It was not until the middle of the night that the movement in the house stopped, and the rooms were full of charming flowers.

Ink Murray squatted on the thin waist of Ye Hao. "You don't have to live here tomorrow. I will go back to the inn with you, and we should leave."

It was already drowsy, so tired that even he was lifted and raised his fingers, and Ye Hao heard this and looked up slightly in his arms. "Is everything busy?"

"It's not finished, but there are already some clues." Murong shouted with a dumb voice, and it is impossible to stay behind. Moreover, the more he stays, the more he wants to find out, the other side must hide deeper, it is impossible to let He caught the clue.

It is better to find out what has already been found. Anyway, he has sent people to follow Zhuo Lao, Qingyun Mountain Villa will also insert his people, and what he wants to know will sooner or later know.

"What about Zhuo Yunrui?" Ye Hao whispered, yawning in his arms, her tiredness, and tonight he was gentle for a while, let her go back and forth several times in the clouds. She can speak at this time, and she is strong.

"Hey, let him go back with Zhuo Yunyu." Murong Zhan whispered, and the hand with the stripped hair was still gently stroking on her back.

Ye Hao silently thought that he was looking at Zhuo Yunyu's share before Zhuo Yunrui, she did not actually want to Zhuo Yunrui, so did not say anything.

"Destroyed his martial arts, let him go back with Zhuo Yunyu, I want to know who they are, and also want to check Qingyun Mountain Villa." Murong Zhan licked her body, "I will not let go." Anyone who wants to hurt you."

"Who wants him to kill me?" Ye Hao was secretly surprised, but he did not expect him to be a slap in the face of Zhuo Yunrui.

This man... When dealing with others, it is really a slap in the face, and there is no feeling of love.

Inkor’s mouth is sneer with a sneer, “The vines of Qianluo.”

Ye Hao silently remembered the name in her heart. She and this person were innocent and innocent. I did not know how to let him kill the heart. "What does my existence hinder him? Just want to borrow your hand. Drop his opponent?"

"Maybe it is, there may be secrets that are unknown, no matter what, you will find this person." Murong Zhan’s murderous eyes flashed past, and when he looked at her in low-lying eyes, his eyes were only thick. Gentle, "I don't have to think so much, everything is squatting."

"Yeah." Ye Hao whispered. She also wanted to talk about the loyalty, but she couldn't help but sleepy. She fell asleep quickly under his caress.

The next day, she was sore and woke up, it was already three days, and Murong Zhan was no longer in the house.

I beat the water and came in to wash her. Yesterday, the room was quiet. She heard it clearly outside. She knew what was going on. When she came in, she didn’t know what she was doing. She only served as if she had served before. .

Ye Hao knows that she will sleep outside in the evening. Last night, she was confused and refused to accept Murong Cham. Today, I saw that I only remembered the indulgence of last night. I wonder if this kind of palace lady who has never been fond of talking will think, will she feel that? She hasn’t been out of the house yet, so she’s so shameless with Murong Cham?

Looking at Ye Hao's blushing look, and then looking at her slender figure, she blinked a glimpse of the eye. When she changed clothes for the county owner, she already thought it was a rare beauty, and the skin was just like water. The same, now looking at her eyes, it is difficult to hide, and the whole body is full of thrilling beauty.

It's no wonder that the emperor is as painful as her eyes, and I can't wait to be with me every day.

If she is a man, she has such a fiancee, but she is afraid that she will not be able to hold it.

"Hey, what about the emperor?" Ye Hao was seen as more ashamed, and was busy interrupting her gaze.

"The emperor went to find Lu Daren." He returned to the gods and smiled at Ye Hao. "The county chief looks really good."

Ye stunned for a moment, but did not expect that he would say such a thing.

"Slaves have never seen you better than you." He whispered, this is her true heart.

"What you see in the military is a man. Naturally, you don't see a good-looking girl." Ye Hao said with a smile, and when she just said it, she saw the sadness of her face flashing. She explained it. "Oh, I don't mean anything else."

I smiled and said, "The slaves understand the meaning of the county lord. When they are in the military camp, they can hardly see the woman. They have women. The famous woman, I have never seen a character like the county owner."

When Ye Hao was a doctor in the military for a few days, she knew the hard work of the military camp. She still took special care. She could not be known by others when she dressed up as a man, but also went to the battlefield to compete for the battle. I can imagine the hardships. "When you were in the military camp, did you have a hard time?"

"Not bitter." He bowed his head and said.

"Why don't you suffer, the military camp has no good days, let alone you are a woman. Every day, I have to be afraid of being known." Ye Hao said, she looked at him. "Hey, would you like to go back to Kyoto with me?" ?"

I looked at Ye Hao in a puzzled way. She was already a slave to the county owner. I don’t understand why the county owner still asked this question.

"You are now by the throne of the emperor, I hope that you will be willing to stay with me." Ye Hao looked at him.

"The county owner does not abandon the slave daughter of the slave, and the slave is grateful." He took a privilege and gratefully looked at Ye Hao. "The slave is willing to stay with the county owner."

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed in joy, and it’s one thing to leave her beside her. It’s another thing to be willing to serve her. Ye Hao likes this woman and hopes that she will become her own confidant in the future.

After the grooming, Ye Hao wanted to go to Murong Cham, just walked to the second courtyard door, and heard the loud noise from outside. "Do you still bring people to trouble?"

"For his son, he came to Lu Daren personally every day." Xiao whispered.

In the heart, Ye Hao silently waxed for his loyalty. Today, he came to trouble again. It is estimated that he would be seen by Mo Rongzhan.

"Is the emperor and my older brother both in the house?" Ye Hao asked Xue Lin behind him.

Xue Lin said, "The emperor and Lu Daren are in the study."

Ye Hao smiled. "Yes, what happened to Lu Pearl and He Wenze?"

"The landmen don't let their husband and wife meet. Luzhu has found an excuse to go to Zhuangzi to raise a baby. The landmen want to take the opportunity to send their daughter away from He Wenze. However, He Wenze has already known it. It is estimated that this pair The couple are planning to leave together," Xue Lin said.

"There will definitely be people staring at Lu Pearl outside the land, and you can help them to leave." Ye Hao said.

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