The things between Ye Yiqing and Zhaoyang are very secret in the house, but they can still detect the embarrassment. Even if the people in the house know what they are, they dare not gossip, and the people in the house are picky. After careful selection, how could they not notice the attitude of Ye Yiqing to Zhaoyang, the Zhaoyang County Lord is probably the future hostess of the Prime Minister, and they dare to make irresponsible remarks.

Hong Ling and Hung Hom will know that Zhaoyang has gone to the house, but they have accidentally bumped into it, but they have never seen anything. They are not even mentioned in the house. Now they are afraid to say it in front of Ye Hao. .

But they also know so much. As for what happened between Zhaoyang County Lord and Ye Daren, they really don’t know anything about it.

Ye Hao also knows that it is impossible to know more about the two rings. She just doesn't understand. How does Zhaoyang like it? She... she almost looked at her grown up.

She didn't want to speculate on why Zhaoyang would go to the house. With her understanding of Zhaoyang, she wouldn't be the kind of person who doesn't love herself. Ye Hao suppresses all doubts and plans to ask when she meets in Kyoto. clear.

I asked Hong Ling to come to her, but I also wanted to let them know something about Zhaoyang.

"You go down first." Ye Hao frowned and felt that this matter really took a lot of time to digest. She knew that there would be a stepmother sooner or later, and she did not reject the care of someone around her. Now this person has become Zhaoyang. She did not know how to accept it.

Hong Ling and Hung Hom looked at Ye Hao and looked down. They looked down at the door and saw Murong Cham. They bowed their heads and opened the door for him.

Ye Hao is still thinking about Zhaoyang's affairs, and did not find that Murong Chan sat down beside her.

"What's wrong?" Seeing her look sad, Murong Chong thought she had heard something bad at the ring.

"You are back." Ye Hao returned to God and smiled at Murong Chan.

Murong Zhan held her face for a while. She was not a person who was good at concealing her mind. Especially when she was with him, he could see the joys and sorrows from her face. "What happened?"

Ye Hao thinks of Zhaoyang or the identity of a widow. Murong Zhan is the emperor of Jin Guo. She probably can't accept Zhao Yang and her jealousy. She smiled. "No, I asked the king of the city." Just about it."

Even deceiving people will not, dare to lie in front of him!

Murong Chan’s slender fingers tapped her eyebrows. “I don’t know if you will blink when you lie.”

"How is it possible!" Ye kept his eyes. "How could I not know before?"

"That's you didn't lie before." Murong Zhan chuckled, his voice was low and full of magnetism, and there was a kind of unspeakable charm when he was swearing. "Is there something going on, let me talk about it."

Ye Hao said with a small mouth, "I said, I am afraid that you are not happy."

Murong Zhan pinched the pink lips that she curled up. "You don't know how to know that you will be upset."

Can you say that? Zhaoyang is still the identity of the county owner. Is she the emperor of Jinguo, will she allow a widow to marry again? No, she thought about Zhaoyang’s remarriage problem. She still hasn’t figured out what Zhaoyang and her sister are all about!

"What can't you tell you?" Murong Zhan saw that she was still hesitating, but she couldn't think of what she could not tell him.

Ye Hao hesitated. "It’s about Zhaoyang."

"Do you know that she has happened in the North Ming Dynasty?" Murong Zhan suddenly realized that she was aware of Zhaoyang’s experience in the North Ming State. What could not be said about him in this matter.

"What happened to her in North Ming?" Ye Hao asked, thinking that Zhaoyang had lived in Beiming for several years. She didn't know what she had experienced.

Murong Zhanwei said, "You are not because of this, what is it?"

Ye Hao took his hand and asked nervously, "You tell me, what happened to Zhaoyang in the North Ming State? Beitang Cheng is the prince, even if he is dead, Zhaoyang is also Wang Hao, how can she go to Dongqing? Going to the country?"

"Before the death of the North Hall, and Zhaoyang and she left, she is not a widow." Murong Zhan whispered, "She does not have to be insured for the North Hall."

"Ah?" Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan dumbly, "and away?"

Murong Zhan did not want to tell Zhaoyang about her in North Ming State so quickly. She said that she would blame him. When he intercepted her contact with the outside world, she broke her contact with Zhaoyang... ...

"Zhaoyang and Beitang Chengcheng were moved to Zhuangzi on the second day. They never lived in Wangfuli, Beitangcheng...He had the Longyang, and he raised his beloved in the house, and Zhaoyang basically didn't see each other." When Murong Chan finished, he held Ye Hao in his arms. "But he knows that he is going to Zhaoyang, or he will not leave Zhaoyang before he dies."

Ye Hao came out of his arms and looked at him slyly. "You mean, Zhaoyang has been in the North Ming Dynasty for so many years. He is alone in the Zhuangzi. He has never been in the palace, and the North Hall is in the house." ... raise... is he so humiliating and wronging?"

Murong Zhan silently nodded.

"Zhaoyang was so wronged in the North Ming State, no one is for her. Is it the first emperor to give a marriage, he is also indifferent?" Ye Hao hearted an uncontrollable anger, Zhaoyang is so A proud woman, she can't imagine how she came over in the past.

"Nobody knows about this... Zhaoyang didn't say it." Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao’s eyes were red, and she nodded softly. “Yes, she is so proud. How can she let others know what day she was, even if she asks for help from Jinguo, who can make her the master, her stepmother? Her big brother? If they really think about Zhaoyang, they wouldn’t send her to kiss and kiss the first time. The emperor would not even have to say... who she asked for help, no, she will tell me, she will follow I am asking for help."

Mo Rongzhan’s heart was raised, “Hey...”

"It's your person who stopped her letter. She can't wait for my reply, so desperately no longer looking for me." Ye Hao whispered, his eyes faintly looking at Murong Zhan, "She must have thought that I didn't want to care for her." It’s up.”

"Hey, I didn't know the letter that Zhaoyang wrote to you at that time." Murong Zhan said quickly, if he knew that Zhaoyang was asking for help from her, he wouldn't need Ye Hao at the time, he would definitely go to North Mingguo to her. Brought back.

Ye Hao believes that he is unaware of it, but he has a relationship with him.

She covered her eyes with one hand and couldn't help Zhaoyang. "You go out, I don't want to talk to you now."

Murong Chong reluctantly sighed, "Hey, you still have the opportunity to compensate Zhaoyang."

"You go out." Ye Hao bowed his head.

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