Three days have passed, except Zhuo Suer has seen Zhuo Yunrui once, no suspicious people appear in the inn, let alone someone to save the thousand Luozha.

Murong Chong brought Zhuo Yunrui to see his brother.

Although he promised that Zhuo Yunyu would kill Zhuo Yunrui, it is a fact that Zhuo Yunrui wants to kill Ye Hao. It is impossible for Murong Zhan to let him go. Although he did not kill him, he still abolished his martial arts. .

Zhuo Yunrui was taken to Zhuo Yunyu's house weakly and weakly. When he saw Junxiu's big brother, his eyes were suddenly disappointing. He was not an idiot. He was arrested for so many days or no one came to save. He, he already understands that he is being used.

"Big Brother..." Zhuo Yunrui holds Zhuo Yunyu's arm. "I'm sorry, sorry."

I looked at the brothers with a look of sorrow, turned and went out, and closed the door for them.

"Abolish your martial arts, you will not play such a big disaster in the future." Although Zhuo Yunyu can't see his brother's appearance, he can definitely imagine how embarrassing it is.

"Big brother, I want to take revenge." Zhuo Yunrui shouted reluctantly.

Zhuo Yunyu shook his head and smiled at the corner of his mouth. "Where do you want to take revenge? You have today, is it something that others are forcing you to do?"

"It is Mr. Fuji who lied to me. If it weren't for him, how could I do this, and the person who abolished my martial arts, I will not let him go." Zhuo Yunrui cried in resentment.

"You have no martial arts, but still want to take revenge? How did Mr. Teng lie to you, clearly that you are fooled by being fooled, you tell the truth, how many people have you killed?" Zhuo Yunyu endured anger I mean, if I don’t see him ruining his martial arts, he wants to teach this younger brother a meal.

Zhuo Yunrui said, "I have not killed anyone. This time, Mr. Teng gave me the opportunity. If I could kill Lu Hao, he would give me the opportunity to meet the owner of the thousand Rakshasa."

"With such a promise, you go to kill the county owner of Jinguo?" Zhuo Yunyu was laughed. "You think that once you kill the county owner, Qingyun Mountain Villa will be dragged down by you. Everyone must follow the fate?"

"How come!" Zhuo Yunrui's pale face was even more pale. "It is a thousand Luosha to kill Lu Yu, even if the court is to sin, it should be a sin."

Zhuo Yunyu said coldly, "Do you forget that you are still a small owner of Qingyun Mountain Villa?"

"Big brother..." Zhuo Yunrui's lips trembled, and he did forget.

"Let's take a rest, wait for you to hurt and then go back to Qingyun Mountain with me, and you won't be noisy again in the future." Zhuo Yunyu said.

Zhuo Yunrui was not willing to ask, "Is this what I am using?"

"There will be people who will naturally exhale for you." Zhuo Yunyu said, Zhuo Lao must have noticed that a thousand Luosha people have betrayed. He always thought that the thousand Luosha masters in his hands were out of control, and those who were more anxious were him. .

"Big brother, I joined the thousand Luosha, is it irritating you?" Zhuo Yunrui whispered.

Zhuo Yunyu snorted. "Who was the one who made you touch the thousand Luosha?"

He knows that the dialogue between their brothers may fall in the ears of others, but he does not care. Since he can ask, he is naturally not afraid of others.

"Yes... is..." Zhuo Yunrui did not dare to say it, just hesitated to look at Zhuo Yunyu.

Zhuo Yunyu's voice reveals a chill, "Who is it, when?"

"It was Uncle Zhu that unintentionally mentioned it. I just thought it was fun. I haven’t killed anyone since I joined Qianluo. I heard that the owner of Thousand Rakshasa is so inscrutable. I am a great figure. I want to see him, Mr. Teng. I said that as soon as I killed Lu Hao, I let me see the owner. I went to Kyoto last year. The result was not killed. The buyer was dead. I thought that this business would be fine. Before that, Mr. Teng said that this was a lifetime pursuit. Order, I have to take the task before it is complete, just happened to meet Lu Hao in Fengjing City, then I will..."

After listening to what the younger brother said, Zhuo Yunyu was too angry to be angry. "With such a simple strategy, have you not noticed at all? Is it so stupid to use?"

Zhuo Yunrui bowed his head and said, "I was... hot..."

"You are not a feverish mind, you are being spoiled." Zhuo Yunyu shook his head and said, "I will stay in Qingyun Mountain Villa in the future, and I will not be noisy again."

"Big Brother..." Although Zhuo Yunrui was not willing, but he thought of the great disaster of this time, he did not dare to disobey at this time.



Ye Hao has not seen Murong Zhan for three days. She knows that the things encountered in Fengqi City are more troublesome. He seems to have noticed something. After she is placed in Tuen Mun, he can let go and check. I know how it is now.

"Hey, do you know what's going on outside?" Ye Hao stood in the courtyard, thinking that when he saw Murong Cham, he heard a loud noise from the front.

"The county owner and wait a moment, the slaves will go to inquire," he said.

I went there for a while, and the sound outside didn't stop. Instead, it was even more troublesome. I felt a little uneasy in Ye Xin's heart. Here is the trick. Who dares to make a big noise here?

"The county lord is loyal to bring people to the door, to let Lu Daren put Zheng Shizi." He went back and said to Ye Hao what happened outside.

Lu Xiangzhi had already sentenced Zheng Shizi to murder yesterday, and released He Wenze out of jail. He was loyal to fear that he did not want his son to sin, and today he came to the door to make trouble.

Ye Hao is not worried about how the loyalty will frame Lu Xiangzhi. Murong Chan is here. He knows the ins and outs of things.

It’s just so troublesome, and it’s not good for Lu Xiang’s post-description.

“What do you want to do with loyalty?” Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"The outside is arguing that Lu Daren received the money outside the land, so He Wenze was released, and all the charges were detained on his son's head." He said.

Ye Hao is cold, "Does he treat those witnesses as dead people? Is Big Brother in front?"

"Lu Daren is not there. It is the government that led the soldiers to stop the loyalty and has been ordered to close the door."

Let the loyalty wait, if he knows that the emperor is in Fengqicheng, see how dare he is.

When Ye Hao was about to return to the house, Xue Lin walked over from the front and walked in front of Ye Hao. "Counter."

"How?" Ye Hao stopped and looked at Xue Lin.

Xue Lin whispered, "He Wenze returned to Lujia, and the Lu said that Lu Pearl would be separated from him, and he was afraid of being implicated."

Ye Hao is not surprised by the ruthless face of the lander. "What about the pearl?"

"Lu Pearl sent a ring to find He Wenze, it seems... I want to follow He Wenze." Xue Lin said.

It seems that this Lu Pearl is really heavy and righteous to He Wenze. Ye Hao whispered, "Let your people continue to stare. If Lu Pearl really wants to leave with He Wenze, then help her and let them leave. ""

Xue Lin looked at Ye Hao with some surprise. "Yes, the county owner."

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