Dongqingguo, Wangducheng, Yuxiangfu.

"Ye Daren, please return the wine to me." Zhaoyang looked at the opposite man coldly. She felt so upset and wanted to drink a little wine. The man couldn’t help but say that she would take her wine away. What does it mean to be opposite her?

"Drinking and hurting." Ye Yiqing put the jug in a place that Zhaoyang couldn't get. She looked at her cheeks and her eyes were fascinated with water, and she looked more beautiful than her usual cold look. He could see that he could not move his eyes.

Zhaoyang snorted, "On these few fruit wines can also hurt, Ye Daren, how bad is your body?"

Ye Yiqing looks stiff, no one tells her, don't you say that a man's body is poor?

"You are already drunk." Ye Yiqing looked at her and said.

Zhaoyang smiled faintly. "It seems that the person with a bad drink is Ye Daren."

Ye Yiqing felt that Zhaoyang was indifferent to him because he escaped these days.

"That..." Ye Yiqing coughed down, "Zhaoyang, I have something to tell you."

Zhaoyang smiled and drank the only half of the wine in the glass into his mouth. "So smart, I have something to say."

"What do you want to say?" Ye Yiqing asked quietly.

"I am going to say goodbye to you, Ye Daren." Zhao Yang looked at him with a smile. "These **** have already thought clearly. I have never thought about the result of blooming with people I like. Now my The knot has already been solved, and I can go back to the country."

Ye Yiqing heard her words, his face slightly froze, "Return to the country?"

Zhaoyang said, "I was originally a Jin Guoren, and naturally I want to go back to my country."

"What is Jin Guo worthy of your nostalgia?" Ye Yiqing asked, he did not want her to return to the country, her stepmother will certainly not allow her to live at home.

"Do you worry that I haven't had a good life in Jinguo? It seems that Ye Daren's investigation in Beiming is not clear enough. Beitang was already with me before he died, and gave him all the shops in Tianzhuang. There is also my dowry... I don’t care where I go, I can live alone and freely. I don’t need to eat or wear it. It’s no problem to raise a few capitals.” Zhaoyang thought of the days when he was free. There was a smile on his face.

Ye Yiqing almost spit out an old blood.

She actually still wants to raise a small white face! !

No, she and the North Hall are separated from each other? Then she is not a widow now. Since she is not the Princess of the North Hall, she does not need to be observant for the North Hall.

“How can Bei Tangcheng be with you and leave?” Ye Yiqing asked in confusion. In fact, he had long wanted to ask this question. Why did she live alone in Bezhuang when she just married, and passed through Beitang? Unlike the husband and wife's husband and wife, he learned that she was interested in him, thinking that she was because of him... and later felt that it was impossible.

"He has his own beloved person in the palace." Zhaoyang said faintly, she said that she was talking about a non-related person.

Ye Yiqing frowned. "I haven't heard that Beitang has a side squat, and I haven't found out which woman he is with."

"Who said that his beloved is a woman?" Zhaoyang laughed at himself. "If it is a woman, why do I leave the palace, but I don't want to disgust my eyes."

"..." Beitang Cheng is a broken sleeve? Ye Yiqing was shocked. He never thought about this. This is the reason why Beitang was willing to leave Zhaoyang when he was dying. He certainly felt that he owed Zhaoyang.

"Isn't that good? But even if he doesn't leave with me, I don't intend to give him widows." Zhaoyang said with a smile.

Ye Yiqing said with a sullen face, "Bei Tang Cheng, do you not let people go back and tell their families?"

"Tell the family? Who will give me the master?" Zhaoyang asked coldly, she was only able to ask for help only Ye Hao, but Ye Hao could not help her.

"In this case, you still go back to Jin Guo for doing it? It is better to stay here." Ye Yiqing whispered.

Zhaoyang glanced at him. "Ye Daren, you don't have to feel that I am pitiful and sympathetic to me. I want to have any kind of days, and I don't need the sympathy of others."

Ye Yiqing looked at her coldly. "What kind of days do you want to have? Raise a little white face?"

"What little white face?" Zhao Yang asked doubtfully.

"Face!" Ye Yiqing said that he had to cut his teeth.

Zhaoyang chuckles, "Oh, this is what I thought."

She actually thought about it? ! He knew that Zhaoyang could not be treated as a normal ancient woman. "I can't think about it, you still want to raise your face."

"Ye Daren, you and me are not relatives, and it is too much to manage." Zhaoyang said with a smile. "Moreover, I have nothing to do with you."

Yes, it is not a problem for him. He is very unhappy.

"You don't go anywhere where you live." Ye Yiqing said quietly.

Zhaoyang said, "I will leave tomorrow."

Ye Yiqing said with angrid, "You keep saying that you like me. It’s only a few days. You have already thought about raising your face. Are you not ignoring me? I can't satisfy you in the future?"

"You...what are you talking about!" Zhaoyang's cheeks were red, and the wine glass in his hand was thrown out.

"Since you have provoked me, don't think about it!" Ye Yiqing said, she immediately hugged her up. "Do you know if there is too much face-to-face?"

Zhaoyang struggled in his arms. "Ye Yiqing, you let me down."

When the two talked, they had already sent their entourages, and Zhaoyang struggled to find someone to save her.

Ye Yiqing hugged her and went to the room, raising a small white face? I still want to raise a few of her! He saw that she could not stand it!

Zhaoyang yelled. "You heard no, put me down. Don't you treat me as a daughter? Then you still hold me, let me down!"

"I have also taught you to ride a horse. It is also plausible to say that it is a lifelong career for a teacher." Ye Yiqing said faintly.

"You fart!" Zhaoyang gasped and shivered. What did he mean, didn't he avoid her like a snake? She is now going to give up and want to leave, but he is not afraid of her?

Ye Yiqing said coldly, "Don't let me hear you say so vulgar."

"You..." Zhaoyang glared at him. "What do you want?"

"Let you experience the life of raising a few face-to-face first." Ye Yiqing's mouth floated a little smile, and she had already taken her into the bedroom of the upper room.

Zhaoyang was gently thrown onto the bed. She turned over and wanted to get up. Ye Yiqing’s strong body had already been pressed down.

After a long time, I remembered Ye Yiqing’s shocked voice in Zhaoyang’s low voice, “Zhaoyang, should you explain it to me, why haven’t you broken melon?”

"Roll!" Zhao Yang was powerless in his arms and wanted to scratch him. She didn't want to say a word now.

She said that the first noodle is just saying that he is angry, he actually took it seriously!

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