Fengjiao City was most famous before Fengjiazhuang, but Fengjiazhuang was really known to the people of the world, or because it became a thing after the emperor.

However, I heard that Fengjiazhuang has already fallen, but now there is only one empty shell.

"Fengyu City is more prosperous than I thought." Ye Hao stood by the window of the inn and looked down at the street below. He thought it was not far from the border. It should be quite depressed, but he did not expect it to be so lively. .

Murong Chong has already seen the book behind the book. These memorials were sent to Kyoto on the front of their footsteps when they arrived at Fengjing City. He also asked to go back to Kyoto. When he heard Ye Hao’s words, his mouth floated. A little smile, "There is still a lot of prosperity in the country."

"If I can go all over the world, I will be fine." Ye Hao said with emotion.

what? Murong Chan, who was watching the fold, was scared and suddenly raised his head. "What?"

Ye Hao didn't find that Murong Chan was already staring at her. She still looked forward to her face. "The world is so big, how good it would be if you could go there."

"There is nothing to go, not the mountains and rivers, every place is similar." Murong Zhan said faintly, this idea of ​​wanting to travel all over the world must be influenced by Huangfu, and she knows that she cannot be made Huangfu’s apprentice, fortunately, he brought her in time, otherwise she would not go around like Huangfu in the future, and certainly would not marry him.

"You have said this all the time." Ye Hao said, "My Master did not say this."

Sure enough, it is Huangfu! Ink Chen Zhan secretly gritted his teeth in his heart. He should put an end to let the emperor and the donkey meet, otherwise he would let him bring it to the belt.

Murong Zhan put down the memorial in his hand and walked to the window and licked her thin waist. "Huangfu is very comparable to people. He thinks it is a beautiful place. We don't like it. Wait until you find some local ambitions for you. Here, where do you like to go, I will accompany you later."

Ye Hao looked at him with an eyebrow. "You have a lot of time, do you have time?"

"You gave birth to a prince earlier, and he will be enthroned in the future. We can go anywhere." Murong Zhan said in a serious way.

"The more you say, the farther you are." Ye Hao gave him a sigh of relief.

Murong Zhan took her hand and went back to sit down. "It’s not too early outside. I’m going to take a day off today, take a rest, and take you to see Lu Xiang tomorrow.”

Thinking of going to see Lu Xiangzhi tomorrow, Ye Hao’s eyes are smiling, "Well."

The old father and daughter who settled in another inn were not very good.

"Hey, the three brothers, this is to deliberately open up us?" Zhuo Suer's pretty face is gloomy, and he is dissatisfied with the way that Murong Zhan does not want them to follow.

Zhuo Lao took the pigeon he had just received and was taking down a piece of paper that was rolled into a tail-finger. He heard the daughter’s words and said faintly, "He didn't take me as a master and drove them away. What is strange?"

"Hey, the third brother is not a good master, but you have taught him martial arts after all, no matter what, he has to respect you." Zhuo Suer called.

"Your three brothers..." Zhuo old frowned and looked at the paper in his hand, and he had already stopped when he had not finished talking.

Zhuo Suer was waiting for the following. After waiting for a long time, she didn’t hear Zhuo Lao’s speech. He asked, “Hey, what happened to the three seniors?”

"Thousands of people who want to kill in Luosha are in Fengcheng City?" Zhuo Lao frowned in thought. "It seems that I have to go out and ask about it tomorrow. What is the character of Fengqicheng?"

"Is that the one who lives the killing order?" Zhuo Suer's attention was quickly transferred.

Zhuo Lao nodded. "Yes, this person is still a woman."

"Women?" Zhuo Suer was even more surprised. "Which woman has such a skill, actually people have spent so much money to kill her with a thousand Luosha life?"

"Who is the buyer who has nothing to do with Qianluo, and finds your master while you find out the person." Zhuo Lao said softly.

Zhuo Suer asked with a smile. "Hey, you don't want to go out in person?"

"Since someone will start," Zhuo Lao said.



Resting for one night, all the fatigue of Ye Hao was swept away, waiting for the incident of ink-handedness, she had already dressed herself as a noble son, and went to the door with the palace ladies brought from the palace.

Ye Hao thought that as long as he went to Tuen Mun to see Lu Xiang, he could see him. He did not expect to eat a closed door.

"This son, we adults have to be in the body, not convenient to see guests, you still please come back." A small dressed man said.

"You told him that my surname is Lu?" Ye Hao frowned, Lu Xiangzhi refused to see her?

Xiao Yan said, "Lu Gongzi, we adults really have no time to see you."

"He didn't see me!" Ye snorted. "You brought this jade to him, and he will definitely see me."

"You guys don't understand how to be polite? Is it impossible for you to ask for essays? He is killing people in the face of adults. Even if he is the son-in-law of your Lu family, adults can't do nothing. Do it." Xiao Yan said impatiently.

Ye Hao did not understand this. "I can't understand your words. I am a guest coming from afar. What kills people and does not kill people. What does it have to do with me?"

"You... are you not a son outside the land?" Xiao Yan looked at Ye Hao with a puzzled look. Recently, adults are avoiding the people of Lujia. When he hears that this little son is surnamed Lu, he automatically thinks it is Fengqi. Outside the city's land members, it is said to be a distant relative of the adults.

"Of course not." Who is outside the land, she heard it for the first time, "Forget it, I went in and saw Lu Xiangzhi."

I took a nap and immediately stopped Ye Hao.

"Who is here?" Suddenly, there was a sigh in the door.

When Ye Hao looked up, he saw Lu Xiangzhi coming out from the inside with his own master. Just the screaming was the opening of the master.

Lu Xiangzhi did not look at Ye Hao, but looked at the little sly, "but it is for you to drive away a person, how long is it?"

"grown ups……"

"That depends on who he is driving away." Ye Hao looked at Lu Xiangzhi's back with a smile and smiled. Even though she didn't even look at her, she didn't have a good face today. She just did a man's dress. .

Lu Xiang hurriedly looked back at Ye Hao, "You..."

"I thought it would be easy to see you. I actually ate a closed door." Ye Hao deliberately pretended to be angry.

"How are you here?" Lu Xiang’s mouth opened a smile and forced her forehead. "What else is it?"

Ye Xiaoxiao said, "I wanted to give you a surprise, who thought so smart."

Lu Xiangzhi looked at the next master, and whispered to Ye Hao, "Know that you like to join in the fun, let me go to the case."

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