Murong Zhan showed Zhao Yang the results of the investigations in the past years in the North Ming State. The contents of a few pages of paper were finished in less than an hour. Ye Hao looked over and over again, a heartache. I can't describe it.

When she felt lonely and lonely in Qin Wangfu, she often thought about what day Zhaoyang had lived. She never thought that Zhaoyang had actually suffered such aggrieved.

If the North Hall is still in place, she will not let him go.

Fortunately, he is better off with a little conscience, leaving Zhaoyang away, and better than widowed, Zhaoyang's life has hope.

Ye Hao wiped away the tears in her eyes and burned the results about Zhaoyang in the North Ming State. She didn't want to let others know about it. However, she should already know it. She once asked him to go to Beiming. .

I don’t know when Zhaoyang’s thoughts on her have started. She doesn’t believe that Zhaoyang is willing to take the initiative to ask for reliance. There must be other reasons.


The door knocked outside.

Murong Chan’s low, magnetic, sound came out, “Oh, it’s me.”

Ye Hao licked her lips and did not speak. In her heart, of course, she knew that Zhaoyang’s affairs could not blame Mo Rongzhan. At that time, even if she received a letter from Zhaoyang, she might not be able to help her.

She was uncomfortable in her heart, and she wanted to scatter the uncomfortable feelings in her heart.

Murong Zhan pushed the door in, and the dark scorpion fell on the slender figure next to the window. He walked over and looked down at her white face. When she saw her red eyes, her heart hurts. For a moment, "Hey, I don't want to go to Baisha Bay. There is a dock there. It is good to play in the river at night."

Listening to his gentle and unpleasant appreciative, Ye Hao glanced at him.

"Is still angry?" Murong Chan was stunned by her sullen and irritated eyes. The corner of her mouth floated with a smile and reached over her shoulder. "I know it was bad before, or else, you are snoring." Exhausted?"

Ye Hao cried out awkwardly. "What use is it for me?"

Murong Chan whispered in her ear, "You can't beat your strength, or do you want to bite tonight?"

"You..." Ye Hao glanced at him. "I don't care. After Zhaoyang, you have to worry about it anyway. Even if she wants to marry again, you have to let her marry out with the princely ceremonies." ""

If you really like Zhaoyang, you will definitely marry her in the future. How can Ye Hao lay the road ahead for Zhaoyang.

"Good." Murong Zhan thought that even if she did not say, he would compensate Zhaoyang, let alone promise to make this little Jiaojiao gas.

Ye Hao pushed him. "Don't you go to Baishawan? Don't let me go."

Murong Zhan glared at the tenderness on her neck. "If you don't want to go, we can do something else."

"I want to go!" cried Ye, blushing and pushing him away.

"Let's go." Murong Zhan said with a smile, a little regret not to propose to go on a cruise, do a little better in the house.

Baisha Bay is an inner lake in the city of Jinkou. The lake runs through the river. The paintings on both sides of the river are prosperous. The guests are visiting and singing. These are the places where merchants of Jinkou City play. Of course, it is not all that the boat is hospitality, but also the art. The paintings of the selling body, the boat Ji are all mastered in the chess and calligraphy paintings, the guests drink and have fun, they play the piano behind the screen, and they are sought after by many people. These boats meet the good men, they will also choose pure love. Undressing for life.

Murong Zhan did not want Ye Hao to see the sinister atmosphere of other paintings. He had already ordered a six-pronged boat, with a huge belly and a narrow tail. The head was about half, five cabins before and after, and the middle cabin was a guest. On both sides of the curtain, the curtains are closed, and the open-mouthed Xuan Ting, a few couches, pillows, smoked cages, red enamel, and all are fine.

For the first time, Ye Hao saw such a luxurious and prosperous night scene. She was taken by the ink to Zhan Zhan, and she was rushed into the boat. She was beautiful and fragrant. She looked at the two sides and was full of lights and lights. The young woman sat on both sides of the boat with a glamorous makeup, and she sang the song of salt water.

Such a scene, Ye Hao can not guess where it is here, her cheeks turned reddishly, eyes looked at the ink Rong Zhan, "How do you know here? Have you been here before?"

Murong Zhan said with a smile, "I have come here once, and it is hard to come over. Don't misunderstand, I have never been to that kind of painting, just listening to music through the screen and drinking a few glasses of wine with friends."

Ye slammed her mouth. She was blushing at the heart of a girl's house listening to the songs. He was still young and energetic at that time. Can he really not be tempted? "There will be no confidantes you have here?"

"There is no confidante, there is one vinegar jar." Murong Zhan haha ​​smiled and stared at her sitting at the round table. "Don't smudge your eyes here, let's go out of the river."

"How did you get to Jinkou City before?" Ye Hao looked at the river's fresh shrimp and crabs at the table, and the drums were not arguing.

Murong Chan peeled a shrimp and fed it into her small mouth. "At that time, the man was disguised, the front line of the grass was insufficient. The court did not give the grain and refused to pay the money. He had to borrow the grain himself. Here is Ye Yisong. Can't control the place."

"Is it with one of Lu Yu?" Ye Hao immediately remembered the business of Lujia in Jinkou City. Although she was secretly ruined by her, Lujia was also a face in Tianjin.

Murong Zhan nodded faintly. "In addition to Lu Jia, there are others."

"Then you will be recognized in Jinkou City this time?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

"It is no problem to recognize it." Murong Chong also fed her to eat fish, "all eat, still too thin."

Ye Hao groaned, "Where I am thin."

Murong Zhan’s eyes fell on her chest and nodded with satisfaction. “It’s not too thin, but it has to be supplemented.”

"You used to be so serious?" Ye Hao bit his lip, the more he got along with him, the more he felt shameless.

"Who can't be serious about you before? You are the embarrassing queen, do you want to be respectful to you like a guest?" Murong Zhan whispered, "Would you like some wine?"

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. In fact, she liked him like this. It was always better than the cold face before. It was... I was not used to him when he said something from time to time to make people blush.

Their ship has already left the inner lake, and is slowly driving on the river. Suddenly, a pleasing humming sound has never come from far away. It sounds like a sly, long and twitching, like a flowing water, low back and gentle and charming. People feel that they are fascinated.

"Singing really nice." Ye Hao said with surprise, he has got up and walked out of the cabin, wanting to see who has such a beautiful song.

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