Murong Chan had heard about the loyalty of the slogan yesterday, and today I personally saw what the old **** had done.

"How do you plan to deal with the loyalty?" Murong Zhan listened to the noisy voice outside, and looked at Lu Xiang with a faint look.

Lu Xiangzhi has always been awe of Murong Zhan because of Lu Jia’s affairs. However, these ****s are seen. The emperor is not concealing the dominance of the majesty against other people. The gentleness of the eyes is almost dripping out of water. He knows clearly that in the heart of the emperor, you are different from your eldest sister.

He is very happy for being jealous.

"Chen has sentenced Zheng Shizi to ask after the fall, loyal to the heart of anger, Chen Ren forbearing him for two days." Lu Xiangzhi said.

Murong Zhan glanced at him coldly. "The loyal son's son murder should have been convicted. The loyalty to wait for the shackles is to despise the court. You are the imperial court officer, and all represent the court and the court. If you disagree with your judgment, you can play it, but you must not make such a move in the door."

Lu Xiang’s forehead burst into cold sweat, knowing that the emperor was reprimanding him for not being afraid of loyalty. “Yes, Chen knows what to do.”

"Yeah." Murong Zhan can see that Lu Xiang is a material that can be made. Don't say that he is Ye Hao's big brother. Although he is not a biological one, in Ye Xin's heart, Lu Xiang has already been a relative, he has already Intention to promote him.

It’s impossible for Lu’s family to be the landlord’s home, but Lu’s family’s Lu family is not bad.

"Emperor, is it safe now?" Lu Xiangzhi stunned for a long time and finally asked what he had always wanted to ask.

Murong Zhan looked at one of Lu Xiang’s eyes, “He will protect her.”

Lu Xiangzhi no longer asked.

Personally sent Murong Zhan out of the study, Lu Xiangzhi ordered to drive away the loyalty, and if he went to Tuen Mun to make trouble, he was taken prisoner on blame for the imperial court officer.

The loyalty is only the title of Hou Ye, and there is no official position.

When Murong Chong came out of the study room, he saw Ye Hao coming toward this side. He flashed his smile and took her hand. "Come and find it?"

Ye Hao saw Lu Xiangzhi, who was telling him what he was doing outside the study room. "What did you say to my older brother?"

"Nothing, we will leave Fengqi City tomorrow." Murong Zhan took her hand and walked back.

“So urgent?” said Ye Hao. “I haven’t said goodbye to Master yet.”

When he received Zhuo Yunyu from Tuen Mun, Huangfu did not know where he went. "He may have left here."

Ye stunned. "How did Master leave?"

Murong Chong has already guessed something. He smiled faintly. "Your master is so casual, and wherever he wants to go."

"That should be goodbye." Ye Hao, shaking the hand of Murong Chong back to the backyard.



Ye Yiqing is the prime minister of Dongqing State. He is the most important minister of Li Wei, and this time he also helped Dongqing State to have a disaster. As the emperor of Dongqing State, Li Wei naturally hopes that Ye Yiqing will stay for a long time.

However, Ye Yiqing is a Jin Guoren.

The best way to leave Ye Yiqing in Dongqing is to make him a native of Dongqing. Is there any way for him to take root here? Li Wei thought of a perfect way, that is to give a marriage!

Let Ye Yiqing clear a girl from Dongqingguo, and he will naturally take root again in Dongqing.

Although Ye Yiqing already has a pair of children, it is fortunate that Ye Yiqing’s wife has passed away. He has not been jealous for many years. He is not a small family at home. He looks like a fairy, and which girl likes it, Li Wei I believe that there is no girl in Wangducheng who does not want to marry him.

The news that Li Wei wanted to give Ye Yiqing a marriage was somehow passed out of the palace. After Ye Yiqing knew that the whole person was not good.

He is not at all rare with Li Yu’s marriage. In the past, he certainly didn’t care, but he now has Zhaoyang.

Thinking of the little girl, Ye Yiqing's whole heart is warm, and for many years, she doesn't know that she is still so impulsive. Too much fun, not even dare to have too much, in case she is pregnant...

He can't bear her to take a gossip in the future. No one dares to say a gossip in the house, but what about outside? He really wanted to marry her into the door earlier, so as not to have a long night dream.

Ye Yiqing entered the palace to tell Li Wei euphemistically that he did not want to be a relative. Li Wei said that this is the Queen's idea. He thought it was time to find a lady for Ye Haoxiang. If there is a wife in the prime minister's house, Ye Yeqing should also be socializing outside.

To say that the emperor, Ye Yiqing can not say that he already has a small wife, although he has not passed the door, he must first go to the road with Zhaoyang, or it will become a private life.

His little wife must be cared for in the palm of her hand, but can't let anyone say that she is not.

Ye Yiqing returned home and sat in the study for a while, he could not help but go to Zhaoyang.

Zhaoyang is not willing to go to the house now. Since he last did not control, she could not walk the next day. She said that she would not come to the house before she became a relative, and she was not allowed to move her hands.

"Fang Zhen, what about your county owner?" Ye Yiqing asked Fang Zhen, who was at the door, and lifted his foot to go inside.

Fang Zhen stopped him. "Ye Daren, our county owner does not want to see you today."

Ye Yiqing’s footsteps paused. “Why? Is your county owner uncomfortable?”

"No, our county sergeant said, Ye Daren, you are a busy man. It is already busy enough to deal with the political affairs on weekdays. Now I have to choose a lady who is a famous lady, so I don't have to spend time to visit her." Fang Zhen said I have already bowed my head, but I have complained in tone.

Ming Ming Ye adults are better with their county lords, but now there is news that the emperor wants to give him a marriage.

Ye Daren actually did not refuse... The county owner did not know how sad.

"Zhaoyang? I want to see her." Ye Yiqing screamed in a bad heart, how did he pass into the house, he had passed, and no one would chew on the roots in front of Zhaoyang.

Fang Zhen directly closed the courtyard door. "Ye Daren still please come back, our county owner said that I don't want to see you."

Ye Yiqing directly opened the door and shook his door. His face looked gloomy and looked at Fang Zhen, who was scared, and strode into the room.

"Ye Daren, Ye Daren!" Fang Zhen returned to God and chased him to stop him.

"Stand up!" Ye Yiqing looked back at her coldly.

Fang Zhen was scared by his fierce eyes and did not dare to go forward.

Ye Yiqing picked up the curtain and just walked into the inner house. It came out with a sigh of relief. "Go out!"

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