"Seeing no? The woman on the carriage is the name of the leaf. Go and check it out. Who is this woman?" Zhuo Suer whispered to the man around him. "You don't have to follow the woman named Ye, you guys. I have been tracking for a few days, and that time I can keep up with it. The guards around her are not easy. If you go on, you may have an accident."

"Yes, girl." The man whispered.

Nowadays, the people who work for the old father and daughter in Kyoto are thousands of people. These are the old confidants. They have not been bought by Fujisawa. Zhuo Suer called several people to find the whereabouts of Ye Hao a few days ago. Even if she found her, she would not return when she wanted to follow her investigation.

Zhuo Suer looked at the carriage that gradually disappeared into the corner of the street. Who is this woman named Ye? It seems that there is a lot of identity in Kyoto, and there are many masters around.

There are also three brothers... They don’t know who he is until now.

Zhuo Suerer felt more and more annoyed, and couldn’t help but slam the desktop. "How can you find someone, can you still hide in the palace?"

"What's wrong?" Zhuo Lao came in from the outside and saw his daughter's face impatient, and asked faintly.

"Hey, I just saw the woman named Ye here, but this time I didn't let people follow her. I asked the same woman to follow the other woman who was looking for her. We don't know her identity, others should always I know," said Zhuo Suer.

Zhuo Lao looked up and nodded. Recently, he always felt that no matter what he did, there were people blocking him. It was just a matter of fact. He almost doubted whether Fujisawa also came to Kyoto and hid him in the dark. .

"Hey, we have been in Kyoto for so many days. Apart from contacting your former subordinates, there are almost no other things to do. Especially with regard to the three brothers, will he already know that we are in Kyoto?" Zhuo Suer Whispered.

"He?" Zhuo Lao frowned. "He still has no such ability."

In Zhuo Lao's mind, Rong Zhan, who has never been an apprentice, is capable, and it is a great honor to be able to control all his actions in Kyoto. It is definitely not the ability.

Zhuo Suer always felt that this matter was related to the three brothers. However, since the father said so, perhaps she thought more.

"I heard that your two brothers and Fujisawa are coming to Kyoto, get ready, don't let them break our business." Zhuo Lao told.

"Good." Zhuo Suer nodded.



Ye Hao did not know that she had been followed up in the past few days. Zhuo’s father and daughter’s every move was under the control of Mo Rongzhan. He naturally would not let Zhuo’s father and daughter have any threat to her.

Back home, Ye Hao first went to see Yu, and told her about Lu Fanger on the street today.

"Mom, what do you think of doing?" Ye Hao whispered. "I thought that if my grandmother was alive, she would definitely not ignore Lu Fanger. She already knew that she had misunderstood her grandmother, if she was in Liangjia. On that day, my grandmother is not at peace in the spirit of heaven."

When he heard Lu Fanger’s experience, he was extremely angry. She did not expect that Liang Chun would be so excessive. Even if he likes to raise ***, at least he should let Fang have a son and a half, otherwise she will stand in Liangjia. What are you looking forward to?

"Liu is not like words, we can't ignore the family. I still want to find a way to be the master." Yan said, she understands what kind of **** sea enemies are in Yejia and Lujia, although they are still like them. In the same way, it is a fact that Lu Yan’s death of her sister is a fact. It’s too difficult for her to save her sister.

Ye Hao knows what she is worried about. She actually has no resentment. The person who killed her is Lu Yizhi. Lu Lao and Lu Shiming are like relatives to her. Although Lu Fanger was not harmonious with her, she did not. What to do to hurt her, even if she is looking at Mrs. Lu’s wife, she should reach out and help.

What's more, Lu Jia has already dispersed, can she still not let it go?

"Mother, you are the elder of Lujia, you really want to come out to come, but we have to think of a way, always let Liang Chunxin be willing to let Lu Fanger go." Ye Hao said.

Yan’s heavy nodded, “What do you say?”

Ye Hao thought carefully, and whispered to the singer in a half-sounding manner, "Mother, it is better to go to the Liangjia home tomorrow, first move with Fang, and the next thing will be handed over to me."

"What are you going to do?" asked Shi.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "You don't care, I have my own way."

I think that since I am willing to help Lu Fanger, it is definitely no problem. She just has to listen to what she said and do it.

From the house of Yu's house, Ye Hao is still thinking about who can deal with Liang Chun for her. In fact, the easiest way is to go to the palace to find Murong Zhan, let him directly decree, but she thinks this thing must be inked. Rong Zhan helps, what can she do after that?

She also did not want to let Lu Fanger's troubles go to Murong Cham.

"Xue Lin?" Ye Hao remembered that Murong took her to the mustard garden. It was most appropriate to find him to help him.

Hung Hom said, "Xue Lin is ahead, girl, are you looking for him?"

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Let him enter the palace for me. I want to meet Xiao Wang."

She is not suitable for entering the palace at this time. If she does not go to the palace to see the Queen Mother, she will not do it. She does not want to see the Queen Mother, at least not at this time.

It was not long before Ye Yiqing came.

"Hey, are you in the palace today?" Ye Hao carefully looked at Ye Yiqing and wondered if he was going to find Zhaoyang to see her.

Ye Yiqing nodded. "Well, just coming out of the palace."

"That... have you seen the Queen Mother?" Ye Hao asked again.

"I have seen it too, but she probably won't want to see me. You will enter the palace in the future. You can do it on the bright face. Others don't have to be too hearty." Ye Yiqing whispered.

It seems that he is very angry with the Queen.

"The Queen Mother was really good to me before." Ye Yan sighed, "Hey, have you not been able to see if the Queen Mother is hypnotized?"

"Even if she is hypnotized, it is her subconscious now." Ye Yiqing said that he did not have the same feelings as Ye Hao to the Queen Mother. "Don't be too sad."

Ye Hao nodded bitterly. "I know, but I would rather believe that the Queen Mother will be hypnotized to me."

"There is a palace lady around the Queen Mother. It looks like it is too late, can you recognize it?" Ye Yiqing suddenly asked.

"Miyao?" Ye said a little. "I only know that Auntie used to like Cheng Aunt. Now... maybe there is something new to wait for."

Ye Yiqing also asked casually. He looked at his daughter. "Are you going to Hulu Lane today?"

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