After thinking about it for a long time, Murong Chong finally remembered that there was such a faint thing. In that year, he thought about the embarrassment of a child, and saw a young girl who was similar to her and was sold to a place like a painting. She bought it and handed it over to Lu Yizhi. As for what the little girl is doing now, he doesn't care.

"Since the little girl has grown up, isn't that good?" Murong Cum whispered, not thinking that it was worthy of his care.

Su Yanning listened to the tone of Mo Rongzhan, and he knew that he could not remember Xia Qi Niang. "Yong Gongzi said that Su Mou just wanted to let you know that your good deeds made the Qingyinfang a talented woman."

Mo Rong Zhan looked indifferent, and there was no memory for the woman Su Yanning said. The vague impression was forgotten.

"Su boss, don't have to send it." Murong Zhan said indifferently, and did not intend to ask about the Qingyinfang.

Su Yanning no longer mentions Xia Qi Niang, personally sent Murong Chan to the outside of the tea house.

In the inn, Xiaochun had to wait impatiently, and even wondered if the Rong Gongzi was upstairs, and those who lie to her, let her stand here and wait, and don’t know where the Rong Gongzi is worth. The girl is waiting for this.

After a while, there was a long and noble figure on the side of the inn. Although Xiaochun had only seen the silhouette of the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, he had already decided that this person would be Xia Qi Niang to wait for the son.

"Rong Gongzi." Xiaochun's face was a joy, and went to Murong Zhan.

Not a few steps away, she has been stopped by a cold-looking man, "Stay, don't be close."

Xiaochun's face was a stiff, afraid to look at the sinking in front of her.

"Who are you?" asked the cold frown.

"I... I am looking for Rong Gongzi." Xiaochun shuddered.

Shen looked back and looked at Murong Zhan, and asked coldly, "Who asked you to find Rong Gongzi?"

"Our girl and Rong Gongzi are old knowledge, let me send a message to Rong Gongzi, please let Rong Gongzi gather in the Qingyin Square tomorrow night, when Rong Gongzi knows who our girl is." Xiaochun's tone is self-satisfied, in her It seems that not many men can withstand the charm of Xia Qi Niang.

Murong Zhan's eyes flashed a touch of disgust, how do everyone think he needs to look at the Xia Qiiang of the Qingyinfang? Although this ring does not say who is going to see him in the Qingyinfang, but with the temptation of Su Yanning, he is not difficult to guess who is going to see him.

"Go out." Murong Chan said faintly, lifted his feet and went upstairs.

Xiaochun’s face changed. “Yong Gongzi, our girl is Xia Qi Niang. I have known you for many years. Don’t you remember her? The slave is wearing a special trip to send you a post, but the post has been stolen...”

Ink color and sorrowful color seemed to condense a layer of frost, and strode to the upstairs room.

Shen Chong gave the next side of Wu Chong a glance, and directly sent Xiaochun out of the inn.

Xiaochun had only returned to God for a long time. Some people even heard that Xia Qiniang’s invitation was still indifferent. This Rong Gongzi really doesn't know how to be good! She snorted, these people must have come from other places, so they did not know the reputation of their girls, and they heard about it in the future, then Rong Gongzi did not regret it.



"Your Majesty." Fu Gonggong replaced the belt with Mo Rongzhan. "The county owner has already taken a rest and told the old slave to wait for you outside the door. Please come tonight... tonight..."

Murong Zhan looked at the inner house inside the curtain. "What do the county lords want to do tonight?"

Fu Gonggong bowed his head and took out a scented post from the sleeve. "The county owner said that his Majesty should have another place tonight, so don't bother her to sleep."

"..." Murong Zhan looked down at Fu Gonggong's post. "How does this post go to the county master?"

It seems that it is to knock over the small vinegar jar.

Fu Gonggong whispered, "This post is accepted, and the old slave wants to stop it. It is too late."

"Go down." Murong Zhan cold, "So like to keep it, why not eat it?"

"The slaves went to burn," Fu Gonggong said immediately.

Inkor Zhan looked at him coldly and took off his clothes and threw them on his face. He only walked into the back room wearing a middle coat.

Hong Ling and Yu Shou stayed inside and saw him coming in and quickly got up and saluted.

"Go down." Murong Chan raised his hand and waved the two rings.

Ye Hao was tired today. She had already slept on the bed and had never heard the voice of ink-filled Zhan.

Murong Chong lay down beside her, and when she took a long arm, she held her in her arms and whispered in her ear. "On this little thing, are you jealous?"

"Don't make a noise." Ye Hao snorted in his arms and cried in a low voice.

"Sweet." Murong Zhan laughed softly, put her back on the couch, got up and went to groom, and came back to see, the little man still slept like a pig, he understood that it was definitely on board yesterday. He tossed her too much, and today he didn't have enough rest, and now he slept so hard.

He was reluctant to wake her up and slept next to her.

On the next day, Ye Hao woke up in Murong Zhanhuai, looked up and found that he was still asleep, this is how she saw him sleeping at once, completely without the usual indifference and majesty, the eyebrows are more flat and clear, beautiful Xiu Yade makes people feel excited.

What does a big man look so good to do? Ye Hao stretched out his hand to paint his eyebrows. At that time, she must have watched him look good. He thought that after so many years, he and the past did not seem to change, but it was more mature and stable.

"Take the bee to lead the butterfly, what is good." Ye Hao, remembering that although he is not ridiculous, there are many people who like him.

Ink 掀 掀 掀 , , , , , , , , , , 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨

"You have long woken up?" Ye Hao gave him a look.

"In the early morning, someone was hooked up, and then I didn't wake up to live up to the beauty of the mind." Murong Chan grabbed her hand and pressed her half under her body.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "The emperor has always been without beauty."

Murong Zhan tried to hold her waist, "I am not happy with a post?"

"Where am I not happy?" Ye Hao laughed innocently.

"I don't know how people in the Qingyinfang know what it is?" asked Murong Chong, who kissed her cheek.

Ye Hao turned over in his arms. "I don't want to know."

"Lie!" Murong Zhan untied her cloak, straightening her to the whole body and softening, only to enter gently.

"Azhan..." Ye Hao shouted in shame, and the voice softened in his power.

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