Jin Guo, Ci Ning Palace.

After the news that the Queen Mother heard about the emperor's return to the palace, how could the smile on his face be hidden, and he told the aunt Cheng to pay for the imperial kitchen. Tonight, I would like to prepare more dishes that the emperor likes to eat.

Cheng Auntu smiled and promised to turn and personally went to the imperial dining room to explain.

Not long after, Murong Chan came in from the outside, and the tall and tall figure added a certain majestic atmosphere to the hall.

"After the mother, I came back." Murong Chan gave the Queen a ritual and looked at her with a smile.

The Queen Mother glanced at him. "You can count it back, saying that you have to leave the sorrowful family and let the mourners stay away. You don't know that the mourners are worried about you night and night."

Murong Chong sat down next to the Queen Mother. "After the mother, did you come back?"

"How did you delay the road for so long, the newsletter came back for a few days." The Queen asked him suspiciously.

"There are some delays on the road." Murong Zhan naturally would not say that because Ye Hao was delayed, he looked at the Queen Mother. "After the mother, I am not in the palace these days, how are you doing? Is the body bones still okay?" ?"

The Queen Mother said with a smile, "It’s nothing to do in the palace. There are also several adults in the cabinet who are assisted. It’s just calm, just..."

Hearing the sigh of the Queen Mother, Murong Chan was slightly eye-catching. "What is it?"

"Not long after you left Kyoto, Yao Guiren was seriously ill. The sorrow family feared that her illness would be dyed to others. She sent her to the nunnery outside the palace. I heard that it was gone in a few days. If you don't send the news out, just wait for you to come back and dispose of it, the emperor, what do you think?" the Queen Mother asked in a low voice.

"Since people are dying of illness, there is no way to read her father Zhongliang is wronged, let her enter the shackles." Murong Cum said softly, how Ye Yaoyao died, he is very clear, anyway, after death The title is not important, he is also to please the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother had already guessed that the emperor would say this, "All that is said by the emperor."

"There is one more thing that I want to discuss with my mother." Murong Zhan whispered, "That is the matter after the establishment."

"The emperor, the most important thing for you now is to open the branches and leaves." The Queen Mother couldn't help but remind her how she would not know that Murong Cham had asked the House of Representatives to prepare for a big marriage not long ago. When she thought about it, she knew it was Lu Yu’s filial period has arrived.

In addition to Lu Hao, who will be the empress of the emperor?

In the past, she liked Lu Hao very much. Later, she knew that she was Ye Xi’s sister, and she looked at the emperor for her feelings of sadness. She went to the palace several times for her sake. She not only did not know how to be grateful, but also failed the emperor’s Affection, she did not really stay with the emperor...

As Yao Guiren said before, Lu Hao stayed in the palace, sooner or later he will avenge the Ye family, and the enemy who made the Ye family dying is not the emperor?

"After standing, naturally, it will soon open branches and leaves." I think that he and Ye Hao's children don't know how cute, and the smile of Murong's mouth can't be hidden.

The Queen Mother glanced at him and snarled without anger. "In the eyes of the emperor, I am afraid that no one can match it."

Ink Murray is faint and ridiculous. "After the mother, I look at the Queen, isn't this a natural thing?"

"Besides her, isn't there anyone worthy of being your queen?" The Queen Mother frowned, and her heart was really unhappy. She was not afraid of anything else, and she was afraid that Lu Hao would hurt the Emperor deeper in the future.

"After the mother, I remember that you used to like it awkwardly. How do you seem to have a lot of suspicions about her now?" The smile of the ink-filled eyes of the ink-filled scent gradually faded away, and with a bit of suspiciousness watching the Queen Mother, he clearly noticed the Queen Mother. I don’t like it, which makes him very confused. Didn’t the Queen Mother like Ye Hao in the past? She also sealed her as a princess, because of this, he was finally able to turn her princess status into a county owner.

The Queen Mother sighed, "Where is the lover's family, I don't like it, just...the sorrow is afraid that she doesn't really want to stay with you."

Mo Rongzhan heard a smile, "After the mother, you want more, and you are really sincere."

"It’s useless for the mourner to say anything now, even if you don’t agree with you, she’s not guilty, but the sorrower doesn’t want to take care of your affairs.” The Queen Mother said helplessly, “Okay, these don’t say, now It’s not long before you get married, so be prepared.”

"Yes, mother." Murong Zhan smiled and nodded. "Why have you been back for so long, why didn't you see aunt?"

"The emperor didn't see me for many days. Didn't he think that I couldn't think of it?" Murong Zhan's words were just finished, and a clear voice came from outside, and a slender figure appeared outside the hall.

Murong Chong looked at the young man who came in from outside the temple. He couldn’t think of how long he hadn’t seen it. This younger brother grew taller.

"Children's parents give peace to the mother, please give peace to the emperor." Murong smiled and looked at his mother and brother.

"I know that I’m going to be a good day, and I’m not doing it right.” The Queen’s eyes glanced at him, but his eyes were full of smiles, and he reached out and took the ink to him.

Murong screamed, "After the mother, I go to the study every day."

"You also go to school in the morning. If you look at it, you don't have to go to the study. It's time to give you errands." Murong Zhan said.

The Queen Mother said, "He is still not fifteen years old, and he does not need to be so anxious to give him errands."

Murong screamed, "Emperor brother, what do you want to give me? I have grown up, no need to go to the study every day."

"The study is going to go." Murong Zhan said faintly, "but it is time to learn to do things."

"Emperor brother, let me leave Kyoto to do things." Murong blinked at Murong Zhan. "I haven't left Kyoto since I was a child, and I have been to Chengde Villa as far as I can."

The Queen Mother immediately objected to it. "Where do you want to go? Where do you want to stay in Kyoto? The grief disagrees."

"After the mother, I am a man, how can I stay in Kyoto for the rest of my life, I will go out and see, and I will come back when I have seen it." Murong screamed.

Inkor Zhan smiled and glanced at him. "You can still think of going out and seeing it. It's not bad to think about it this year. I will let you go out next year."

"Emperor brother, do you think that my idea is right?" Murong blinked his eyes, as long as someone supported him.

The Queen Mother said with dissatisfaction, "You have grown up, and you can't help you."

Murong glared at the shoulders of the Queen Mother. "How come, how long will it take for the mother to live, isn't there a royal emperor to fight for you?"

"Just you can talk." The Queen Mother ordered a face of Murong's forehead, and her face finally showed a relief smile.

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