"What kind of case?" Ye Hao followed Lu Xiang, thinking of what the little sister said just like Lu Jiayuan's relatives. "Who are you hiding recently? I don't want to see the surname Lu?"

Lu Xiangzhi said with some headaches, "I don't know where the relatives have come out. I have already had five clothes, barely got a relationship with the car, donated money and made a job. A few days ago, his son-in-law was in the tea house. Someone grabbed a woman who sang a song and killed the other person. In order to get rid of his son-in-law, it was only three days to find me, and I was bothered."

Ye Hao said, "If you have evidence of physical evidence, it will be useless even if you find it."

"There is no such thing as a landlord. It is a lot of money. I don’t know how to buy the people in the tea house at the time. It is said that the other party first started, and the son-in-law had to fight back, and at that time, the people did not kill, but died after returning home. It’s not that his daughter-in-law killed the dead.” Lu Xiangzhi said.

"This is a strong word." Ye Hao smiled. "Is this kind of thing bothering you like this?"

Lu Xiangzhi glanced at Ye Hao. "You haven't seen the lady outside the land. She can pour in front of you. She also said that we are not helping the same family. I want to watch them break."

Ye Hao smiled. "It’s not her son who killed the dead. It’s just her son-in-law."

"They don't have a daughter. This son-in-law is an introduction." Lu Xiangzhi said.

"How do I feel that this excitement is not good at all." Ye Hao grinned.

Lu Xiangzhi shook his head with a smile, and went to the tea house with Ye Hao to inquire about the case at that time, and went to a home outside the land.

"What is Sun Xing?" Ye Hao had never seen someone else handle the case before. Lu Xiangzhi thought that he was Lu Hao. He would be very interested in this kind of thing. She didn't want to show the lack of interest and had to follow. A glimpse, however, when the people who heard the restaurant spoke to the murderer, she was somewhat curious. The lander outside the Fenghuang City could not achieve the goal of killing people. Can murder be excused?

"It’s just a normal show. It’s a neighbor with the woman who sings. It’s probably not to see He Wenze bullying her, so she helped to discourage her. Instead, she was killed.” Lu Xiang’s eyes flashed with anger. “He Wenze is not a simple person, listen. It is surprising to say that the business outside the land is outside his business. This time he will compete for a singer."

Ye Hao heard Lu Xiangzhi say so, some doubts, "He Wenze is not a jealousy?"

This is a matter of robbing the women and women.

"Actually, it wasn't that he looked at the singer, but Zheng Shizi, who was with him at the time, wanted to put the singer into a small singer. He Wenze was for him. As for who killed Sun Xiucai, This will be checked again." Lu Xiangzhi whispered.

"..." Ye Hao looked at Lu Xiang sympathetically. So, she finally understood why she wanted to keep He Wenze outside the land. "If you continue to investigate, you must offend Zheng family?"

Lu Xiang’s faint smile, “They don’t just look at me, can’t I offend Zheng’s family?”

Just saying, Lu Jia has arrived.

Ye Hao also finally saw the lander outside, and his body was round. When he walked, the flesh of his cheeks trembled. "Lu Zizi, you finally came, please come in."

"Outside the land, the official is coming today. There are a few words to ask. I am troubled to call the next person who went to the restaurant together with He Wenze on that day." Lu Xiangzhi waved his hand and ignored the enthusiasm outside the staff.

"Yin, you see that everyone is the same family, let go of Wenze, this thing can not blame him, is that Sun Xing does not know well, we are willing to lose money, how much willing to pay." "When the lander heard it, he came to investigate the case, and the fat on his face was wrinkled.

"If the official finds out the truth, He Wenze is really embarrassed, the official will not be wronged." Lu Xiangzhi said.

The lander personally gave Lu Xiang the tea. "Yin Yin, this is a misunderstanding. You will only close your eyes, I will definitely thank you."

Lu Xiang’s mouth floated with a sneer. “Do you want this official to close your eyes and let him go?”

"I will tell you if you are the same scorpion. You can't check this case. Otherwise, you will not survive in Fengyu City in the future." Lu said outside.

"Is it?" Lu Xiangzhi laughed. "Is this officer not only to let go of your son-in-law, but also to be grateful to you?"

Outside the land, listening to Lu Xiangzhi’s tone is not like letting his son-in-law pass, and his face’s smile is also somewhat stiff. “Lu Daren, I’m all plain, listening and not listening is your thing, don’t regret it.” ""

"I will bring the next person with He Wenze at that time, and the official will bring back to Tuen Mun to interrogate." Lu Xiang said with a calm face.

"You..." The landmen are outside, "Lu Xiangzhi, do you think you are still Houfu? Your older brother has already been run down. Now you are hard to protect yourself in Kyoto. If you can't survive, you can't survive." Where can I accommodate you?"

Ye Hao looked at the landmen like a smile and laughed. "Can this Fengqi City be able to accommodate us adults, or are you outside the land?"

"What are you, I talk to Lu Daren, and you dare to interrupt?" Lu said outside, pointing at Ye Hao.

"She is the aide of the official, do you still have to look at your face?" Lu Xiang asked outside the landlord.

The land smirk smirked, "Yin, we have something to discuss."

Lu Xiangzhi said coldly, "If you have been unwilling to cooperate with the land, you will not be able to blame me if He Wenze is sentenced to death."

"I will not kill people!" Suddenly, a woman’s scream came from outside the door.

The face of the lander changed and he hurriedly let the people around him go out to stop.

Ye Hao and Lu Xiangzhi looked at each other and, in a short while, saw a woman rushing in without regard to the block. "Adult, I will not kill people, you must be the master."

When she saw the woman coming in, Ye Hao and Lu Xiangzhi’s face changed.

Lu Shuanger?

"Adult, I like to do good deeds on fair days. How can he kill people? Ask the grown-ups to be the masters of me." The woman was kneeling in front of Lu Xiangzhi, crying with pears and asking for rain.

"You...who are you?" Lu Xiangzhi pointed to her and asked, actually looks so like Lu Shuanger!

Ye Xin’s heart is also a stormy wave. She almost thinks that this person is the Lu Shuanger who escaped from the dead, but it is impossible to think carefully.

"The woman is He Wenze's wife, surnamed Lu Mingzhu." Lu Pearl whispered, she did not even look up to see Lu Xiangzhi.

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