Ye Hao left Hulu Lane. When she passed the street, she wanted to go down. She used to go out and go shopping. The father and the daughter bought a bunch of snacks and went back. They were discovered by the mother and scolded by a meal. However, he will protect her, and he will not let his mother say more about her.

Thinking of her biological mother, Ye Hao found that the memory was a bit fuzzy. From small to large, her mother didn’t like her very much. She put all her care on her brother, and even refused to hold her. She didn’t know why. I thought that my mother just liked her brother. When she re-generated it as Lu Hao, she only knew that the reason was because of her sister.

The mother should not hate her, but because she would think of her sister, she would rather stay away from her than to be close to her.

If the mother knows that Zhaoyang will marry him, the spirit of heaven should... It will be good to have someone who can accompany his father.

"Girl, have your favorite sugar beans." Hong Ling said with a smile to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao remembers that Ye Yiqing also likes to eat this sugar bean. "Go buy it and bring it back."

The master and the servant bought the sugar beans out, and Ye Hao still wanted to continue walking. He looked up and saw two familiar figures in the alley facing the street.

Isn't that Lu Fanger? Who is the man who took her hand?

"Girl, what's wrong?" Hong Ling asked quietly.

Ye Hao shook his head faintly. "Nothing, see an acquaintance."

If she is not mistaken, the man who is pulling Lu Fanger is not Liang Chun, but the Mei boss in the mustard garden.

"Let's go back." Ye Hao said, there is no longer a feeling of going on.

They just got on the carriage, Lu Fanger has rushed out of the alley and ran to the front of the carriage. "Hey, beg you to help me."

In the carriage, Ye Hao heard Lu Fanger’s voice, and Xuelin, who was acting as her driver, stopped. “Let her come up.”

It seems that on the part of Mrs. Lu, she is still willing to listen to what Lu Fanger is asking for. As long as it is not too outrageous, she will still help.

Lu Fanger looked thinner than a year ago, and there was no time and pride at that time. She was kneeling in front of Ye Hao, her hair was scattered because she had just run, her forehead was sweating, her eyes were red, "Hey, Please help me."

"What can I do for you?" asked Ye Hao.

Lu Fanger looked at Hong Ling and apparently did not want to be known by Hong Ling.

Ye Hao gestured to Hong Ling, let her go outside the rut to wait, and then said to Lu Fanger faintly, "Let's talk."

"I... I want to ask you to help me leave Liangjia. Oh, I regret it. I regretted it on the day I married, but I dare not say that this is my choice. I don't want others to see me." For many years, I have lived a life like death every day. I have no husband and wife with Liang Chun. He only likes men. I ask him to stay away from me. Even if I take a break, he does not agree. I can't stand it..." Lu Fanger said with a repression, and she had already cried before she finished.

Ye Hao had already known what kind of days Lu Fanger had gone to Liangjia. She thought she could continue to endure. It seems that she can't stand Liang Chun now. "You and Liang Chun's relatives, grandmother did not persuade you. It’s just useless to talk about now, why did Liang Chun hit you last time?”

Lu Fanger hesitated and did not speak.

"Is it because of the Mei boss of the mustard garden?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

"How do you know?" Lu Fanger raised her head in horror. She thought that no one knew about this. Even Liang Chun didn't know that she and Mei boss had an affair.

Ye Hao remembered the scene she saw in the mustard garden. At that time, she guessed that Mei Bo might have any grudges with Liang Chun. Now it seems that it is not false. Mei boss is probably teaching Liang Chun for Lu Fanger.

"Do you know that Liang Chun has been going to the mustard garden to find Mei boss?" Ye Hao asked again.

Lu Fanger whispered, "I know Mei Lang first. Mei Lang opened the mustard garden for me. He wanted to deal with Liang Chun for me, but I know that he must fight Liang Chun, the last time Liang Chun played. I, he found the sentimental token that Mei Lang gave me. He didn't know that the man was Mei Lang. Hey, I beg you, can you help me? The previous thing was my childish ignorance, I was wrong. Now I don't ask for anything rich and wealthy. As long as I can be with Mei Lang, I am willing to go even if I am flying high."

"Why didn't Liang Chun refuse to be with you?" In the role of Liang Chun, as long as he does not ask for a woman's identity, it is not a problem to ask another one. He can leave Lu Fang to leave. Why not leave?

"You are going to be a queen soon. Although he is useless, he may climb a little relationship. How can he let him go? He told me yesterday that even if I raise a face outside, he will not take me off, I In Liangjia is really painful, I have long thought of leaving with Mei Lang, but ... Liang Chun will not let me go." Lu Fanger cried.

Ye Hao looked down at Lu Fanger for a while. "If I refused to agree, what would you do?"

Lu Fanger did not expect Lu Hao to promise, she was holding a glimmer of hope, "I don't know, if you can't leave with Mei Lang, you can die with him if you can't be big."

"It’s so easy to think of death, what are you looking for?" Ye Hao asked coldly.

"I can't help... I am pregnant. Liang Chun knows that I will definitely let my child get rid of it... He said that he will not raise wild seeds..." Lu Fang cried in tears.

Ye Yiyi, grabbed Lu Fanger’s hand, and it’s really a happy pulse!

"The child is the boss of Mei?" asked Ye Hao.

Lu Fanger cried and nodded. "Yes."

The child is innocent! Ye Hao gave her a deep look. "You go back first. I will find a way to do this."

"You will help me?" Lu Fanger raised her head in surprise.

"Look at my grandmother's share, I will help you this time." Ye Hao said faintly. "After this, you can do it yourself."

Lu Fanger was overjoyed, "Okay, thank you, hehe."

"Why don't you go to Jinger to help you, she is the side Wang Hao, it should not be difficult for you to leave the Liang family." Ye Hao asked a word.

"I went to see her, she said that I would lose her face, not let me go to find her again." Lu Fanger flashed a sneer.

Ye Hao nodded faintly. "Then go back first, I will find a way."

Lu Fanger took a ritual, and this slowly drove the carriage.

Although the conversations between the two of them were not heard by others, however, some people saw Lu Fang’s follow-up after he got off the carriage.

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