Zhuo Yunyu has not spoken for a long time. There are too many secrets between him and Zhuo Lao. These are his unwillingness to tell others. Some words may be overwhelmed. He does not have much grand desire, just want to It’s going to be a faint life.

"I don't know if Master will be the owner of Thousand Rakshasa, Azhan, I only hope that you can give my brother a chance." Zhuo Yunyu whispered, "I won't let him leave Qingyun Villa again in the future." It is."

Murong Chan looked at him faintly. "If I don't let him go?"

Zhuo Yunyu said, "I can't force you to let Yunruo go, but he is my brother after all. I will save him anyway."

"If a thousand Luosha people don't come to save him, what would you do?" Murong Cham asked faintly.

"I will not let go of the person who asked him to do this." Zhuo Yunyu said that his most hope is that his younger brother can grow up without worry, don't get involved in the disputes, don't know too much complexity. The life of the people, but some people want to destroy their calm.

Murong Zhan nodded gently. "Three days later, if the people of Thousands of Luosha do not come, even if I let your brother, let me know that I will not let him go."

Zhuo Yunyu said, "If the people of Qianluo did not appear after three days, can you let Yunrui go?"

"If he still continues to chase me," asked Murong Cham.

"You don't have to be shot when you arrive, I will send him to you in front of you, let you dispose of it." Zhuo Yunyu said.

Murong Chong looked at him deeply. "Good."

Zhuo Yunyu heard that Murong Zhan promised him, his eyebrows showed a happy color, "A Zhan, thank you."

"Your injury is better. This Fengjiazhuang has been abandoned for a long time. It is not a place for healing. I will arrange another place for you." Murong Cum said softly.

"Good." Zhuo Yunyu did not refuse, nodded and agreed.

Murong Chan did not expect Zhuo Yunyu to agree so soon. After careful thought, he understood that Zhuo Yunyu thought he was threatening him?

"I will let people pick you up." He did not explain, anyway, he is a bit like this.

Out of the back cover, Murong Chan saw Huangfu outside the broken courtyard.

"Asked something?" Huangfu looked at him and asked.

Murong’s mouth twitched slightly and smirked, and he tilted the emperor’s eyes. “Since someone has been planning for so long, it’s easy to let the **** know the truth.”

The face of Huangfu Junya flashed through helplessness. "What?"

"In her older brother, you won't let her be in danger again." Murong Zhan took his hand on the back and walked slowly a few steps. "There is something that I have never asked you."

"If you want to ask, you will ask." Huangfu said.

Murong Chong stepped down. "Is there a party in the emperor's royal family?"

The narrow scorpion of the emperor flashed a glimmer of light. "Do you suspect that this matter is related to me?"

"What is the relationship with you?" Murong Zhan smiled and asked, he never doubted the imperial concubine, whoever is likely to rebel, but Huangfu is absolutely impossible.

Hearing the trust of Mo Rongzhan, the emperor’s face still has no change. “The emperor’s royal family had other people in the same year, but with our hidden people, it is impossible to pay attention to these disputes, if it’s true with the emperor’s royal family. There is a relationship, that may be... some people who are not willing to become ordinary people."

Murong Zhan gently decapitated, "If it is really relevant in the future, I don't want you to intervene."

"Don't let me know when I get there, I naturally don't have to intervene." Huangfu said.



Zhuo Lao learned that her daughter met Zhuo Yunrui in the inn, and said those words in the house. She was so angry that she wanted to kill her daughter. She thought that this daughter was more savvy, and she was just a mouthful. It’s hard to rely on.

"Who asked you to mention the thousands of Luosha? The boy of the surname will be so easy for you to see Yunrui? Do you have any brains?" Zhuo Lao yelled.

Zhuo Suer was grievanced by her heart. It wasn't that he told her to go to Zhuo Yunrui. She couldn't save the person. She didn't take the opportunity to ask more questions. What did she want to say? "Hey, I have seen it. No one is outside. Who will listen to me. The three brothers are trusting me to let me see Yunrui. Hey, don't think of the three brothers so badly."

"You..." Zhuo Lao glared at her. "How much do you know about your family name? Is it so easy for you to see Zhuo Yunrui? You can't see anyone outside, can't you hear it?" ”

"Even if the third division knows what?" Zhuo Suer called, "just let the three brothers put Yunrui."

Zhuo Lao looked at his daughter with disappointment. They still can't understand the identity of Rong Zhan, but only if he can bring Zhuo Yunrui out of Tuen Mun, it is enough to know that this person's identity is not simple. Looking for him, but also asked to see Zhuo Yunrui, for anyone to doubt, Suer actually dare to talk about Yunrui talking about thousands of Luosha.

Now Rong Zhan should know that they can't get away with Qianluo.

"You should not intervene in this matter in the future, and go back to the mountains tomorrow." Zhuo old said with a calm face.

Zhuo Suer was anxious at once. "I don't go back."

She was so hard to leave the mountain, and she saw the three brothers. She used to think that the three brothers looked good. Even if he didn’t talk, he stood still and was handsome. He hadn’t seen it for many years. Now he is even more A bit mature and steady, better than that year, how she is willing to leave.

"You know that I have never said anything. If you stay here, it will only break our business. Yuer, Rong Zhan's identity is definitely more difficult to deal with than we think." Zhuo Lao whispered.

Zhuo Suer bit his lip. "Who will be who he is, hey, can't you let the three divisions help us?"

"How could I have born such a stupid daughter, Zhuo Yunrui is going to kill the county owner, Lu Xiangzhi will be so easy to let the surname of the person take away, what do you think he will be? You think he will recognize My master, will you be a younger sister?" Zhuo Lao hated the iron and asked.

"Oh..." Zhuo Suer looked at him unwillingly.

Zhuo Lao waved his hand and let her stop talking. He wanted to think about what to do next. The matter was completely out of his control. He thought that if he found Zhuo Yunyu, he would persuade him to go back. According to his previous arrangement, It is unexpected to realize the great career that he has planned for many years. Zhuo Yunyu’s assassination in Fengqi City is also unimaginable, but at the same time, he realized that the identity of Zhuo Yunyu is not a secret, and some people will Want to kill him...

Then, Zhuo Yunrui wants to kill the county owner, and now he has been arrested by Rong Zhan.

The only thing he can't figure out is the identity of Rong Zhan, and the traitor in the thousand Luosha.

There are too many things to do. In addition to saving Zhuo Yunrui, it is to clean up the traitors in the thousand Luosha. No matter who is going to kill Zhuo Yunyu, he will not let go of that person.

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