Because of the Queen Mother's purpose, Ye Hao had no time to go to Zhaoyang for a few days, and finally waited until it was empty, she took Hongling to go to Hulu Lane to find Zhaoyang.

Zhaoyang came back to Kyoto for a few days, but she has been living in a simple way. However, no one knows that she is the owner of this county. In addition to the people who care for her house, she did not have any surprises about Ye Hao’s visit. It seems that she knew Ye Hao. Come the same.

"Zhaoyang County Lord, you seem to see me not at all unexpected." Ye Hao looked at his former friends, although they often behave as if you are fighting for me, in fact, only they know that each other is a pity, otherwise She did not often invite Zhaoyang to go to Ye's hunting grounds to shoot.

"It is not unexpected, but it is later than I imagined." Zhaoyang said faintly, although it is the same face, she is very difficult to have a feeling for Ye Hao.

She is not a person who is easy to be enthusiastic, how can she treat Lu Yu like Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled. "So, the purpose of my coming this time, you are very clear?"

Zhaoyang went to the table and sat down, and poured a cup of tea into Ye Hao. "I have been admiring Ye Daren for a long time. I want to know the truth of Ye Hao’s accident, but also for him, not because you let me take care of him. And for a long time, Ye Daren may have been pitiful because I can't bear to go to the widow and have nowhere to go. This is what you want to know. Yes, I am moving, as early as many years ago. I like the adult on the leaf, and I am helpless when I am married to the North Ming Kingdom. I thought that this life is hopeless and I can get the pity of Ye Daren. My wish is enough. As for the others, I don’t insist, you don’t have to worry."

Ye Hao surprised her eyes and Zhaoyang liked it many years ago.

impossible! At that time she... she was a little girl, and her mother was still there. How was Zhaoyang tempted?

" said that you have been emotional, when is it? When you haven't married yet? At that time my mother was still alive, you don't often see me, just when you learn to ride... you are like this I am tempted by me?" Ye Hao asked incredulously.

She has already guessed that Zhaoyang was first tempted by emotions, but she did not expect that... it would be such a long time, she always thought that Zhaoyang was in the capital of Wangdu and had a long relationship.

Zhaoyang looked at Ye Hao slightly. "How do you know that I didn't often see Ye Daren, how do I know that I followed him to learn to ride?"

Ye Yiqing could not even say this to Lu Hao.

Ye Hao is still immersed in the horror. "This is not important! You...when you were deceived and kissed, you said that you are married to everyone in this life. People who want to marry can't marry you. Is it me?" ?"

She suddenly remembered what Zhaoyang had said before she married the North Ming State. At that time, she didn't understand what it meant. Now she understands all.

Zhao Yang’s face changed and he looked at Ye Hao with shock. “Who are you?”

Ye Hao returned to God and turned to look at Zhaoyang. Only then did she know that she accidentally said that only Ye Hao knew it. "I am Lu Hao."

"You are not Lu Hao, how can Lu Yan know what I said before I got married, even what your father didn't know, how do you know, don't tell me that this is a mystery with Ye Haoxin, Ye Hao is dead. Can you still have a heart with a dead person?" Zhaoyang asked the geology.

"Maybe because I and Ye Hao are twins, when she knows, I can also know." Ye Hao laughed happily, knowing that it would be a little difficult to conceal Zhaoyang.

Zhaoyang did not speak, just stared at her seriously.

She has not seen Ye Hao for many years. When she left Kyoto, Ye Hao’s facial features have not been opened yet. It seems to be a delicate and tender girl. If she does not know that Ye Hao’s accident, she will definitely think of the person in front of her. It is Ye Hao.

I heard that Ye Hao was burned beyond recognition. Who knows who the dead person is, and the same shape of the ring can also be misidentified.

"You are Ye Hao, aren't you?" Zhao Yang frowned at her. "The people who died in the Qin Dynasty were not you at all! Right? No, no, if you are Ye Hao, what about Lu Hao?"

Ye Hao can let Yan and Big Brother know about her reborn, but there is no way to tell Zhaoyang about it.

If she can't accept it?

"Lu Hao was already dead when he returned to Kyoto." Ye Hao whispered, "At that time... I left my heart to escape, and I replaced me with Lu."

Zhaoyang looked at her in shock. "So, are you really Ye Hao?"

Ye Hao smiled and looked at Zhaoyang, gently nodded, "I am, Zhaoyang."

"You let me slow down for a while." Zhaoyang extended his hand to indicate that Ye Hao would not go on.

Lu Hao is Ye Hao... The real Lu Hao is dead, so today Lu Yan is actually a friend of her many years ago. "You... why didn't you tell me at Wang Ducheng?"

“How do I say?” Ye Hao whispered. “I can only be Lu Hao now. I can’t be a leaf scorpion anymore. Except my father and brother and Murong Cham, no one knows this. I can’t bear to let the land. The three old couples have suffered from the loss of women. Isn’t this good now?”

Zhaoyang did not know how to describe the feelings in her heart at this time. She knew that Ye Hao had an accident. She did not know how to cry a few times. Now she knows that she is not dead. She has kind of... It should be so easy.

She never believed that Ye Hao would die like that.

"Ink said that you are Ye Hao?" Zhaoyang was a calm person, and soon caught the doubts in Ye Hao’s words.

Ye Hao gently nodded. "He knows."

"You are fainting, he is like you, are you still marrying him?" Zhaoyang did not ask for geological knowledge. "You are not afraid that he will hurt you again?"

"I am a person who has died once. What is terrible? I and I used to misunderstand..." Ye Hao whispered.

Zhaoyang shouted in a sigh of relief. "What misunderstanding can make him ignore you for two years, even if you die, don't care, it will take two years to seal you? Hey, I said it is for you to die."

Ye Hao chuckled and said, "I will tell you slowly about the things of me and Murong Zhan. You still have to explain clearly. What happened to you and me? How did I not see that you started?" ?"

In the face of Ye Hao, Zhao Yang’s different attitudes, in her heart, know that Ye Hao is Lu Hao, her emotions are still different. “I didn’t intend to say this thing. I didn’t bear it when I was in Wangducheng. live……"

Zhaoyang convinced her to Ye Yiqing, grievances and marrying, until she went to Wangducheng to tell Ye Hao, she laughed and laughed, "... Ye Daren may just sympathize with me."

"I never want to marry her because of sympathy for a woman." Ye Hao whispered.

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