Lu Xiangzhi was scared by his sister's words and almost squirted a tea.

What told her and the emperor to go to him for a meal! She thought that the emperor was who, as if he was a brother-in-law who could teach him casually, it was the emperor, the king of a country!

"Where is the emperor?" Lu Xiangzhi lowered his voice. "How come you came here with the emperor? The emperor? Why didn't the officials meet?"

Ye Xiao smiled. "We are going to patrol the micro-service. We live in the inn, and you don't want to let it go. He doesn't want people to know that he is here."

Lu Xiang asked for a long time, "Is this the meaning of the emperor?"

"That is nature, not what he meant. Can I still make my own ideas?" Ye Xiaoxiao said. "I have been out for so long, it is time to go back."

"I will send you back." Lu Xiangzhi immediately stood up and knew that the emperor was in Fengqi City. He could still sit there. Even if the emperor didn't want to reveal his identity, he knew that he couldn't pretend, why should he first? It’s only to go to the peace of mind.

Ye Xiaoxiao nodded. She came out today and went out while Murong Chan was busy. Otherwise, he would definitely not let her go to the big brother alone. When I go back, I would like to say something good to please him.

The inn they lived in was not far from Tuen Mun, and the carriage was less than half an hour away.

Like Ye Yi thought, the face of Mo Rong Zhan is really not very good-looking, but because in front of Lu Xiang, he did not show dissatisfaction except for the indifference and majesty.

"Chen Chen sees the emperor." Lu Xiangzhi immediately bowed after seeing Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan put his hand on him and let him get up. "He is flat, and he is just a micro-service. You don't want to disturb other people through this place. You will treat your relatives as ordinary relatives."

Common relatives? What kind of relatives, is it really an ordinary brother-in-law?

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Yeah, big brother, we can't live in Fengqi City for a few days."

"Yes, the emperor." Lu Xiangzhi whispered, but his heart thought that although the emperor said so, how dare he be so arrogant, if it was changed to someone else is his sister's fiancé, her sister has not married yet. Just being carried around, he didn't blame the stinky boy.

But can he now be emperor? That is a big deal.

“Have you been happy?” Murong Zhan looked down at Ye Wei and asked, this little girl actually learned to take him down.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Well, good."

Lu Xiangzhi coughed a little, "The emperor, the minister should not take the case to investigate."

"Do not blame you, you don't want to take her, she will follow." Murong Zhan said faintly.

"Where do I have." Ye Hao's fingers pulled the sleeves of ink-filled Zhan.

Lu Xiangzhi saw this scene in his eyes, and he was surprised in his heart. Who is the emperor? It is the king of a country with a harem of three thousand. He used to be fond of Lu Guizhen, but in the end he was able to execute Lu Guifei without mercy. In his opinion, the emperor is the coolest person in the world, but ... The emperor seems to be very fond of confrontation.

I don't know if it was the same for Lu Shuanger.

"Where are you going to check the case?" Murong Zhan looked at Ye Wei.

"The murder case." Ye Hao said that he simply said the case of He Wenze's murder. "Do you think He Wenze is killing or the Zheng Shizi?"

Ink Murray glanced at her and whispered to Lu Xiangzhi. "Is Zheng Shizi a loyal candidate?"

"Returning to the emperor, it is the son of the loyal and waiting family, is the famous phoenix of Fengqicheng." Lu Xiangzhi back.

"A Houfu child, a merchant, how did the two walk together?" Murong Zhan asked.

Lu Xiangzhi said, "Some of the Lujia businesses need to pass the loyalty of the cable, He Wenze is close to Zheng Shizi, it should be for business convenience."

"Someone saw He Wenze murder?" Mo Rongzhan asked, if it is just an ordinary murder case, Lu Xiangzhi is not difficult to determine who is the murderer, and now involves loyalty, this case is not so good.

"Returning to the emperor, no one saw He Wenze murder. According to Chen’s investigation, the person who killed Sun Xiucai is most likely to be Zheng Shizi. He Wenze is only a scapegoat, but all the evidence is not very favorable to him." Lu Xiangzhi replied.

Murong Zhan said softly, "then continue to check."

Ye Hao looked at him curiously. "Do you think that Zheng Shizi is the murderer? Is He Wenze wanting to sin for Zheng Shizi?"

"You are so curious?" Murong Zhan asked with a funny smile.

"It's very curious." Ye Hao nodded. "Right, He Wenze still doesn't know if his wife is pregnant. Big Brother, it's better to tell him the news, maybe he will tell the truth."

Lu Xiangzhi nodded with a smile. "I have this plan."

They did not go to the door to use dinner, and they ate a meal in the inn. Lu Xiang’s cautiously ate a few mouthfuls, although the emperor had already said that he didn’t care too much about the status of the monarch, but he still couldn’t care.

After sending Lu Xiangzhi, Ye Haocai looked at him with a smile in his arm. "Azhan, if Zheng Shizi murders, my brother is not good enough to judge this case?"

"How can it be difficult to judge, worried that the loyalty will stop from it?" Murong Zhan asked with a smile.

"If loyalty is not blocked, how can He Wenze become a scapegoat?" Ye said, "If you are loyal to the use of Hou Ye's identity to deal with my big brother, you have to let people quietly help him."

Murong Zhan snorted, "Is this time thinking about the use of cockroaches?"

Ye Hao hugged his neck and kissed him a few times. "The use of the emperor has always been great."

"Your big brother may not be afraid of loyalty. If he really does not dare to deal with it, he will not continue to investigate the case, but directly sentenced He Wenze to kill." Murong Zhan ordered her head. "Look at you." Big brother."

"Oh, yes, I went to my home with my big brother today, and you guess who I saw." Ye Hao whispered in the arms of Mo Rongzhan, "Azhan, you Not letting people inquire about Lu Shuanger? Haven't found anyone yet?"

How did you suddenly mention Lu Shuanger? What Murong Zhan didn't want most was to bring up the woman in front of her. "I was originally found in Dongqing, and she didn't know where to go."

"Today we saw that the daughter outside the landlord is exactly the same as Lu Shuanger." Ye Hao said, "I almost thought she was Lu Shuanger."

"She is in Fengcheng City?" Murong Zhan was so cold, frowning and looking at Ye Hao.

Ye Xiao smiled. "It's not really Lu Shuanger, it looks like it. It seems that He Wenze's wife, Lu Jia, has a relative of five suits."

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