Zhaoyang wore green and green clothes and sat on the soft couch sitting on the window. The sun was softly transmitted from the window and fell on her body, lining her skin white and pink, and the charming charm between the eyebrows was The person is so excited that she is like a cockroach that has been completely blooming, attracting his eyes everywhere.

"How is the end of the anger?" Ye Yiqing, if she listened to her words, it was an idiot. He still had a handsome face with a smile, and he sat down beside her with a cheeky face, looking at her softly.

"Ye Daren still has time to come to me, isn't it busy?" Zhaoyang's face was cold, and he didn't even look at Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing knows that she heard that Li Wei’s message to give him a marriage is definitely not comfortable. He carefully accompanied him. “When did I have time to come to see you, I just came to see you when I didn’t go out of the palace. ""

Said, he grabbed her little hand, "Would you like to go out and walk?"

Zhaoyang withdrew his hand. "I still don't want it, so as not to invite people to gossip. I am a widowed widow. Ye Dayen is a distinguished person. If I am seen with me, it will tarnish your reputation."

Ye Yiqing did not know how to marry a little girl. Zhaoyang talked to him so coldly. He only felt that he was not used to it. He would sit on his lap directly. "Zhaoyang, if you have something to say, don't bend the corner, It makes people feel uncomfortable in their hearts."

"If Ye Daren feels uncomfortable, then don't listen to me here, I haven't tied your feet, and no one will leave you." Zhao Yang said coldly.

"Just because I heard someone chewing on the roots, why are you awkward with me?" Ye Yiqing slammed her waist and pressed her to herself. "What is this like vinegar and vinegar? If you have something, you can't say it." ""

Zhaoyang was sore in her heart. He heard that he reprimanded himself. Her face was even colder. "I am so sorrowful and vinegar. If Ye Daren feels unsightly, then don't let yourself be blocked here."

Ye Yiqing sneered out, "I still don't let others say you."

"You let me go." Zhaoyang is struggling to go down from his thigh. She heard that the Emperor Dongqing’s marriage to him was uncomfortable. She was not sure if he liked her, if not her. Love him, not that she took the initiative to kiss him that day, he has only used her as a younger generation, she broke the difference between them, she loves him to love and not care, but does not know what kind of feeling he has for her.

Is it sympathy for her infatuation, so pity her, and show her a little pity? Or because there are no other women around him, so she will be there?

He will be pestering her for these few nights. It’s much more and more embarrassing. It’s not hard to guess that he must have been a woman who hasn’t touched for many years. Is it because she hasn’t been with a woman for a long time, so she seems so fond of her and urgent?

Her heart was in a mess, and she wanted to leave her and completely reluctant to leave him. She had never been so upset and nervous.

"Is the Queen to give me a marriage, but I don't want to be a relative, then I said, I have you now, how can you identify other women? It doesn't matter what you say outside, you always have to believe me, what do you want to know?" If you can't figure out anything, you should ask me personally. What you hear from others is not as useful as the person said." Ye Yiqing went through two generations. Zhaoyang was a little younger than him. He liked her to spoil her, but he didn't want it. She is a girl who is ignorant and ignorant, and she does not consciously teach her as a younger generation.

Zhaoyang’s eyes are red. “I’m still here to prevent you from picking up the famous ladies? Yes, I’m a widow. What is the difference between someone’s eyes and broken shoes... I’m done, it’s not in the way of Ye’s Great future."

Ye Yiqing's face was so heavy. "I said so much, how can you still not understand? If I would just pick a woman around me, I would break into the door a few years ago. I don't want to wrong you, I hope to formally After going to Jinguo to raise relatives, let others know the relationship between you and me. If you let others know now, what would others think of you?"

"What do people think about how they think about it." Zhao Yang said coldly.

"Zhaoyang!" Ye Yiqing's twilight came cold. "After that, when someone else said something in front of you, would you put a face in front of me? You are my future lady, and others will not bully you." I am not a girl. We must have trust between us. Otherwise, there will be more people in the future who want to provoke you and me. Do you believe so easily?"

Zhaoyang knows that she is a little angry and awkward, but she is sad. As long as she thinks that there are people who are better than her and more worthy of her, I admire him. She feels that there is a needle in the heart, afraid that he feels that he is not worthy. He is afraid that he will feel that her existence will tarnish his reputation, and that in the future everyone will laugh at him and marry a widow...

Ye Yiqing saw that she just turned her head down and didn't talk. She thought she hadn't figured it out. He had a bit of a split in his heart. His identity was that he couldn't avoid the political enemy. Now his backyard is quiet because he still has no room for the future. She became his wife. Some people outside would definitely bully her young age. Some people even took her identity to make a fuss. He was able to protect her. However, he hoped that she would have the ability to protect herself.

His age is much older than her, and it is impossible to protect her for a lifetime.

"My relatives will definitely be the masters of their own affairs. Others will not care about what they say in front of you. If you don't want to see me, I won't bother you again." Ye Yiqing hugged her back to the soft couch, and looked down at her deeply. At a glance, I resisted the reluctance of my heart and turned and went out.

Zhaoyang slammed his head and looked at his back. His lips moved a few times, and the tears in his eyes fell.

Ye Yiqing's face was as dark as the moment when he stepped out of the house door, and his eyes were cold and horrified. He stared at Fang Zhen and asked, "Where did the county magistrate meet?"

He is most aware of what Zhaoyang does every day. If she goes out, she must know it. Even if she does not leave, she knows that the emperor will give him a marriage. Obviously, the people in the house chew on her tongue.

"In addition to the garden here, the county masters are no longer going to go to the garden. Even Fang Zhen did not expect that the gentle and elegant Ye Daren's anger would be so terrible on weekdays. She didn't dare to look at Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing nodded coldly and "take care of your county owner."

Back to the study, he immediately called his own confidant, let him check who is talking nonsense in front of Zhaoyang.

"Adult, the journey to the girl, but... the girl almost went wrong..."

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