Ye Yiqing faced the wrath of the Queen Mother, but he smiled lightly. He did not need the palace to catch him. He had already left the Cining Palace.

When he just got out of the harem, Fu Gonggong was already waiting for him.

"Fu Gonggong, but also trouble you waiting for me here, it seems that your emperor's news is still well-informed." Ye Yiqing said to Fu Gonggong with a smile.

Although Fu Gonggong did not appreciate the elegance of this Ye Daren, even his emperor was respectful to the Yuezhang adults. Where did he dare to stand in front of this character?

"The emperor also just knows that you are in the palace, the special old slave is waiting for you here, I want you to go to rest and go out of the palace." Fu Gonggong respectfully said.

Ye Yiqing laughed. "Fu Gonggong, you really can talk."

"Hey, I can get the praise of the grown-up, and the family is also trained." Fu Gonggong said with a smile.

Being able to be a confidant at the side of Murong Chan is really a talent.

Fu Gonggong led Ye Yiqing to the royal study room, and Murong Zhan was still reviewing the memorial. Because the summer is coming, there are rains all over the country. At this time, it is most prone to natural disasters and man-made disasters. Murong Chan does not dare to relax.

Hearing the slight footsteps from outside, Murong Zhan put down the memorial in his hand and looked at it slightly, and saw Ye Yiqing and Fu Gonggong coming in from the outside.

Fugong Gongxing had a ceremony. "The emperor, the slaves invited Ye Daren."

Murong Chan stood up. "Yuezhang seems to be quite empty today."

Ye Yiqing arched his hand and said faintly, "Time is all squeezed out."

"I don't know if the Ci Ning Palace and his party can satisfy Yue Zhang?" asked Murong Zhan.

"I am very satisfied, but I am afraid that the Queen Mother will not be very satisfied." All of them are mad and violent, and they should soon find Murong Chong complaining.

Murong Zhan smiled and shook his head. "You can't make the Queen Mother feel satisfied, let alone be you."

"I doubt that the Queen Mother is hypnotized. What do you think?" Ye Yiqing originally wanted to know if the Queen Mother was hypnotized before entering the palace, but unfortunately, he did not see it.

“Ye Yaoyao?” Murong’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. “She’s already dead, it’s impossible to hypnotize the Queen’s.”

Murong Chong has always felt incredible about hypnotism, which has never been heard before. He even doubts how big the effect is. He can say that the Queen Mother was hypnotized by Ye Yaoyao. He felt that it was impossible. After all, there were few opportunities for Ye Yaoyao.

"Before you die? You must know that hypnosis will not end because of the death of a hypnotist." Ye Yiqing said.

"If the Queen Mother is really hypnotized, what should I do?" If this is the reason why the Queen Mother has changed so much recently, then I can only find a solution.

Ye Yiqing waved his hand. "I don't hypnotize. How do I know that Ye Yaoyao will definitely not know how to hypnotize by nature. Some people will teach her to find out who she is teaching. I believe that the problem of the Queen Mother will be easily solved. ""

Murong Zhan nodded. "Hey, people will go to the wasteland to inquire."

"I see that the Queen Mother is almost coming to see you. I will go back first, so as not to let the Queen Mother meet, and I must be angry with her."

At the thought of coping with the Queen Mother, Murong Chan felt that his brain was hurting.

Sure enough, not long after Ye Yiqing left, the Queen Mother went to the Qing Palace to find Murong Cham.

Listening to the rudeness of Ye Yiqing, the Queen Mother, finally sighed and said, "...the emperor, you look at their father and daughter, where is the good man, I don’t know how to harm Jin Guo in the future, you really want to be like this. Queen?"

Murong Zhan wants to say that Ye Yiqing is actually correct, but he knows that if he says so, he will certainly be vomiting blood.

"After the mother, he just loves the woman, so I can't listen to it so hard, don't worry about it." Murong Zhan said faintly.

"How does the mourner feel that there is something in his words, clearly it is a threat." The Queen Mother cried, "In any case, the sorrowful family can't swallow it."

Murong Zhan asked, "What about the mother who hopes to do it? Kill Ye Yiqing? Not to mention that he is the future man of the country, as far as his identity is, as long as there are three short and two shorts in our country, Li Wei will definitely After fighting with us, after the mother, we only played once with the North Ming State. The treasury was not abundant enough. If we fight with Dongqing State at this time, the North Ming Kingdom will definitely enter the country. The end of the family death, is this what you want to see?"

The Queen Mother had a sigh of relief. She just wanted to teach Ye Yiqing. Where did she think so complicated? "Do you want to mourn the family and swallow this breath?"

"What do you want to do after the mother?" Murong Zhan asked, if she didn't think of what she wanted, would Ye Yiqing come to the palace?

The Queen Mother’s heart is not up to the air, she wants to vent and vent her, and she is uncomfortable. She really doesn’t know how to take Ye Yiqing. It seems that everything is not important compared to Jin Guo.

Murong Zhan supported the hands of the Queen Mother. "After the mother, in the future, Ye Yiqing will always be soft. What is the relationship between you and the loss?"

The Queen Mother thought for a long time and nodded. "The House of Sorrow will remember today."

"Yes, I will remember it." Murong Zhan said, "Ford, send the Queen Mother back to Cining Palace."

Although it was swallowing this breath, but the mood of the Queen Mother did not improve, and I felt very gloomy all day long. I always felt that there was a fire in my heart but I couldn’t spray it out, so that the palace ladies from the Cining Palace became cautious, for fear of being careless. It is not happy to make the Queen too.

Shake the leaves for the Queen Mother, holding his shoulders and whispering and saying, "Why should the Queen's body ruin his body? The Emperor obviously will definitely go to the palace, and she will become a queen, not your daughter-in-law. Since ancient times, which daughter-in-law did not have to listen to her mother-in-law, Ye Yiqing is not a distressed daughter? In the future, his daughter will come to you, not to bow to you."

When I said it too late, it was like a slap in the face, and it was clear at once. "You are right, the sorrow is angry at this time, and the good play is still behind."

"Isn't it? At that time, Lu Hao will give you peace every day. Do you let her go east, she dares to go west? A crime of filial piety is enough to make her abolished." Yang Ye said with a smile.

The Queen’s eyebrows nodded and nodded. “Yes, it’s right, you are smart.”

"Slaves are distressed, and they are in a bad mood. It is not worthwhile to anger themselves." The corner of the leaf whipped a sullen smile, but the Queen Mother did not see her expression.

"The emperor is also a ghost, but how can it be that she is not jealous." The Queen Mother snorted. "Forget it, and then stop it. The mourners and the emperor's mother and child are only affected, and look at it. When I entered the palace, it was a way to deal with her.

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