Ye Hao doesn't know what kind of mustard garden, she brought out Murong today, and she just didn't see him for a long time. Some words are inconvenient in the palace. It is more convenient to say outside. This little prince, watching it grow up, play The heart is still not small.

The mustard garden is not in the downtown area of ​​Kyoto. It is in a large house on the outskirts. There is a huge garden in it. The center of the garden is a big stage. Now the stage is singing the drama of "Farewell My Concubine".

Ye Hao is not very interested in listening to the drama, but this play of the Farewell My Concubine is said to have been written by Qi Qiling himself before, and I did not know how to flow to the people.

"Hey, let's go ahead." Murong took the leaves of Ye Hao and walked to the front. "You see no, the Yuji on the stage is Mei Bo."

"I don't see you still like to listen to the drama, I almost thought that where you came from." Ye Hao said with no anger.

Murong said with no anger, "How can you listen to the drama? You see that people in this garden are not good?"

Ye snorted. "When did you like to listen to the drama?"

"Everyone likes to go to the mustard garden recently. The king is here to make a fun." Murong said with a smile, he also did not understand what the opera sang, that is, love is lively.

"What is this boss of Mei?" Ye Hao looked at Yu Ji on the stage and didn't think he was so powerful.

Inkor smiled and said, "The opera is singing well. I heard that people look good and are more beautiful than women."

Ye Hao knows that the Hua Dan of the troupe is a man. Even if it is like a woman after makeup, is it really like a woman?

"Have you seen it?" asked Ye Hao.

Murong shook his head, "No."

Ye Hao endured the urge to roll his eyes, and he found a position to sit down. Soon, the teenager dressed in a small costume sent a cup of hot fruit tea, and Murong put a silver on the table.

"It seems that the owner of the mustard farm will really make money." Just watching a movie requires a piece of silver. How much do you earn in a day?

"You must not tell the emperor that we are watching the show." Murong said.

They were talking, and the opera on the stage was coming to an end, but there was some commotion in the front position.

"It's really noisy." Murong said with no anger.

Ye Hao slightly looked at the front position, she seemed to see a familiar figure.

"Who is the man in front who wants to see Mei boss?" Ye Hao pointed to the man in front of a brocade.

Inkor looked at it. "Oh, that person, Liang Chun, have you seen it?"

"I have seen it." Ye Hao nodded thoughtfully, isn't Lu Fanger insisting on marrying Liang Houye? "What is he doing?"

"I heard that Liang Liangtian went to the mustard garden, it is estimated that Mei boss is quarreling with others." Murong stood up. "Isn't that the king's uncle?"

Ye Hao looked at the man who had quarreled with Liang Chun. It looks like he is in his fifties. He is blushing with Liang Chun, and it is really the famous theater fan of Kyoto.

"How did Ji Wang quarrel with Liang Chun?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully.

"Looking at the past." Murong screamed, and had already walked to the place where he had quarreled.

Liang Chun looks like he is drunk, pointing to Ji Wang in a loud voice. "Why do you let this old thing occupy the boss of Mei, I tell you, today I am going to bring Mei Boss out of the mustard garden, what are you going to do? ?"

Ji Wang’s beard must be tilted up. “You...what is your virtue? Who doesn’t know, let you take Mei’s boss away, what is it? Liang Chun, as long as the king is here, you’re thinking about putting Mei The boss took it back."

"You old things, you think you are good to go!" Liang Chun called, reaching for the king.

"How are you better than you, hey, for a ** even my own wife, do you think Kyoto knows no one?" Ji Wang called.

Liang Chun was so angry that he waved over. He couldn’t beat Ji Wang. He didn’t know who pushed Ji Wang in the back. Liang Chun just punched Ji Wang’s face.

"Liang Chun, you even dare to fight even the prince!" Murong rounded his eyes and pointed at Liang Chun.

Ye Hao stood still in the same place. Some people under the stage were scattered to avoid trouble. Some stood on the side to watch the excitement. Her position was not too far away, just to see everything in her eyes.

She thoughtfully looked at the boss of Mei who stood behind Ji Wang. If he did not misread, he just pushed him to the king.

In the eyes of others, he seems to be calling Wang to be careful to avoid, but from her point of view, she saw him launch.

really interesting.

Seeing that Liang Chun had been unable to get up by ink, Ye Hao said to Xue Lin behind him, "Go to call Xiao Wang."

Ye Hao turned and left the mustard garden, waiting for Xue Lin to drag the ink to him. "Go back to the palace, I have other things."

"Isn't it?" Murong screamed. "We have just come out, we haven't played enough yet."

"Let's find you again next time." Ye Hao smiled. "I warn you, don't run again. When your brother blames you, I won't ask you."

Murong stunned and followed the palace to the palace.

"Xue Lin, go and find out who this Mei boss is, and what Liang Chun played with his wife." Ye Hao whispered to Xue Lin, she did not want to pay attention to Lu Fanger, I can think of it. Lu Lao’s wife and Lu Shiming’s feelings, she decided to inquire.

Back home, Ye Hao went to give him a chance.

"Is nothing in the palace today?" Yan told Ye Hao to sit next to him and whispered.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Nothing, the Queen Mother asked me a few words."

He touched her head. "Well, the Queen Mother used to treat you as a princess. Now you want to be a Queen. It is more respectful and cautious than before."

"Mother, I know." Ye Yan said with a smile. "Yes, I heard about one thing today. Did Liang Chun beat Lu Fang?"

“Is Fang Fang beaten?” Yan’s surprisedly looked at Ye Hao. “Where did you hear from?”

Ye Hao is a little surprised, how can you know this thing, how does Ji Wang say that everyone knows? Will Lu Fanger deliberately hold on to Lujia? "I just saw Liang Chun talking about quarreling with others."

Yan’s frowning said, “Isn’t Liang Huachun feel that Lu’s family has no power and no power, so can he fight at Fang’s?”

Although the other two rooms have been ruined, I can hear that the prostitute was beaten. I think that if they didn’t show up, Lu Fanger was bullied and died in Liang’s family. No one knows, and Liu’s and the second room are counted. That is to think about it.

Ye Hao said, "Mother, I am going to ask about it, and I will soon know what is going on."

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