Zhaoyang chose a spring blossoming day to go out. She is a guest of Yefu. There is no restriction on the entrance and exit. It was only because her carriage was damaged because of the rescue of the leaves. I forgot to let people repair it for a while. Jane wants a carriage with the people in the stable.

Waiting outside the door for a long time did not wait for the carriage.

"Girl, they are so deceiving, even a carriage is not given to us." Fang Zhen whispered, it must be those who saw the Ye people recently ignored the county, so they also followed the dishes.

Zhaoyang’s beautiful face is indifferent. “We are not going to be stumped by a carriage. You will go to build a car tomorrow.”

As he said, a black carriage slowly came to them, and Xiaoyan had quickly put down his ankle. "The county owner, the carriage is coming, please."

This little sister is not the stone sarcophagus around Ye Yiqing? Zhaoyang looked at him suspiciously. "How is you?"

Shi Yan smiled and said, "The county owner, the grown-up knows that you want to use the car, specially sent his carriage."

Fang Zhen helped Zhaoyang’s hand. “The county owner, the slave, will help you.”

"Yeah." Zhaoyang did not suspect him, only this is the carriage that Ye Yiqing loaned to her.

She just picked up the curtain and there was a big palm that came over and pulled her in.

Fang Zhen exclaimed, and when he went in, he was stopped by the stone sarcophagus. "Fang Zhen girl, let's not bother the master and the county owner."

Ye Daren is inside the carriage? Fang Zhen squinted at the eyes and was sitting in the rut by the sarcophagus. The carriage had already moved.

Zhaoyang was in the arms of Ye Yiqing, looking at her clear and white face, he suddenly felt that the irritating feelings of these days have been comforted.

"Ye Daren, please let go." Zhaoyang did not struggle in his arms, but looked at Ye Yiqing with a faint look.

"I don't go looking for you. Are you planning not to talk to me?" Ye Yiqing tightened her tightly. It was obvious that she had already dialed him. How can he be more anxious now?

Zhaoyang said with a smile, "Ye Daren, you are really funny, aren't you going to go? How do I know if you are still angry in your heart, why bother to go to you and ask for fun."

Ye Yiqing listened to it even more. "I want you to think clearly, not to let you and I are far away."

"I have already thought about it." Zhaoyang said.

"What do you think?" Ye Yiqing asked with a calm face.

Zhaoyang glanced at him. "You let me go first, so you can't talk well."

Ye Yiqing leaned against the wall, and the narrow throat fell on her face. "I didn't block your mouth, how can I not talk well?"

"Okay, follow you." Zhaoyang nodded. She didn't want to argue with him about these unnecessary things in the carriage. "Ye Daren, I really want to know clearly. Before I came to Wangdu, I never thought about it. You will accept my mind, but I have never thought of being known by you... Now I have to pay for what I want, there is nothing to ask for in this life. I used to think about it."

I heard that Ye also rushed up in a sigh of relief. "Oh? Your intention to pay for it is that you finally slept me. Now there is no regret, you can clap your hands and leave, don't worry about me?"

Zhaoyang looked at Ye Yiqing with a funny smile. "You said this is really strange. Is your life and death still related to me?"

Ye Yiqing glared at her waist and put her tightly in her arms. "How is it? My virginity has been taken away by you. You are not responsible?"

"..." For the first time, Zhaoyang felt that this man was really shameless. "Ye Daren, what do you want me to do to make you satisfied? I don't think like everything you said now. No longer jealous, can't this be?"

Yes, he had hoped that she could look at the problem optimistically and positively. Don’t be affected by a few words from others. She did listen to his words and did a good job. He felt that he could not stand it.

"I want you not to be used by others. Other people will make you feel uncomfortable in one sentence, not letting you do it yourself." Ye Yiqing said that he had to gnash his teeth.

Zhaoyang reveals a stunned expression. "So, do you want me to be jealous and crying?"

Ye Yiqing took a bite on her lips. "What do I mean, don't you know?"

"Ye Daren, your mind is too deep and complicated. I really don't quite understand what you mean now. You said that you don't listen to people breaking your mouth. I am not going to listen to my life, but I can't stay in the house for a lifetime. Well, don't you have to breathe a sigh of relief? Can't you do this?" Zhaoyang glared at his mouth and finally yelled at Ye Yiqing with some anger.

She is right, but he sounds awkward.

"Then tell me, what is the plan now?" Ye Yiqing whispered.

Zhaoyang smiled. "I don't have any plans. Anyway, how many days can I spend with you? Whenever you become a relative, I will leave with a ring. Anyway, I will not spend the rest of my life." ”

Ye Yiqing's face is very angry. "You still intend to leave me?"

"What are you angry about, and it is not you who are suffering." Zhaoyang said with no anger. "Is it really difficult for us to become a relative? Ye Daren, you are now in a high position, how many people in the world look at you, you want to Is this a girl with me and a woman who has been away from the room? Even if you and I have nothing to do with the people of the world, but will your son accept? I... I used to be the girlfriend of Ye Hao and will come to the ground. I have no words to face my former friends."

"How do you know that they will not accept?" Ye Yiqing said in a deep voice, unable to tell Zhaoyang that today's Lu Yi is Ye Hao, "Women are not married, how can we not get married? The ring in front of you I have already sold people. Don’t trust others to say it later. Some people say that they have ulterior motives. The emperor will not give me a marriage. In short, I will go back to the country with you in a few days. Our parents will decide to go."

Zhaoyang chuckles, "Who told you that the beauty of Ye Daren is boundless, let the ring around you move the heart."

She and his things can stand outside, but can't help but live in the ring of the house, even she is attracted to him, let alone those ring, certainly can not see her widow and their Ye Daren good .

"No, what have you just said? Go to Jinguo?" Zhaoyang didn't react at all, and looked at Ye Yiqing a little.

Ye Yiqing lowered her head and kissed her lips, whispering, "Well, go to the relatives."

"But..." Zhaoyang didn't meet him for a few days. He couldn't help but feel soft in his arms. She could still think of what he said. She was still nervous.

She has always been a dew relationship with him, and she never expected to marry him.

Not to mention the current Lu Hao, she does not care about this person's thoughts, but she did not dare to face Ye Hao and Ye Yinan.

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