Xue Lin quickly inquired about the news.

This Mei boss came to Kyoto in the last six months. He opened the mustard garden and sang a play in the mustard garden every day. It was only unknown. He was seen by Liang Chun and Ji Wang a month ago, and immediately voiced and looked at him. Surprised as a man of heaven, the two will quarrel almost every day, but the Mei boss seems to know Liang Chun’s preference, and he does not entertain him at all. He would rather hide in the mustard garden and refuse to bow to Liang Chun.

As for Liang Chun’s playing Lu Fanger, it was also a month ago. “Lu Fanger sold Liang Huyang’s several ** at home, and Liang Chuncai beat her...”

"Liang Fanger was beaten by him like this?" Ye Hao slightly frowned, Lu Fanger will not be able to reach this level.

Xue Lin bowed his head. "Lu Fanger made people look for Wang, but Wang did not pay attention."

Ye Haocai remembered that Liu was not in Kyoto at all. Lu Fanger’s family could only find two rooms and three rooms, but the big house and the second room joined forces to force Lu Shiming. Now she is also embarrassed to find Lu Shiming as her master.

"Where did the Mei boss come from?" asked Ye Hao.

Xue Lin whispered, "This Mei boss used to sing in Qi State. He came to Kyoto six months ago. Right, he also found one thing. Lu Fanger and Mei Bo have met."

Ye Yiyi, "What?"

"Lu Fanger met with Mei boss six months ago, but Liang Chun did not know about this incident." Xue Lin said.

"I couldn't tell Liang Chun that Lu Fanger is still related to Mei boss." Ye Hao said faintly, she called the red dragonfly in. "Tomorrow to send something to Lu Fanger in the name of our family, I will bring me from Jinkou City. The flower tea is sent in the name of the lady."

She didn't want to have any connection with Lu Fanger, but she felt that Lu Shiming and her husband would know that Lu Fanger would be reluctant afterwards. She did it for them.

After Ye Hao made a lot of thoughts, he did not take this matter to heart. The next day, the House of Lords came over and re-quantified her as a queen dress, and sent eight gongs. She is rules.

Many of the rules were learned when she was a Qin Wangyi. Now she just re-raises. It is not difficult for her to learn. The few 嬷嬷 are selected by Mo Rongzhan personally. I heard that the Queen Mother has already chosen. A few, the result was changed to the emperor, and she was re-elected.

It’s probably that Murong Cham has been handed over, and Ye Hao’s rules are not difficult, but he can’t go out.

A few days later, the family came to an unexpected guest.

"Sancha, I haven't seen you for so long, don't be surprised." The woman sitting in the hall is gorgeous and beautiful. If she doesn't look carefully, she can't see Lu Jinger who used to like to put on the fireworks.

Yan did not expect Lu Jinger to come to them, remembering the former prostitute who did not want to go with them, she really did not know how to treat this prostitute.

"You are now the side of the five princes, and the status is distinguished. It is very different from the past."

Lu Jinger showed a smug smile, but the tone was very modest. "It’s not a side, no place."

He remembered that Lu Jinger used to talk to him almost. "Jing, do you have anything to come here today?"

"In fact, nothing happened. It was a long time without visiting you and San Shu. I happened to pass through here today, so I will see you. I heard that you have returned. I haven’t seen her for a long time. Why didn’t I see it? What about her?" Lu Jinger asked with a smile.

It is an excuse to ask them to ask for security. The real intention is to see you.

If it is not that he will soon enter the palace, it is estimated that Lu Jinger will not come to her.

He did not like to socialize Lu Jinger. "You should learn the rules in her house. If you want to see her, I will let you take you."

Lu Jinger said with a smile.

Ye Hao also thought that she would not see Lu Jinger again, especially when she heard that she became a side priest of the five princes, she would not even want to see this woman.

"Side Wang Hao is so free today?" Ye Hao just learned the rules to rest, sweat on his forehead, and saw Lu Jinger appearing in the ring, she was still somewhat surprised.

Lu Jinger looked at Ye Hao, who was obviously more beautiful than before. The pride that has been derived for so long has been extinguished. Her heart is full of enthusiasm. "Oh, it’s only a year, you look better." ”

Ye Hao nodded and gestured to Lu Jinger to sit down. "I look so good."

"I heard that you sent something to Lu Fanger?" Lu Jinger smiled and saw Ye Hao. "You have been in Kyoto for so long. Some things don't know. I don't even want to manage the second sister's business. You still don't want to intervene."

"Oh?" Ye Hao looked at Lu Jinger with a smile and smile. She came to make a special trip to persuade herself not to mess with Lu Fanger? "Why don't you want to manage Fang's things?"

Lu Jinger whispered, "Who doesn't know what kind of person Liang Chun is. He has offended the power of Kyoto. The emperor will not let him go sooner or later. Fang is a poor person, but he can't stand the loneliness. Actually, I secretly raised the noodles. Do you think Liang Chun hit her, but I still don’t find her..."

I noticed that Lu’s eyes were a little cold, and Lu Jinger stopped talking about it. She came to sell Lu’s personal feeling today, lest she help Lu Fang’s unclean person but she didn’t know it. Kyoto jokes.

"Liang Chun has raised himself, and he can't blame Lu Fanger." Ye Hao said faintly.

"While it is said that, in the end, it is innocent. Why do you think that my mother didn't come out, not because Lu Fanger's reputation is gone, help her not to be awkward, you are going to enter the palace soon. The distinguished status should not be defiled."

Ye Hao nodded. "This is why you came to me today. Are you afraid that I helped Lu Fang to influence my reputation?"

"Don't you worry?" Lu Jinger asked.

"If I remember correctly, when you were in trouble, she still helped you, you are now... is this a stone?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

Lu Jinger bit her teeth, she will come here to say this today, not to please Lu Hao, she has the hope of the five kings, but Lu Hao will become the queen, the five kings hope she can play with Lu Hao Relationship, for her own favor in the palace, she had to come here.

"I am for you," Lu Jinger said.

"Thank you." Ye Hao looked at her faintly. "The side Wang Hao is really well-intentioned. You are really a white-eyed wolf."

Lu Jinger’s face suddenly became blue, “Lu Yan!”

"Hong Ling, give away." Ye Hao said coldly.

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