Ye Yiqing did not expect Zhaoyang's temper to be so fierce. He told him that he would have no time to go. He still left the real thing and didn't even say goodbye to him. When he came back from the palace, he could not find it.

"Teacher, there have been many cases of women missing outside the city recently. I suspect that there are kidnappers on the side. I will bring people to ambush tonight. I must bring these people to justice." After the early morning, Cao Yu whispered Ye Yiqing said.

Since Liu Wenxue was strangled, Wangdu City gradually calmed down, and the city of Liusha was equally stable. As for Wanziliang, it is not important now. The dog of the family will be arrested sooner or later.

After the chaos, there will always be some small and chaotic evils. Wang Ducheng used to hear that there was a kidnapper. The government strengthened the inspection. I haven’t heard of anyone who has been abducted for a long time. I didn’t expect to be intensified recently.

Ye Yiqing was only a slight nod. He believed that Cao Yu’s ability to work, when he went outside the palace gate, he suddenly stopped. "You said that the missing are all women?"

"Yes, the young women who have recently reported to the government are missing, mostly out of the country." Cao Yu said.

"Young woman?" Ye Yiqing's brow wrinkled. He remembered Zhaoyang. She was a young woman, and she only had a ring around her. What if I met those who were outside the city?

Cao Yu looked at him, "Teacher, is there any problem?"

Ye Yiqing frowned and shook his head, it should not be so coincidental.

There is some anxiety in his heart. If Zhaoyang really has something wrong, he will probably not feel at ease for a lifetime.

"Teacher, you and the owner of Zhaoyang County..." Cao Yu tempted to ask, these days he went to Yejia has not seen the Zhaoyang County Lord, and the teacher seems to be somewhat weird, he could not help but ask questions. .

Ye Yiqing looked at him coldly and coldly, "Take your mouth!"

Cao Yu smiled. "Students are caring for teachers."

"She has already left yesterday." Ye Yiqing said.

"Ah?" Cao Yu looked at Ye Yiqing with amazement. "Teacher, how do you give the master away?"

Ye Yiqing swept over the cold eyes. "I am so much older than Zhaoyang. It is enough to be her father. How can she be your master? If this is the case, then I will not say it again. Also, I am not mad at her. It is her. I have to go."

Cao Yu smiled. "Students guess that you are angry. The Zhaoyang County Lord has seen your thoughts and even the students. If it is not what you said, she will definitely not leave."

"Do you dare to arrange me?" Ye Yiqing asked coldly.

“Students don’t dare!” Cao Yu bowed his head. “Just if the Zhaoyang County Lord is on the road alone, I don’t know if there will be danger.”

Ye Yiqing said, "If you know that there is danger, don't hurry to check it!"

Cao Yu is busy.

Ye Yiqing, who was going to return to the government, couldn’t be worried. He called the full manch and asked him to look for the route left by Zhaoyang. If he found Zhaoyang, he would bring her back.

However, the full trace has not yet found the trace of Zhaoyang, and Zhaoyang’s Yanhuan Fangzhen is back.

"Ye Daren, please be sure to save our family, we have just been out of the city for a long time to be followed, the county owner to let the slaves escape to lead the thieves, and now they do not know where to fall, the adults must save the county." Fang Zhenyu said in front of Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing was shocked and heard that his most worrying thing happened!



Although Ye Hao likes to go to the palace, but since she has decided to go to Wangdu City, they naturally can't continue to live here. When she is ready to leave the palace, she meets an acquaintance again.

Originally, I went back to Kyoto along with Murong Cham. There were two doctors. In addition to Gao Qiuping who was seen in the military camp that day, the other was an acquaintance of Ye Hao, and that was Huang’s medical officer.

When Gao Qiuping saw Ye Hao, his face became extremely wonderful. However, Huang’s medical officer was still calm, and he also bowed to Ye Hao.

"Fu Gonggong, how are they here?" Ye Hao and them have old grievances. She is not a broad-minded person. Some gaps cannot be forgotten when time passes.

"Back to the county, that is... the emperor was injured, and the generals of the tower ordered the Huang medical officer to take care of the car." Fu Gonggong whispered.

Ye Hao looked at him with an eyebrow. "Fu Gonggong, do you think that I am here, does the emperor need another doctor?"

Fu Gonggong huh, huh, two laughs, "the county doctors are skilled, naturally there is no need to be next."

"There are so many wounded soldiers in the military camp, the emperor is a little hurt, so that the yellow medical officer will follow the road all the way." Ye Hao said faintly.

Gao Qiuping’s face was blue and white. She followed the Huang’s medical officer’s bitterness in the military camp. She finally had the opportunity to leave and return to the palace, but she met Lu Hao!

She has never hated a person so deeply, Lu Yan is one of them!

When it wasn’t for Lu Hao, how could she and Huang’s medical officer suffer from the military camp for so long?

However, whoever thought that Lu Hao was actually the queen of the future.

How can the emperor look at such people! It’s not a queen yet, they have to take the Queen’s gesture and take them away.

"Counter, we are ordered to drive, can not easily leave." Gao Qiuping is no longer as proud as the original, even if she can not wait to tear Lu Hao immediately, she must restrain.

Huang’s medical officer was coveted. When she learned that Lu Hao was enshrined as a queen, she already knew that it was not easy to return to the palace. She thought that it would not be possible to return to Kyoto smoothly.

Ye Hao looked at Gao Qiuping with a smile and smiled. "I was ordered to go with the driver? It would not be fine to return to the military camp."

Gao Qiuping’s face was white and whitish. “ are reporting private complaints!”

Fu Gonggong immediately shouted, "Let's go!"

This high medical actress is as long as she has not long eyes. She used to offend the county magistrate and was once a queen. Now the county owner is almost a queen. Who dares to confront her?

In fact, Ye Hao asked the Huang medical officials to return to the military camp first. It was not entirely for selfishness. She lived in the military camp for a while, knowing how lacking the doctor there, and the same city, after a war, the wounded soldiers must be quite a lot. Gao Qiuping’s medical skills are not bad. Staying in the military camp can cure more people.

Huang’s medical officer whispered, “Fu Gonggong, let the official return to the military camp, I am afraid I have to go through the emperor, and I hope that you will report it on your behalf.”

Ye Hao smiled at them and turned away.

Fu Gonggong rushed to follow up.

"Master, can we really go back to the military camp?" Gao Qiuping asked unwillingly.

"I don't want to go back, how is it? She is the emperor's heart treasure." Huang medical officer said faintly.

Gao Qiuping said with a grin, "Can we not go back to the palace as long as she is alive?"

Huang’s medical officer looked at the back of Ye Hao’s gradual departure, “see how long she can live.”

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