Three days in the sun, the bright sunshine came in from the window, and the movement in the house stopped. Ye Hao was on the body of Murong Zhan, only that the strength of the whole body had disappeared.

Murong Zhan still reluctant to leave her, gently patted her back with one hand, and said in her ear a red-faced love story.

Ye Hao was ashamed and annoyed, biting **** his shoulder. "No more."

"Well, I don't want to say it." Murong Chan whispered.

"Did you not go to see Su Yanning yesterday? What did you say?" Ye Hao asked, trying to get down from him.

Murong Zhan held her waist and said with a dull voice, "Don't move."

Feeling his change, Ye Hao screamed, "No more coming, I am tired."

"Hey, this time is a little lighter." Murong Zhan laughed.

Ye Haoqi wants to kill him, is this not said?

When she was about to have lunch, she was finally able to sit down and talk to him.

It’s rare to get up early and actually miss the time for breakfast.

"You look good, this Su Yanning makes you very satisfied?" Ye Hao drank the soup, looked up and looked at Murong Zhan.

Murong Zhan smiled and looked at her. "People are very smart. As for his clever future, he can use the right place and need to take another look."

"Businessmen are very profitable. You want to use him to hold down the Chamber of Commerce in Jinkou City. He doesn't know, there is no benefit to him. He probably won't listen to you." Ye Hao said, although she didn't know Su Yanning, but Lu Yizhi Not a businessman? He will vote under the entrance of Mo Rong Zhan, not to value the future that Murong Chong can bring benefits to Lu Jia.

"If it is good for him to let him do things, then it does not matter, Su Yanning has money, the difference is only identity, what he wants, he is very clear, but can not easily give him." Murong Zhan said softly.

Ye Hao smiled. "It's really complicated. I don't understand it anyway. You think he can use it."

Murong’s dark scorpion burned and looked at her. “Oh, then there is nothing else to ask?”

"The emperor thinks I have to ask anything?" Ye Hao's pure and bright eyes looked at him. She said nothing but did not do it. He thought she was overturning the vinegar jar. If she really asked, wouldn't he think it was to knock over the vinegar tank? What?

"When the people who came to Jinkou City to find a chamber of commerce in the past borrowed food, when a painting was about to talk about something, there was a man who wanted to sell his daughter. When I saw that the girl was about the same age as that of the year, I moved the shackles and let Lu Yuzhi After buying her, she didn’t ask again, thinking that Lu Yizhi sent her to Lujia as a slave. If it wasn’t for Su Yanning’s mention, he had already forgotten it.”

Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows and found out that he had seen it before. He smiled and asked, "Is this a hero to save the beauty, and the little girl wants to be with her?"

"Does others have nothing to do with the fact that they have nothing to do with the shackles. When they were rescued by a little girl, they had long since decided to give up to her. This body should not be free, how to take care of others." Zhan Yizheng said seriously.

Ye Hao listened and laughed. "If this is what your courtiers hear, the person who is being detained is still me."

Murong Chan reached out and touched her horns. "You won't let you be wronged."

"Yeah." Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

They had just used up their lunch, and Fu Gonggong was swearing outside. There was a man named Pan who wanted to see Murong Cham.

"It seems that in addition to Su Yanning, the boss's ambition is not small." Ye Hao grinned.

Ink Murray said faintly, "This person is too quick to make a profit."

"If you support Su Yanning, can Pan boss watch Su's family continue to sit up?" Ye Hao asked suspiciously.

"Hey, you are really awkward, but it reminds me of one thing." Murong Zhan laughed and held her face and kissed him. "It really can't let Su Yanning sit up. This Pande can't. It is a heavy responsibility, but it is not impossible."

Ye Hao doesn't know what he is going to do. Hearing his so happy laughter, what good idea should he think of?

"When you go to see this person, if you feel bored in the inn, let you walk around with you." Murong Zhan whispered.



Murong Zhan went to see Pan boss. Ye Hao was really bored in the inn. He thought that he would leave Tianjin City tomorrow, but she would like to go out and go to Qianjin.

With a determination in her heart, Ye Hao let the three rings go out with her.

Hong Ling has taken care of her for thousands of gold trips. She used to come here, and there is very little contact with the red dragonfly and the dragonfly. This is the place where the bustling and prosperous days are inevitable.

I saw some of the excitement of different capitals. Ye Hao took the Hongling and returned to the inn with the sun. She was going to hurry tomorrow. She didn’t dare to be too tired today.

What surprised her was that an uninvited guest was waiting for her.

"You are the girl next to Rong Gongzi?" Talking about Xiaochun, who sent the post yesterday, was looking at Ye Hao with a look of provocation, but the flash in his eyes revealed the unconfidence in her heart.

Ye Hao faintly looked at the Xuelin on the side.

"Retreat!" Xue Lin shouted at Xiaochun.

"You don't want to know how to be good. Our girl came to see the son in person today. She is the person who has a son. You dare to stop?" Xiaochun called.

Hong Ling snorted. "I have seen shameless people who have never seen a face. We haven’t been to Jinkou City for a long time. The woman who came here personally delivered it to the door. It’s really good."

Xiaochun was angry and his face turned red. He knew that he had made a mistake and looked at a white woman sitting by the window.

The woman slowly stood up and walked to Ye Hao's face and bowed her head. "Ye girl, Rong Gongzi is my savior. For many years I have been looking for an opportunity to thank him. Now he is Jinkou City, I really want to say thank you to him, and ask Ye girl to tell me."

Although this is a polite word, but Ye Hao listened but did not feel very good, is this summer girl feel that Murong Chong did not go to see her yesterday, because she stopped the invitation?

"Since you want to see him, why should you tell me through me?" Ye Hao said faintly. "Did you not see Rong Gongzi yesterday? Why, except for the invitation, will you not say anything else? Need someone else to tell her?"

It’s because Xiaochun can’t reach Rong Gongzi, Xia Qiniang came to see him today.

Looking at the eye-catching beauty of this leaf girl, Xia Qi-Ning understands that it is not easy for her to stay with Rong Gongzi. "Ye girl, I don't mean anything else, just want to thank Mr. Rong Gongzi..."

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