For the first time, Ye Yiqing felt flustered and knew that Zhaoyang was taken away by the kidnapper. He had a strong urge to kill.

He immediately asked people to find Cao Yu. "Even if you turn over the entire city of Wangdu, you must find Zhaoyang."

"Those who are kidnappers are unlikely to bring people back to the city, Cao Yu, you take people to search outside the city, I go to the port to have a look." Ye Yiqing said quietly.

For a long time, no one has discovered how the kidnappers took people away. It is definitely not the official road. The official road will occasionally be patrolled. They will not take such a big risk. If they have not guessed wrong, they should go. waterway.

Ye Yiqing blocked the port, and all the ships could not leave. He went with a person and a ship.

There was no news until there was no darkness in Cao Yu. There was no news from there.

Did Zhaoyang have been sent away from Wangdu City?

"Teacher, Wang Ducheng almost searched all over, I was afraid..." Cao Yu looked at Ye Yiqing, who was worried, and dared not say that Zhaoyang County had been sent away.

He has never seen a teacher so worried about a woman.

Ye Yiqing said in a deep voice, "I can't leave Wangdu City so quickly. If I have searched it and I haven't found it, it must be in the port. I will search all the boats again."

Cao Yu wants to say that it has been checked here. If anyone has it, it is impossible to find it.

Ye Yiqing stood at the highest place, and the night was not completely there. He could see that there was a cargo ship floating in the river not far away, because it was far away and not connected with other ships.

"Go there and look at it." Ye Yiqing said.

"Teacher, that has already been checked, and no abnormalities have been found." Cao Yu said.

Ye Yiqing still insisted on checking in the past.

The ship was loaded with coarse grains, and there were more than a dozen bags of food on it. The warehouse was also full of sacks, and no one was there.

"Teacher, no one in the boat." Cao Yu whispered.

Ye Yiqing stood in the cabin and did not move. He pointed to the place where the sacks were stacked. "Take these things away."

Cao Yu looked at him and immediately let people move around.

There is also a small door behind those goods.

Ye Yiqing immediately opened the door with one foot.

Behind the door is a hidden cabin. It should be used as a rescue boat. There are now a few unconscious women in the room. Ye Yiqing saw a coma and did not wake up in the innermost Zhaoyang.

"Zhaoyang..." Ye Yiqing was shocked, and strode over Zhaoyang.

"Teacher, these are all... women who have been abducted these days." Cao Yu said with amazement.

Ye Yiqing glanced at Zhaoyang in his arms. "Take everyone away. In any case, find out those kidnappers."

Cao Yu should be quietly.

Find those kidnappers... and then smash it!

When Ye Yiqing left Zhaoyang and left, he returned to the Prime Minister's Office. The sky was completely dark. He asked his doctor to ask Wang Zhizheng. His biggest concern was that Zhaoyang was suffering from irreparable damage.

Wang Yizheng thought that it was Ye Yiqing’s injury that changed. He quickly rushed over and realized that it was for a woman.

"Ye Daren, this girl is just being smothered with some drugs, and she should wake up soon." Wang Yizheng said to Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing was relieved. He signaled that Wang Zheng was talking outside and asked Fang Zhen to give them a check.

"This is my old man." Ye Yiqing whispered and explained to Wang.

Wang Yizheng smiled. "It seems that this old man is very different for you."

Ye Yiqing smiled and sent away Wang Zhengzheng.

Standing under the eaves, Ye Yiqing looked at the moon in the sky with a gaze. He didn't know how to face Zhaoyang. Such a girl who likes her, he couldn't refuse her hard.

"Master, Zhaoyang County wakes up." Hong Ling came over and whispered to Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing gently nodded.

"The county owner wants to see you." Hong Ling said.

"See me?" Ye Yiqing snorted and looked at the sky, it was already so late, she was not afraid to gossip when she saw him at this time?

Ye Yiqing just hesitated for a while and decided to go to see Zhaoyang.

Zhaoyang did not suffer any other injuries. She was beaten a few times except when she was struggling. There was no other wound on her body, at least her innocence was still there.

After she learned that she was saved by Ye Yi, the bottom of her heart could not help but ignite a spark of hope.

Ye Yiqing walked in slowly from the outside, and looked up to see her wearing a white dress, standing at the window slimly. I don’t know if it was an illusion. He thought she looked even weaker than usual at the moment. People can't help but want to pity and cherish her.

"Zhaoyang County Lord, are you okay?" Ye Yiqing stood by the door, no further.

"I'm fine." Zhaoyang nodded and his eyes fell on his handsome face. She smiled slightly. "Ye Daren, thank you for your help."

Ye Yiqing smiled. "Nothing, the court was already hitting the kidnappers..."

The smile on Zhaoyang’s face changed slightly. “So, what does Ye Daren mean by saying, is it just a matter of saving me?”

"Not... Zhaoyang, don't misunderstand." Ye Yiqing said busy.

"What will I misunderstand?" Zhao Yang stared straight at him. "Ye Daren, are you afraid that I will stalk you? You can rest assured that I still have this self-esteem."

Ye Yiqing reluctantly sighed. "Zhaoyang, I don't mean this. You are growing up. I am upright and youthful. I am already in middle age. You are still young. You have never experienced a true love. In the future, You will regret this."

Zhaoyang looked at him with red eyes. "Are you not me unforgettable for me? If you can forget, why have I remembered this for ten years?"

"What do you like about me?" This is Ye Yiqing's most painful, he really does not know how she was tempted by him.

"How do I know..." Zhaoyang smiled bitterly. At that time, Junya was like a fairy. She was always whispering to her, and she smiled at her heart, even though he had a family and even him. Her daughter is still her same door, but she is unable to restrain herself. If it is not for wanting to forget him, not to want to cut off the heart that should not be there, how can she obey the stepmother’s persuasion and obey the emperor’s marriage. What about the North Ming Kingdom?

Ye Yiqing whispered, "You should stay first, don't rush away."

When Zhaoyang saw that he would not face her feelings at all, he was so angry that he came to him. "You let me live, are you afraid of getting gossip?"

"You are a friend of you, what gossip?" Ye Yiqing laughed.

"Because I will want to be close to you!" Zhao Yang said this, he had already tiptoed and kissed his lips.

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