Dongqingguo, Wangducheng.

Ye Yiqing is not easy to Zhaoyang willing to let him into her house, naturally will not let other troubles affect the relationship between them, he personally went to the palace to see the Queen, let her not give him a wedding Now, he already has his own heart and will not marry anyone else.

"Ai Qing, the Queen gave you a marriage for your sake, how do you..." Li Wei learned that Ye Yiqing refused the Queen and immediately called him to the Dragon Palace.

"The emperor, it is the heart of the family, let the empress to the minister." Ye Yiqing said.

Li Wei looked at Ye Yiqing in amazement. How did he have his heart? How had he never heard of it before? "Ai Qing, that...what girl is it? You can give it to you personally."

Ye Yiqing shook his head and smiled. "The woman whom the emperor and the court likes is not Dongqingguo. However, she will live here with her in the future."

Li Wei heard that Ye Yiqing didn't want to mention more, and he stopped asking more questions. "How did you not enter the palace recently?"

Ye Hao went to the Liusha City, Ye Yiqing was stunned and did not let people know, let alone let the news pass to the palace.

"I don't want to go to the emperor, I think that the girl who wants to raise a foster mother has gone back to Jinguo. Seeing that her marriage is near, the minister has to go to the emperor to let the family go to the country to arrange a marriage." Ye Yiqing said.

"Would you like to get married?" Li stunned for a moment, and he wanted to be a relative. Isn't that...Is the emperor of the kingdom big married?

Lu Yan’s marriage to Mo Rong Zhan is a queen. It’s even harder to come to Wang Ducheng in the future.

Ye Yiqing said with a frown, "Chen is not willing to marry the donkey into the palace, but the female university cannot help but swear."

Li Wei chuckled and said, "When is Ai Qing going to Jin Guo?"

"The marriage period is in June, and it is just right to go to Kyoto at the beginning of next month." Ye Yiqing replied.

"That time, you will give a gift to you." Li Wei said that he has no reason not to let Ye Yiqing go back to Jinguo.

Ye Yiqing bowed his head and thanked him.

Going back to Prime Minister's Office, he will prepare to return to Jinguo and say to Zhaoyang. Since the last incident, Zhaoyang seems to have broken away from the obstacles and is no longer inferior to the feelings of Ye Yiqing as he used to.

However, she was nervous when she heard that she would return to Jinguo.

"You are returning to the wedding country for my daughter's wedding. I won't go back. Anyway, I am homeless when I go back." Zhaoyang said that she really didn't really want to go back to Jinguo, and she was together with Ye Yiqing. I don't ask for identity, anyway, she is already satisfied.

Ye Yiqing said with a frown. "What words, you don't go back, how can I get a kiss?"

Zhaoyang stunned. "You... is it true? I said that I am now married again, even without their consent, I can marry you."

"I don't ask them to agree to marry you to me, but always go to know, and walk in form, even if you are married again, you must marry the scenery." Ye Yiqing said.

"But, if your two children don't agree?" This is Zhaoyang's most worried. She certainly won't take it for himself. It is important to compare himself with his children. The person he values ​​most in his life is His child.

Ye Yiqing pondered a moment, "Zhaoyang, what you are worried about is, right?"

Zhaoyang nodded lightly. She knew Ye Yinan. He probably wouldn't object, but she didn't know Lu Hao. She didn't know what kind of person it was. If she was a former Ye Wei, she still knows how to explain it. It’s Lu Lu, she really disdains to explain what.

"The scorpion's temper is the same as Ye Hao, you will understand later." Ye Yiqing whispered.

"How could it be the same..." Zhaoyang smiled ridiculously. "Oh, it is the same. The person she wants to marry is Ye Hao’s heart." Ye Hao did not get the ink-filled person. It is."

Ye Yiqing frowned. "Zhaoyang, don't say this, you don't know some things, you will understand in the future."

Zhaoyang said, "I am aggrieved by Ye Hao."

"How do you know that Ye Hao will feel wronged?" Ye Yiqing asked, "Zhaoyang, what awkward... I can't tell you now, let me tell you about it."

"Do you have a secret between your father and daughter?" Zhaoyang raised an eyebrow. How did she feel that Ye Yiqing’s feelings for Lu Hao were even deeper than Ye Hao? Can the father and daughter who have been dispersed for more than ten years can compare with the feelings of getting together for more than ten years?

She does not know how to describe her doubts, as if Ye Yiqing regards Lu Hao as a leafhopper?

"There is no secret in the heart." Ye Yiqing said with a smile. "Well, don't think too much, go back and prepare, and set off for Jinguo in a few days."

Zhaoyang frowned and looked at him. It seems that he could not change his mind. He hasn’t returned to the country for so many years. He doesn’t know what it’s like to go back.

Ye Yiqing also sent a letter back to Kyoto to Lu Shiming, telling him that he wants to return to Jinguo.

At the same time, Ye Yinan is also coming back to the road to Wangducheng.

"Ye Yinan, you have declared that I will stay in the Liusha City as a slave. What if the person I am jealous of is coming to me?" Jin Shanshan was wearing pink clothes, and she had faded out of her attire. She now seems to have A little sweet and lovely.

"There are people who are there. If someone really looks for you, it will naturally be sent back." Ye Xiaonan said faintly, and felt that the clothes worn by this ring were quite suitable for her, at least it looked like a girl. .

Jin Shanshan shouted screamingly. "You brought me back, why not stay in the quicksand city?"

Ye Xiaonan smiled. "You hurt me at first. I think you are a woman who let you go, but you can't report it without a shot. Naturally, you have to wait as a ring, or how to get rid of it."

"How can you not even be a woman, so it is so narrow-minded!" Jin Shanshan did not cheer.

"If I am narrow-minded, I will bring you back. If you leave you in the quicksand city, do you know what you are going to end? You also experienced it on the battlefield. I don't know how the military camp treats female prisoners of war?" Ye Yannan sarcastically Look at her.

How to treat female prisoners of war? Jin Shanshan stunned. She used to only fight and fight. Other things she would not let her intervene. She really didn't know the female prisoners.

Ye Xiaonan saw her doubts and smirked. "You really don't know? You don't know what the military squad is?"

Jin Shanshan's face changed, how could she not know what the military is, but she never thought that she would have such a end.

"Now I know that I am for you." Ye Yannan asked in a raised voice.

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