Murong Chong did not have the surprise of Ye Hao, only to see her go out of the cabin before they went out.

The singing voice came from the six-handed boat opposite them. The hull was brightly lit, and the figure of the guests was laughing and drinking. The woman who sang should be sitting behind the screen and could not see each other.

"This is the ship in the painting?" Ye Hao whispered to Murong Chan, such a good voice, if it is in the painting, it is a pity.

When Murong Zhan saw disappointment in her eyes, she explained, "There is a kind of painting here that is different from other places. The woman inside is just selling art and not selling. Some people will pay a few songs across the screen, just like now. The song is not seen, it should be the boat of the painting."

Ye Hao is not a woman who is unaware of her squats. Ye Yiqing has always been more open to her education. She has heard about the story of Ship Ji. Some women really do not love falling, but more Life is forced, she has no intention to look down on these women, especially to be able to insist on selling art and not selling, it should be more difficult than others.

"There are still such paintings, but the art is not selling, who is the boss?" Ye Hao asked with interest.

Murong Zhan pinched her nose and said, "No bad ideas are allowed."

Ye Hao smiled and patted his hand. "How do you know what I am thinking?"

Does he still know what she is thinking? Mo Rongzhan smiled helplessly. "This place is too complicated. Even the Qingyinfang, you can't go."

The original place is called the Qingyinfang!

Ye Hao nodded seriously. "You think more, how can I go to such a place."

"The wind is big outside, let's go inside." Murong Zhan took her waist and walked back to the cabin. The boat opposite the boat was getting closer and closer. He didn't want others to see her. Today she is still a woman dress, though It was a kind of elegant, but it could not cover her beautiful color. Even he looked at it, not to mention other men.

"Oh." Although Ye Hao wants to see who can sing such a beautiful song, but just think about it.

They just turned around and they heard a bang, and the opposite ship’s board sent a cry of help.

"Help, someone fell into the water!"

"Young Master..."


Ye Hao was shocked by the screaming sound. When he looked back, he found that the person who fell into the water turned out to be a child. He just struggled a few times and was already sinking into the water. Two small donkeys had already jumped into the water. One of them didn't understand water, and when he jumped on, he began to call for help.

"Xue Lin!" Ye Hao looked at Xue Lin. Although the people in the cabin were crawling out, the boat was still running. At this time, if they did not hurry to save people, they could not find it in a while.

Murong Zhan gestured two genres to save people.

Xue Lin and Shen Yi are both proficient in water, so it is not far from the distance between the two ships. They all watched the children fall into the water, remembering the location of the water, and as they went on to save people, the ship’s The men have been alarmed to come to the cabin.

One of the men around the age of 50 was even nervous and shouted. "Whoever saves my son, I must pay a lot of money to save my son..."

Ye Hao stood by the side of the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, all the gods are on the river, no time to pay attention to the other.

After a moment, Xue Lin broke out of the water, holding a child who fell into the water with one hand, and he brought the child directly back.

"Madam, this child is very weak." Xue Lin whispered, put the child on the ship's board.

Ye Hao immediately passed the pulse for the child, the child has no breathing, only a weak pulse.

She immediately gave him a first aid. Fortunately, I used to see the method of first aid in the water in the Qi's medical classics. Can I save the child and see his life.

"Fast, fast past." The person on the opposite six-roof saw the child rescued and hurriedly let the boatman approach the ship.

"Son, my heart is baby." The man who was born round and bloated shouted, and the two little sisters supported him to walk steady. He finally got on the boat of Murong Cham, but was blocked by Wu Chong. Ye Hao they.

In addition to him, there is another young man behind him. "Big brother, don't worry, Jun brother will not have anything to do."

Murong Zhan carried them on the face of Ye Hao, his eyes fell on her body, only to think that she looks beautiful.

"Cough..." The child spit out a sip of water, and wowed out.

Ye Hao breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to smile at Murong Zhan. "Save it."

The light of the horn lamp gently fell on her, making her look more soft and clear, and that smile was a kind of heart-throbing beauty.

Murong Zhan walked over and took her hand, and she was reluctant to let others see her.

The fat man has rushed over and hugged the child up. "His son, you almost have a life, I am a son, you can't have anything!"

"Hey!" The child saw his father, and he burst into tears.

The young man gave a tribute to Mo Rongzhan and Ye Hao. "Thank you for the two saved the little sister, the great grace, our family is unforgettable."

Sujia? Murong Chong looked at the man with a slight blink of an eye. "Man is saved by him. He should thank him."

The young man looked at Xue Lin, who had just saved his nephew in the water, and shook hands. "Thank you for this brother."

Xue Lin grinned and looked at Ye Hao. If it was not the instructions of the county lord, no one would save the person.

Su Yanning looked at Xue Lin’s gaze. The fairy under the moonlight stood up and looked like a picture, and his appearance was magnificent. He felt inexplicably agitated, perhaps because he looked too eager, and the fairy suddenly flashed. Going to the man next to him.

"You still have to send the children back to change clothes, and then cook some **** soup to drink, the child is afraid of being scared, and it will be better to drink Anshen soup before going to bed." Ye Hao did not look at Su Yanning, but was holding it The middle-aged man who is squatting at the child said.

The sleek middle-aged man is Su Yanning’s eldest brother, Su Yanping. He listened to Ye Hao’s words and immediately took the child back.

Murong Zhan took Ye Hao’s hand to go back to the cabin. He didn’t need any help from Su’s family. “The people have been saved, you are going back.”

Su Yanning knew that he had just lost his dissatisfaction, and his handsome face showed a smile. "The child is the only son of my older brother. The elder brother is coming to have a child. It is inevitable that I will look at the child more seriously. I don't care if you thank me. I am here. Sorry for him."

Murong Zhan's face is indifferent. "The child can do nothing, don't send it."

"Hello...but the surname?" Su Yanning looked at Murong Zhan. He always felt that he seemed to be familiar. He remembered the man he had seen a few years ago. It seems to be very similar to the one in front of him. Even the temperament is the same. indifferent.

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