take at least a month for this to go. Doesn’t he have to go back to Kyoto?

Murong Zhan believes that if he does not go back with her, maybe their marriage will become indefinite.

"How do you want to officially kiss with Yuezhang?" Murong Zhan said with a smile, "If you start tomorrow, speed up the journey, you can go to Wangdu City in half a month."

Ye grinned a little. "In fact, I have one more thing to go back this time, about Zhaoyang."

Murong Zhan smiled and asked, "Would you like to bring her back to Jinguo?"

"If she is willing," said Ye Hao, she felt that Zhaoyang’s visit to Wangducheng was not entirely for her. Most of the reasons may be related to 爹爹.

However, this is only her guess, and it is not certain.

Murong Zhan licked her head. "Is it tired? Go to sleep."

Ye Hao smiled sweetly and took the initiative to lean in his arms. After a while, he fell asleep.

The beauty is in the arms but can't do anything. In addition to sighing, Murong Zhan only regrets.



The quicksand city has stabilized. Ye Yannan brought Jin Shanshan back to the city. He has already sent the letter written by Jin Shanshan to the North Ming State. As for the Emperor of the North Ming Dynasty, he would like to take Wan Ziliang to save her. That is North. The thing in the country.

However, two days after returning to the city, there was a message from the North Ming State, and Jin Xiong died.

Ye Yinan took the news from the secret agent and did not return to God for a long time.

Jin Xiong actually died like this?

"General, this way, the emperor of the North Ming Kingdom will take Wan Ziliang to exchange Jin Shanshan." Ge Kuan whispered.

Ye Yannan's eyebrows wrinkled, and the heart wanted to be a North Ming country, regardless of Jin Shanshan, what should she do?

"What about that woman?" asked Ye Xiaonan.

"Don't you let her go to wash clothes?" Ge Kuan said, he did not understand what the general thought. When he was in the military camp, he still hated the favor of Jin Shanshan. When he returned to the city, he let Jin Shanshan be his ring. I just sent Jin Shanshan to wash his clothes.

Ye Yinan remembered this, and he nodded. "I know, you go ahead, let people continue to find the whereabouts of Wan Ziliang and see what he is going to do."

Ge Kuan went away.

If the North Ming Kingdom really did not intend to exchange Wan Shanliang for Jin Shanshan, would he really want to bring Jin Shanshan home?

Ye Yinan grabbed her hair irritably, as if she had brought it back and didn't know what to do.

He has asked the deputy general how to treat prisoners of war. If it is a beauty, it will be dedicated to the emperor. If it is ordinary, it will be thrown into the military camp as a military sergeant.

With Jin Shanshan's appearance, it should be a beauty.

"The clothes are washed!" Jin Shanshan walked in from the outside, and looked at Ye Xiaonan with a small black face. She had never washed a piece of clothes since she was a child, and now she wants to wash for him!

Ye Yinnan returned to God and her eyes turned to the wooden barrel in her hand. "What is this?"

"Your clothes." Jin Shanshan said.

"Is this a piece of clothes? Isn't it a cloth strip?" Ye Yannan screamed in a sigh of relief, picking up the rags in the wooden bucket. "Are you washing clothes like this?"

Jin Shanshan’s cheeks are reddish. “I haven’t washed my clothes before. How do I know that I’ve broken it with a little force.”

Ye Yinan knew that she was regaining strength. Without Ye Hao here, he couldn't get any medicine to let her continue to be a weak woman. " won't touch my clothes again in the future."

"Then don't let me wash!" Jin Shanshan called, if she couldn't beat him, how could she listen to him!

I really regret that I didn’t shoot him at the beginning!

Ye Xiaonan’s heart angered, but when she thought about her father’s business, he could not get angry again. “The news came from the North Ming State.”

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